ABT-737 | MedChemExpress (MCE)

ABT-737 | MedChemExpress (MCE)


货号 规格 操作
10 mM * 1 mL 咨询
5 mg 咨询
10 mg 咨询
50 mg 咨询
100 mg 咨询


属性:产地:美国; 品牌:MedChemExpress (MCE) ;货期:现货


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CAS No. : 852808-04-9

MCE 国际站:ABT-737

产品活性:ABT-737 是一种 BH3 模拟物,是一种有效的 Bcl-2Bcl-xLBcl-w 抑制剂,EC50 分别为 30.3 nM、78.7 nM 和 197.8 nM。ABT-737 诱导 BCL-2/BAX 复合物的破坏和 BAK 依赖性但不依赖 BIM 的内在凋亡途径激活。ABT-737 诱导自噬,并且具有用于急性髓系白血病 (AML) 研究的潜力。

研究领域:Apoptosis  |  Autophagy

作用靶点:Bcl-2 Family  |  Apoptosis  |  Autophagy  |  Mitophagy

In Vitro: ABT-737 binds BCL-2, BCL-XL, and BCL-W with high affinity (Ki<1 nM) but binds weakly (Ki>460 nM) to other antiapoptotic BCL-2 family members, including MCL-1 and BFL-1. ABT-737 binds the BH3-binding groove of BCL-XL and BCL-2.
ABT-737 (100 nM; 1-72 hours) induces apoptosis and synergizes with chemotherapy in HL-60 cells.
ABT-737 (5, 7.5, 10 μM; 72 hours) causes approximately 80% HCT116 cell death. The BAX knockout variant is completely resistant to ABT-737.
ABT-737 has no effect on cell cycle distribution. ABT-737 disrupts BCL-2/BAX heterodimerization and induces BAX conformational change in HL-60 leukemic cells.
ABT-737 induces a BAX/BAK-dependent impairment of maximal O2 consumption rate in sensitive cells. Stable BCL-2 overexpression in MCF10A cells induces an ABT-737-sensitive primed for death state. ABT-737 induces dose-dependent impairment of maximal O2 consumption rate in B-cell lymphoma cells.

In Vivo: ABT-737 (20, 30 mg/kg/day; i.p.; for 21 days) suppresses the leukemia burden by 48% and 53% at the 20 and 30 mg/kg dose levels, respectively, in four- to six-week-old CB.17 Scid mice with human leukemia KG-1 cells.
ABT-737 significantly extends survival of mice in this aggressive leukemia model.

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热门产品线:重组蛋白  |  化合物库  |  天然产物  |  荧光染料  |  PROTAC  |  同位素标记物  |  寡核苷酸  |  抗体  |  点击化学

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货号: HY-50907

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