


货号 规格 操作
C119326-100g 咨询
C119326-25g 咨询
C119326-5g 咨询
C114253-100mg 咨询


属性:产地:上海; 品牌:阿拉丁 ;货期:现货


普通会员 普通会员
  • 分子式 C17H18FN3O3·HCl·H2O
  • 分子量367.81(as Anhydrous)
  • Beilstein号
  • EC号
  • MDL号 MFCD00242856
  • PubChem编号


敏感性 对光线敏感
溶解性 Soluble in water (35mg/ml).
存贮条件 储存温度-20°C


应用 该品味广谱抗生素。通过抑制细菌DNA旋转酶,使DNA合成和复制受阻而导致细菌死亡。对大肠杆菌,克雷白杆菌和其他肠杆菌属有较强抗菌活性、对绿脓杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和肺炎链球菌的抗菌作用优于诺氟沙星和培氟沙星。用于敏感菌所致的中耳炎,外耳道炎和骨膜炎等。偶有中耳痛及瘙痒感。
Ciprofloxacin HCl has been used as a test compound in combination with the high-throughput nanowell antibiotic susceptibility testing device to validate its effectiveness as an antibacterial agent, thereby preventing the growth of bacteria. It may also be used as a standard in the determination of ciprofloxacin HCl in pharmaceutical preparations and serum samples using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC).
Ciprofloxacin HCl may be used as a pharmaceutical reference standard for the determination of the analyte in pharmaceutical formulations and biological fluids by chromatography and chemiluminescence detection.
产品介绍 易溶于水,微溶于甲醇,难溶于乙醇。 Ciprofloxacin HCl is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent, which shows a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Pharmaceutical secondary standards for application in quality control, provide pharma laboratories and manufacturers with a convenient and cost-effective alternative to the preparation of in-house working standards. Pharmaceutical secondary standards for application in quality control, provide pharma laboratories and manufacturers with a convenient and cost-effective alternative to the preparation of in-house working standards. Ciprofloxacin is grouped under the class of second generation of quinolone analogs of nalidixic acid that exhibits high potency, minimal toxicity and a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. It can be administered both parenterally and orally. It finds applications in the treatment of broad range of infections of the urinary tract, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, as well as skin and soft tissue infections.
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