Hausser scientific血球计数板

Hausser scientific血球计数板


  • 品牌美国Hausser Scientific
  • 产地美国
  • 型号Hausser scientific
  • 关注度91
  • 信息完整度

美国Hausser scientific血球计数板,霍华德霉菌计数板,准确计算白细胞、红细胞、血小板、组织培养细胞、细菌和精子
The Speirs-Levy Eosinophil counting slide is designed primarily for doing direct eosinphil counts in blood, but is readily adaptable for performing cell counts in spinal fluids or other media in which cells are suspended. It is especially useful in clinics and laboratories where large number of blood cell determinations must be performed quickly.
The Speirs-Levy slide has the following characteristics which facilitate loading and counting:
There are 4 chambers per slide
Each chamber consists of ten 1 x 1mm squares which are subdivided into 16 smaller areas.
The depth of each chamber is 0.2 mm.
The chambers are spaced on the left hand side of the slide for ease of handling and to prevent accidental reversing of the slide.
An identification number is engraved on the right hand side of each chamber and will appear on the left hand side when viewed through the microscope. This number helps focusing and may be used to determine the beginning and end of a chamber count.
The outer edge of each chamber is inclined 7 degrees to aid in proper charging of the chamber and to act as a reservoir to replace any fluid that might evaporate before the slide is counted.
货号    产品描述
3556    美国Hausser Speirs-Levy Eosinophil计数板,带2盖玻片
5020    备用盖玻片,25mm×33mm×0.5mm


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