组织中映射的抗逆转录病毒药物的 IR-MALDESI MSI 耦合到Q Exactive与LC-MS/MS SRM分析对照

2014-5-07 10:15

  摘要:This work describes the coupling of the IR-MALDESI imaging source with the Q Exactive mass spectrometer. IR-MALDESI MSI was used to elucidate the spatial distribution of several HIV drugs in cervical tissues that had been incubated in either a low or high concentration. Serial sections of those analyzed by IR-MALDESI MSI were homogenized and analyzed by LC-MS/MS to quantify the amount of each drug present in the tissue. By comparing the two techniques, an agreement between the average intensities from the imaging experiment and the absolute quantities for each drug was observed. This correlation between these two techniques serves as a prerequisite to quantitative IR-MALDESI MSI. In addition, a targeted MS2 imaging experiment was also conducted to demonstratethe capabilities of the Q Exactive and to highlight the added selectivity that can be obtained with SRM or MRM imaging experiments.
