Launch of an android app for Vulcan and X-MET8000 analysers

2018-6-04 14:12

We’ve launched the LiveConnect Android app for our handheld Vulcan laser and XRF X-MET range analyser customers.

Those using an Android mobile phone can now download the app from the Google Play Store to benefit from:

  • Sharing results instantly in an e-mail, text message or through WhatsApp

  • Upload results to LiveConnect cloud data management and storage service

  • Attach phone camera photos to measurement results

  • Print reports, labels etc. with a network printer

Our OiConnect service has also been re-named to LiveConnect. You’ll get the same cloud-service, just under a different name whether online or using the Apple app.

Need help or have any questions? Contact one of our service hubs who offer a full range of technical support to keep you up and running.

Download from the Google Play Store


标签:日立 XRF