聚力蛋白 远航未来 | SCIEX诚邀您参加2023中国蛋白质组学大会午餐交流会

2023-9-21 16:11


人体蛋白质组导航国际大科学计划全球峰会暨第十二届中国蛋白质组学大会将在中国成都举行。本届会议以“人体蛋白质组导航:通向智慧医学之路”为主题,聚焦蛋白质组学领域发展及 π-HuB 计划蓝图。



作为本次大会的主要参展商之一,SCIEX 中国依托在色谱质谱技术领域50多年的创新经验和对前沿技术的不断探索,始终致力于为广大客户提供精准定量、精细鉴定、深度覆盖和更高通量的分析解决方案。此次,SCIEX 中国将与集团母公司丹纳赫生命科学及兄弟公司贝克曼库尔特生命科学一同,在CNHUPO大会期间举行以“聚力蛋白 远航未来—蛋白质组学质谱及自动化新技术”为主题的午餐交流会。届时,各路大咖将围绕高通量高深度的全景色谱质谱分析、高通量自动化样本前处理、蛋白质组学及免疫肽组学研究进展等话题进行深入探讨与交流。现场还有精美礼品相赠,欢迎大家莅临。


聚力蛋白 远航未来—蛋白质组学质谱及自动化新技术午餐交流会


2023年9月27日 12:30-13:45


成都非遗博览园缇沃丽酒店 三楼 文翁石室






Tony is a NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Deputy Head Department of Biochemistry at Monash University. He is also Vice President of the Australasian Proteomics Society, a HuPO council member and serves as a Scientific Advisory Board Member of the Human Proteome Project.

He is an Executive Advisory Board member of the journal Proteomics, an Associate Editor of Molecular Immunology and an Editorial Board Member of Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. He consults widely for industry and is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Evaxion Biotech and Bioinformatics Solutions. He has worked closely with SCIEX for over 20 years to develop applications in the immunoproteomics field.

His laboratory focusses on how the peptide antigens presented to the immune system, coined the immunopeptidome, is influenced by infection, inflammation and the environment. He has made important contributions to understanding the role of antigen in autoimmune diseases, drug hypersensitivity, cancer and infectious diseases. He is well known for work that has highlighted a role for post-translationally modified antigens in immunity. He has been instrumental in bringing new quantitative tools to immunological studies, in particular the quantitation of the cell surface expression levels of specific HLA-peptide complexes. He is a leader in the field of immunopeptidomics with over 290 related publications.


Dr. Baozhen Shan is a Chief Science Officer and Chief Executive Officer at Bioinformatics Solutions Inc. He began working at BSI in 2008 and has played a key role in developing one if the leading proteomic software tools. He obtained his first Ph.D in 1997 in Chemistry from Nanjing University, and his second in 2009 in Computer Science from University of Western Ontario.

Prior to working at BSI Paul has taken on the roles of Research Scientist, Professor, and Software developer. As a computational chemist, he has spent more than 10 years in research and development related to data mining and statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics (including protein/peptide identification and quantification, antibody characterization, protein-protein interaction, etc.). As a result he has developed a broad set of scientific and algorithmic software skills of modelling and understanding molecular biology through statistical analysis. 


广西大学、北京蛋白质组研究中心联合培养博士。目前担任SCIEX中国 大分子应用工程师,主要负责蛋白质组学及生物制药研究等相关领域的应用支持工作。






