


  • 品牌
  • 产地
  • 型号XenoWorksTM
  • 关注度43
  • 信息完整度


XenoWorksTM is a modular microinjection system designed to meet
a wide variety of application needs. Our experience with precision
motor control has culminated in this state-of-the-art system.
The XenoWorksTM Micromanipulator uses a classic inverted joystick
design for excellent ergonomics, intuitively linking the user with
the micropipette. Combined with our smooth, responsive steppermotor
drives, the XenoWorksTM Manipulator provides exceptional
mechanical stability, sensitivity, and range of movement.
The XenoWorksTM Digital Microinjector was designed for precision
manipulation of cells via an easy-to-use interface. The Digital
Microinjector employs a self-contained vacuum channel for gentle
suspension-cell holding applications. A second channel is available
for both high-pressure injection and gentle positive/negative
pressure for transfer of embryonic stem cells. Both injection
duration and pressure are easily selectable using rotary knobs on
the remote interface. The internal low-speed compressor removes
the need for an external pressure supply.
The XenoWorksTM family also includes the Analog Microinjector for
simple cell holding and transfer applications, which incorporates
the same smooth response and ergonomic design of our other
XenoWorksTM products.
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