溶解科学: 原理和实践 / Solubility Science:Principles and Practice




溶解度科学:理论和实践 (第五版)

作者: Prof. Steven Abbott.

作者简介:I have a PhD in Chemistry from my work in Oxford and Harvard. I did a post-doc with Nobel Prize winner J-M Lehn in Strasbourg then went to work in industry first with ICI (at the time UK's large chemical company) where I became a senior manager then as Research Director at a coatings company called Autotype. In both companies I travelled the world interacting with top companies and gaining experience in a wide range of industries and was a regular speaker at conferences. Because I loved combining academic science with industrial needs I was made Visiting Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering at U. Leeds. Finally I went independent, which gave me the chance to learn lots of new science and to develop my ideas of bringing good science to life via software, apps and app-linked books. I have especially enjoyed being called in to corporations around the world as a troubleshooter using my own app-based approach to help solve problems  .

本书作者 Steven Abbot  在牛津大学和哈佛大学获得化学博士学位。在斯特拉斯堡 诺贝尔奖获得者J-M Lehn进行了博士后研究。然后在ICI(二十世纪英国的大型化学公司)工作,并担任高级经理。后来作者在Autotype的涂料公司的研究总监。 在这两家公司中,作者走遍世界各地与顶级公司互动,并获得了各行各业的经验,并经常在会议上发表演讲。 因为作者喜欢将学术科学与工业需求相结合,所以成为了利兹大学机械工程学院的客座教授。 作者独立创办了咨询公司TCNF Ltd.。

The fifth is little known and yet will feature strongly in this book because it is of huge practical importance. Here is what lies at the heart of this book:

• Ideal Solubility theory for a crystalline solid simply tells you (mostly from its melting point) the maximum solubility you are likely to have without special effects. Simple and useful, and amazingly little-known.

• Hansen Solubility Parameters (HSP). Many readers will have heard of these. They are a 50-year old way of determining the best match between solutes (polymers, crystalline solids, nanoparticles, pigments ...) and solvents by providing three numbers for each solute or solvent which describe the van der Waals, polar and H-bonding capabilities. HSP are usable by experts and non-experts and cope well with the messy realities of a formulator's life. They have never gone out of fashion but recently they have experienced a boom in popularity, partly due to the HSPiP software of which I am co-author.

. DLVO. This is the standard theory for dispersions and along with the idea of zeta potential and steric hindrance it is the only particle-specific tool that I have found to be of any practical benefit. There is universal agreement that DLVO has many faults and it is highly unlikely that (a) we know the exact inputs and (b) that the outputs are correct, but the general principles certainly help us to create some order out of a very complex system


PDF version: https://www.stevenabbott.co.uk/_downloads/Solubility%20Science%20Principles%20and%20Practice.pdf

Kindle version: https://www.stevenabbott.co.uk/_downloads/Solubility%20Science%20Principles%20and%20Practice.mobi

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