Thermo Scientific™ MSIA™ Microcolumns for the Freedom EVO Platform

Thermo Scientific™ MSIA™ Microcolumns for the Freedom EVO Platform


货号 规格 操作
992STR96 Each 咨询


属性:产地:美国; 品牌:赛默飞 ;货期:现货


高级会员 高级会员
Enabling workflows and technologies for biologics and biomarker research:
  • Robust Automation: Simply program the Freedom EVO to elute the analyte from complex biological samples and let the automated platform carry the load
  • Highly sensitive: Analyze proteins of interest down to femtomole level
  • Enhanced characteristics: Detects multiple protein variants for qualitative and quantitative bio-analysis in a single assay
  • Contaminant-free: proprietary molecular trapping microcolumn technology prevents matrix injection that would impact LC-MS function
  • High signal-to-noise ratio: Innovative sample interface technology reduces matrix loss, reagent carryover and non-specific binding
  • Time Savings: Microfluidic channels drive kinetic interactions significantly decreasing incubation time required to process the samples, while the MCA 96 head enables parallel processing of 96 samples
  • Reproducible: Consistent performance for assay reproducibility
  • Preserving samples: Small sample volumes (as low as 10μL) and a reduced requirement for repeating experiments
  • MSIA Streptavidin EVO microcolumns provide end user flexibility to analyze their specific targets of interest
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