灭瘟素 S 盐酸盐

灭瘟素 S 盐酸盐


货号 规格 操作
B139600-100mg 咨询
B139600-10mg 咨询
B139600-25mg 咨询


属性:产地:上海; 品牌:阿拉丁 ;货期:现货


普通会员 普通会员


沸点 772.1 °C at 760 mmHg
折光率 1.71
敏感性 对湿度敏感
溶解性 soluble in water, Acetic acid;Slightly soluble in acidified methanol.
存贮条件 储存温度-20°C


应用 Blasticidin-S is a commonly used tool in genetic engineering. Blasticidin-S inhibits protein synthesis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It is common method to include a gene for Blasticidin S resistance into the plasmid being inserted into the target cells, and then to apply Blasticidin S to the culture to select these cells that have acquired that immunity.

The Blasticidin S gene resistance gene (BSR), found in Bacillus cereus K55-S1, has been used in multiple studies for its use as a selective compound. Another antibiotic that belongs to the family of nucleosides is puromycin
产品介绍 Blasticidin S Hydrochloride belongs to a group of cytosine amino nucleoside antibiotics. The compound Blasticidin S has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and acts on prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms by inhibiting protein synthesis.
生化机理 Blasticidin S Hydrochloride, like puromycin, belongs to a group of cytosine amino nucleoside antibiotics. The compound blasticidin S has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and acts on prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms by inhibiting protein synthesis. The blasticidin S resistance gene (BSR), found in Bacillus cereus K55-S1, has been used in multiple studies for its use as a selective compound.
别名 ;Bla-S;Blasticidin S;(2S,3S, 6R)-3-[[(3R)-3-amino-5-[carbamimidoyl(methyl)amino]pentanoyl]amino]-6-(4-amino-2-oxopyrimidin-1-yl)-3,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-carboxylic acid hydrochloride;Blasticidine S hydrochloride
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