IL-17F Protein, Mouse | MedChemExpress (MCE)

IL-17F Protein, Mouse | MedChemExpress (MCE)


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IL-17F Protein, Mouse

MCE 国际站:IL-17F Protein, Mouse

IL-17F 是一种炎性同型二聚体细胞因子,可诱导许多促炎细胞因子和趋化因子。IL-17F 也能诱导抗菌肽。IL-17F 在结肠癌发展中起保护作用,可用于自身免疫性疾病、感染和癌症的研究。IL-17F Protein, Mouse 是一种重组小鼠 IL-17F 蛋白,在 E. coli 中表达,由 133 个氨基酸组成(R21-A153)。

Synonyms: Cytokine ML-1; IL17F; Interleukin-17F

Species: Mouse

Source: E. coli

研究背景:Interleukin-17F (IL-17F) belongs to the IL-17 cytokine family. IL-17F is expressed in activated CD4 T cells, activated monocytes, basophils and mast cells. IL-17F can be produced by differentiated TH17 cells, lamina propria T cells, memory CD4+ T cells, γδ T cells and NKT cells.
The mouse IL-17F shares 55.90% amino acid sequence identity with human and 86.34% identity with rat.
IL-17F is an inflammatory cytokine that induces many proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, including TGF-β, IL-2, ICAM1, GM-CSF, CCL2, CCL7, TSLP, MMP13, IL-6 and CXCL1. IL-17F also induces antimicrobial peptides including hBD-2, S100A7, S100A8 and S100A9 with IL-22 and can synergize with IL-23 in human eosinophils to promote the production of IL-1β and IL-6. IL-17F is a homodimeric cytokine. IL-17F shares the most similarities with IL-17A (50% homology) and can be produced as an IL-17AF heterodimer. IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-17A/F use the same receptor complex: IL-17RA and IL-17RC heterodimer. They trigger qualitatively similar signaling pathways, and IL-17F exhibits the lowest biological activity. IL-17F shows about 100–1000 times lower affinity to the IL-17RA subunit than IL-17A, and does not compete with IL-17A binding to IL-17RA.
IL-17F plays a protective role in colon cancer development and can be used for the research of autoimmune diseases, infection and cancer.

蛋白编号:Q7TNI7 (R21-A153)

基因 ID:257630

产品分类:细胞因子和生长因子  |  白细胞介素  |  白细胞介素-17  |  白细胞介素-17F

Categories:Cytokines and Growth Factors  |  Interleukin & Receptors  |  IL-17  |  IL-17F

货号: HY-P74831

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