



Overlap Density Heatmaps

Patented Technology for Datamining & Analysis of Spectra & Chromatograms


Overview:  Overlap Density Heatmaps (ODH) are a breakthrough technology  for  visual  datamining  and  analysis.  ODH  allows scientists to assess the similarities and dissimilarities in massive amounts of spectral, chromatographic, or other graphical data by color coding common features of overlapped objects (such as spectra  or  chromatograms)  from  areas  of  highest  to  lowest overlap.

Application Areas:  This technology can be used to analyze the large  amounts  of  graphical  data  from  such  disciplines  as cheminformatics,     analytical     informatics,     metabolomics, chemometrics,    genomics,    and/or    proteomics    and    has applicability  in  all  branches  of  scientific  research,  including chemistry, the life sciences, and diagnostics.  It can also be used with any analytical or chromatographic technique, including IR, NMR, MS, and Raman.


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