Analysis of metabolic changes in murine hair follicles treated with Procyanidin-B2 rich nutraceuticals by DI-MRMS


检测样品:murine hair follicles




Known for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, nutraceuticals enriched in Procyanidin-B2 promote hair growth both in vitro and in vivo. However, the metabolic changes associated with the treatment have not been elucidated.

AbstractIn this study, direct infusion magnetic resonance mass spectrometry (DI-MRMS) was employed to understand the metabolic shift produced by treatment with Procyaindin-B2 nutraceuticals (Annurca apple extract) in murine models. DI-MRMS allowed the identification of several metabolites using ultra-high mass accuracy and fast analysis time, glutaminolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, glutathione, citrulline and nucleotide synthesis derived metabolite were detected. The metabolic profile revealed that the treatment with Procyanidin-B2 results in theearly exit of hair follicles from telogen phase and increased keratin biosynthesis.

Conclusions• Direct infusion MRMS can be used for fast and reliable metabolite profiling of hair follicle cells treated with Annurca apple extract.• Several metabolites involved in different pathways could be detected and identified by DI-MRMS.• A metabolic shift of hair follicle cells towards production of keratin was elucidated.• A further test on a larger population is needed, as well as the employment of different Procyanidin rich extracts.

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