Hyodeoxycholic acid | MedChemExpress (MCE)

Hyodeoxycholic acid | MedChemExpress (MCE)


货号 规格 操作
10 mM * 1 mL 咨询
100 mg 咨询


属性:产地:美国; 品牌:MedChemExpress (MCE) ;货期:现货


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Hyodeoxycholic acid

CAS No. : 83-49-8

MCE 国际站:Hyodeoxycholic acid

产品活性:Hyodeoxycholic acid 是有肠道菌群在小肠中形成的次级胆汁酸,为 TGR5 (GPCR19) 的激动剂,在 CHO 细胞中,EC50 值为 31.6 µM。

研究领域:Metabolic Enzyme/Protease  |  GPCR/G Protein

作用靶点:Endogenous Metabolite  |  G protein-coupled Bile Acid Receptor 1

结构分类:甾体类  |  结构分类

In Vitro: Hyodeoxycholic acid is a secondary hydrophilic bile acid formed in the small intestine by the gut flora, and acts as an agonist of TGR5, with an EC50 of 31.6 μM in CHO cells. Hyodeoxycholic acid (50, 100 μM) increases the expression of genes (Abca1, Abcg1, and Apoe) involved in cholesterol efflux in RAW 264.7 cells.

In Vivo: Hyodeoxycholic acid (HDCA; 1.25% (wt/wt)) obviously decreases fat mass and increases lean mass but does not raise the serum levels of any organ toxicity markers in LDLRKO mice. Hyodeoxycholic acid inhibits atherosclerotic lesion formation in LDLRKO at multiple sites, improves plasma lipoprotein profiles, decreases plasma glucose level and intestinal cholesterol absorption efficiency and increases daily cholesterol excretion through fecal output. Hyodeoxycholic acid also improves HDL function as measured by a cholesterol efflux assay.

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热门产品线:重组蛋白  |  化合物库  |  天然产物  |  荧光染料  |  PROTAC  |  同位素标记物  |  寡核苷酸  |  抗体  |  点击化学

Trending products:Recombinant Proteins  |  Bioactive Screening Libraries  |  Natural Products  |  Fluorescent Dye  |  PROTAC  |  Isotope-Labeled Compounds  |  Oligonucleotides  |  Antibodies  |  Click Chemistry

货号: HY-N0169

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