使用APCI源的TSQ Quantum快速定量分析培高利特






In this report, the APCI source is used to demonstrate the TSQ Quantum’s ability to perform fast quantitative analysis of another ergoline derivative, pergolide. An analytical method is developed which is suitable for quantitative analysis of pergolide in plasma following oral administration at all possible dosage regimens (low to high dose). The results of unit and enhanced mass-resolution analysis on the TSQ Quantum are also compared to demonstrate sensitivity improvements that can be made to analytical methods using the enhanced mass-resolution feature of the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.

仪器:TSQ Quantum


Highly satisfactory quantitative performance for pergolide in minimally-treated plasma is achieved by APCI/SRM on the TSQ Quantum Discovery using an extremely short run time. The criteria required for high throughput analysis of pergolide are, thus, accomplished by this method. In addition, the added sensitivity of the TSQ Quantum Discovery coupled with the extended linear dynamic range allows for the monitoring of low and high dose administration of this potent drug within the same assay. The enhanced mass-resolution feature of the TSQ Quantum Discovery provides the user a simple, yet rapid means to further improve method sensitivity

and selectivity, without the need for additional sample


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