TSQ 9000气质赛默飞 三重四极杆液质联用系统测定谷类和谷类食品中的17种真菌毒素

TSQ 9000气质赛默飞 三重四极杆液质联用系统测定谷类和谷类食品中的17种真菌毒素


  • 品牌赛默飞
  • 产地新加坡
  • 型号TSQ 9000
  • 关注度301
  • 信息完整度

赛默飞三重四极杆GC-MSTSQ 9000适用于17种真菌毒素项目,参考多项行业标准粮食及加工品 检测项目: 真菌毒素 参考标准: Commission Regulation 1881/2006/EC, mycotoxin detection and analysis, cereals, LC-MS/MS, UHPLC, UltiMate 3000, TSQ Endura, TraceFinder。可以检测谷类和谷类食品等样品。可应用于粮油/豆制品行业领域。

Mycotoxins are potentially toxic secondary metabolites produced by different species of fungi. The main relevant species occurring on cereals are Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp. and Aspergillus sp. The fungal contamination can either occur on the field or during storage. Estimations are given that approximately 25% of all crops are contaminated with mycotoxins. The type and amount of contamination varies with climate conditions. As the contamination can result in serious health issues, mycotoxin analysis is an important part of routine food control.1, 2

食品、环境或法医毒理学分析实验室极需永不停歇的分析系统。这正是 Thermo Scientific™ TSQ™ 9000 三重四极杆 GC-MS/MS 系统开发的源动力。这一真正可扩展的平台为复杂样品基质中痕量化合物的目标定量提供了无与伦比的灵敏度。系统无与伦比的易用性和正常运行时间,赋予您真正超级英雄的分析能力,使您轻松应对越来越具挑战性监管要求和提高分析效率带来的挑战。


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