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ASMS 向来被誉为“上佳组织、最值得与会、最最好玩的学术会议”。会上最最最活跃的群体则当属原位质谱达人 ~~ 味蕾与原位质谱仪同台竞技,现场品味佳酿和人生、口感与友情!六~八千人的会议也配齐了原位质谱海报、演讲、早餐会、用户会、午晚餐会,包您领略原位质谱风采和展现达人魅力。ASMS 期间所有原位质谱活动,均可通过扫描图片二维报名参加。

IonSense & ASPEC

DART 实时直接分析质谱系统


DART & Beer Testing Demo Open House ASMS 2019

DART 啤酒快检现场演示

DART Beer Testing (and Tasting)

Sun, June 2, 12:00 PM–2:00 PM EDT


Address: the Glenn Hotel, 110 Marietta Street NorthWest Atlanta - 2 blocks form the Convention Center.

味蕾与仪器的 PK,向您展示使用带有 LiveID 软件的 DART 质谱对各种啤酒的快速分析。

DART 口头报告/Oral

Monday, MOB, 2:30pm, B401-402

Infrared Thermal Desorption DART-MS of Trace Explosive Fuel-Oxidizer Mixtures: Powders, Propellants, and Pyrotechnics 

红外热脱附 DART 质谱法分析痕量炸药氧化剂混合物:粉末、推进剂和烟火

Thomas P. Forbes (NIST)

Wednesday, WOC 3:10pm, B405-407

Carrion Insect Species Identification From Multi-species Mixtures of Larvae Using Multilabel Classification of DART-HRMS Data for Postmortem Interval Determination

利用 DART-HRMS 数据的多标签分类从多种幼虫混合物中识别腐肉昆虫物种用于死后间隔测定

Rabi A Musah (University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, NY)

Wednesday, WOG 03:50pm , Auditorium, Bldg. A 

Understanding the Implications of Confined DART-MS: Considerations and Strategies for Optimization

了解封闭式 DART-MS 的含义:优化思考及策略

Edward Sisco (NIST)

DART-Poster 海报展示

MP #203  Monday , June 3

Fast Screening of Explosives by Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS)

DART-MS 快速筛查爆炸物

MP #226  Monday , June 3 

Chemical Differentiation of CITES-Protected Dalbergia Timber Using DART/QToF and TSP/GC/MS

用 DART/QToF 和 TSP/GC/MS 对 CITES 公约保护的黄檀木材进行化学鉴别

MP #447  Monday , June 3 

Analysis of PFASs in Environmental Waters by DARTMS with Coated Dip-it Sampling in Minutes

采用修饰样品探针 DART-MS 分分钟检测环境水体中全氟化合物 (PFASs)

MP #632 Monday , June 3 

Molecular Characterization of Oligomeric Pyrolysis Compounds of Ethyl Acrylate-Butyl Acrylate Copolymer Using Thermal Desorption/Pyrolysis DART-MS

采用热脱附/热裂解 DART-MS 对丙烯酸乙酯-丙烯酸丁酯共聚物的低聚热解产物进行分子表征

TP #145  Tuesday , June 4

Application of Molecular Characterization for fluorine Polymers Using Thermal Desorption / Pyrolysis DART-MS

采用热脱附/热裂解 DART-MS 对氟聚合物进行分子表征

TP #219  Tuesday , June 4

Fatty Acid Composition Analysis for Glycerides in Edible Oils Using Thermal Desorption / Pyrolysis DART-QTOFMS

采用热脱附/热裂解 DART-QTOF-MS 对食用油中甘油脂肪酸组成分析

WP #006  Wednesday , June 5

A Novel Approach to Simultaneous Quantification of Tropane Alkaloids in Plant Tissue (Datura spp.) Using DART-HRMS and PLS Linear Regression

利用 DART-HRMS 和 PLS 线性回归法定量测定植物组织中的莨菪碱

WP #009  Wednesday , June 5

Enabling Safer Reaction Monitoring and Analysis Conditions with in Hood Vaporization

通风橱内雾化 DART 质谱法安全监测合成反应

WP #019  Wednesday , June 5

Rapid Identification of Wuyi Rock Tea Regions using the Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) MS System with LiveID

武夷岩茶产地的 DART 质谱法快速鉴定

WP #021 Wednesday , June 5

A Validated Method for Quantification of Mescaline in Recreationally-abused Echinopsis Cacti by DART-MS

一种经验证的定量 DART 质谱法测定健身娱乐滥用的仙人掌花中墨斯卡灵的含量

WP #023 Wednesday , June 5

Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Six Anti-arrhythmic Drugs in Human Serum Using Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry

人血浆中六种抗心律失常药物的 DART-MS 快速定量

WP #027 Wednesday , June 5

Wood Discrimination Analyses of Pterocarpus tinctorius and Endangered P. santalinus Using DART-FTICR-MS Coupled with Multivariate Statistics

应用 DART-FTICR-MS 结合多变量统计分析法鉴别染料紫檀和濒危檀香紫檀木材

WP #028 Wednesday , June 5

Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry and Multivariate Data Analysis for Profiling of Chinese Propolis 

DART 质谱法结合多变量分析识别中国蜂胶

ThP #003  Thursday , June 6

Highly Sensitive and Rapid Screening for Pesticides using Direct Analysis in Real Time Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry 

高灵敏度 DART 质谱法定量筛查农药

ThP #004  Thursday , June 6

Detection of Ricin and Abrin Toxin by Laboratory-Based and Portable DART-MS

室内用和便携式 DART 质谱仪检测蓖麻毒素和相思豆毒素

ThP #008  Thursday , June 6

Molecular Characterization of Terminal Structures for Polycarbonates Using a Thermal Desorption / Pyrolysis DART-MS

采用热脱附/热裂解 DART-MS 对聚碳酸酯末端结构表征

ThP #010  Thursday , June 6

Flavor release monitoring using DART-MS on differentiate with respect to time

采用 DART-MS 对不同时间段风味释放的监测

ThP #014  Thursday , June 6

Quantitative Analysis of Linezolid in Human Plasma by DART-MS and Its Application to a Pharmacokinetic Study

定量 DART-MS 用于利奈唑胺人体药代动力学研究

ThP #016  Thursday , June 6

A Comparative Profiling of DHA-rich Oil Products by DESI and DART Mass Spectrometry 

经典原位电离 DESI 和 DART 对含富含 DHA 脑黄金的油脂产品的比较研究

ThP #028  Thursday , June 6

Areca Alkaloids Measured from Buccal Cells Using DART-MS Serve as Accurate Biomarkers for Betel Nut Chewing

DART-MS 测定口腔细胞中槟榔生物碱-可作为咀嚼槟榔的准确生物标记物

ThP #185  Thursday , June 6

Seeing Odor – Spatially Resolved Analyses of Volatiles Using Sorbent Sheet Extraction prior to DART-MS

吸附剂表面提取和 DART-MS 结合观察气味的空间分辨分析

ThP #542  Thursday , June 6

Rapid Determination of Progestogens by Solid- Phase Extraction with Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks Coupled to DART-MS

DART-MS 与功能化有机金属固相微萃取结合快速测定孕激素

Advion & ASPEC

TriVersa NanoMate 芯片多通道纳喷源

LESA 液滴萃取表面分析


LESA 口头报告/Oral

Tuesday, June 4, 8:30am

Murphy Ballroom, Bldg B, Level 5

Differential mass spectra (ΔS) and differential ion currents (ΔIC) for smarter mass spectrometer operation and data interpretation

借助差分质谱 (ΔS) 和差分离子电流 (ΔIC) 使质谱仪操作和数据分析更加智能化

Daniel Eikel (Advion)

LESA Poster 海报展示

MP #100  Monday, June 3 

Probing Protein-Ligand Interactions by Native LESA Mass Spectrometry

利用 LESA 直接质谱法研究蛋白质-配体间的相互作用

WP #003  Wednesday, June 5 

Protein Screening of Native Brain Sections Using LESA-TIMS-MS

利用 LESA-TIMS-MS 快速筛查天然脑组织中蛋白质分布

WP #031  Wednesday, June 5 

Direct Analysis of Cell Wall Lipids from Mycobacterium via LESA-MS

LESA-MS 直接分析分枝杆菌细胞壁的脂质

ThP #23  Thursday, June 6  

Rapid Characterization of Saponins in Ginseng Species Roots by LESA-MS

通过 LESA-MS 快速表征人参根中的皂苷

ThP #057  Thursday, June 6

Development of a Cryo-Stage for LESA MS-Towards Truly Native Surface Sampling of Proteins

开发 LESA-MS 的低温式载台-实现蛋白质的真正原生表面取样

ThP #115  Thursday, June 6

LESA Sampling of Human Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Tissue for the Profiling of Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein

采用 LESA-MS 在人非酒精脂肪肝组织切片中对肝脂酸结合蛋白的分析

ThP #518  Thursday, June 6

Electroporation and LESA-MS: A New Paradigm for Top-Down Analysis of Proteins Direct from Living Yeast Colonies

电穿孔和 LESA-MS 技术:直接从活酵母菌落中自上而下分析蛋白质

ThP #525  Thursday, June 6

Top Down Protein Identification of ESKAPE Pathogens from in vitro Skin Models and ex vivo Human Skin by LESA MS

通过 LESA-MS 自上而下蛋白分析鉴定体外皮肤模型和人体皮肤中的 ESKAPE 病原体

ThP #624  Thursday, June 6

Determination of Protein-Brain Ganglioside Interactions by Chip-Based Nanoelectrospray Quadrupole-Time-of Flight Tandem Mass Spectrometry

芯片多通道纳喷源(TVNM)与 QTOF-MS 结合测定蛋白质-脑神经节苷元相互作用

MassTech & ASPEC

AP/MALDI 大气压基质辅助激光解吸源


AP MALDI 早餐(三天)研讨会/Breakfast Workshop

Conv Ctr Room A315  7:00-8:15

Mon(6/3)、Wed-Thurs (6/5-6/6)

敬请参加演讲嘉宾 Amina Woods、Lingjun Li (李灵军)、Gilles 教授主持的三个早餐会(周一、周三、周四),探讨交流的同时,享有免费早餐哦。

AP MALDI Poster 海报展示

ThP #417  Thursday, June 6

AP-MALDI-Q-IMS-TOF MS as a Highly Accurate MS Profiling Platform for Speciation/Biotyping

将 AP-MALDI-Q-IMS-TOF-MS 作为一种高精度的形态学/生物分型的质谱分析平台

ThP #421  Thursday, June 6

Utilizing a Cold-Mist Nebulizer to Perform Matrix Deposition in MALDI MS Analyses of Complex Samples and Tissue Slices

利用冷雾喷雾仪对复杂样品和组织切片基质喷涂后进行 AP/MALDI-MS 分析

AP/MALDI 基于独特的脉冲动态聚焦技术,采用高效的固态 Nd:YAG 激光器,离子化更加连续稳定。非常适合于多肽、蛋白质、核酸、唾液酸神经节苷酯、表面活性剂、聚合物等大分子以及寡肽、中性寡糖、植物皂苷等小分子化合物的原位、直接分析及低至 5μm 微米的质谱成像。

Phytronix & ASPEC

LDTD/Luxon 高速热解析电离机器人


LDTD Poster 海报展示

MP #219  Monday, June 3 

Q-Exactive Parameter Optimization for Maximum Signal Intensity when Using LDTD

LDTD 与 QE 结合优化质谱方法来最大化信号响应

TP #158  Tuesday, June 4 

Hydrocarbons High Mass Profiling of Crude and Commercial Oils Using LDTD-HRMS Technology

采用 LDTD-HRMS 对原油和商业用油中烃类的质谱分析

TP #211  Tuesday, June 4 

Ultra-Fast Screening of Glyphosate, Glufosinate and AMPA in Surface Water by LDTD-QqQMS

LDTD-QqQMS 对地表水中的草甘膦、甘膦酸盐和氨甲基膦酸(AMPA)进行快筛分析

TP #256  Tuesday, June 4 

Development of a Screening Method for Illicit Drugs in Hair Using LDTD-MS/MS at 8 Seconds Per Sample

利用 LDTD-MS/MS 对头发中非法药物进行快筛分析-8s 检测一个样品

WP #217  Wednesday, June 5

High-Throughput Analysis of Neuroleptic Drugs in Plasmas using LDTD-MS/MS Technology

利用高通量 LDTD-MS/MS 对血浆中抗精神病药物进行分析

WP #239  Wednesday, June 5

Effect of Increased Plate Density on Sensitivity in High-Throughput LDTD-MS

增加板密度对高通量 LDTD-MS/MS 技术的灵敏度影响

WP #299  Wednesday, June 5

High-Throughput Analysis of Indole, Skatole and Androstenone in Pork Fat Using a LDTD-MS/MS System

采用高通量 LDTD-MS/MS 对猪油中吲哚、斯卡托和雄烯酮进行分析

WP #772  Wednesday, June 5

Glucuronide Hydrolysis Optimization for Drugs Screening in Urine Using LDTD-MS/MS at 8 seconds per sample

利用 LDTD-MS/MS 技术和葡萄糖醛酸苷水解来优化尿液中药物快筛方法-8s 检测一个样品

ThP #436  Thursday, June 6

Influenza Viral Infection Detection in Seconds Using LDTD-MS and Machine Learning

利用 LDTD-MS 和机器学习技术几秒钟内检测流感病毒感染

LDTD®-MS/MS 利用高灵敏度的多反应离子检测(MRM)、快速正负离子切换及高灵敏度全扫描等功能,4-6 秒内实现液体样品的定性和定量分析。杰出地保持了串联质谱的高选择性,增加了快速和极高分析通量的特点,适用于有大批量待检样品的生物医药分析、药物发现与开发、药品毒理研究、滥用药物检测、食品检测、环境污染物分析等领域。

Luxon 离子源为基于 LDTD 技术的二代产品,配有光纤耦合的激光系统,精度更佳、准度更高、速度更快。Luxon-1536 跨越了新极限:单个样品分析只需 0.6 秒,能 24 小时不间断运行,及兼容 20 个 1536 孔板实现超过 30,000个样品的超高通量无人值守连续分析。

CovalX & ASPEC

HM4/Pearl 超高分子量 MALDI 质谱检测系统


HM4 或 Pearl 为第四代“超”高分子量 MALDI 质谱检测系统,基于独特的转换打拿极技术,扩展 MALDI 质谱检测质量上限到 250 万 Da 以上,实现 nM 浓度的超痕量、大分子抗体药物和蛋白质复合物的高灵敏度分析。在诸如蛋白质复合物测定、蛋白质相互作用、抗原抗体相互作用、表位表征、蛋白质聚集分析、高分子量 MALDI 质谱成像、临床转化医学、生物制药,等领域的应用卓有成效,同时可提供实验室测试服务。

ASMS 现场,参与原位质谱系列活动,请扫描图片二维码报名,或与我们联系,也欢迎和 ASPEC 的伙伴们约饭呦!

