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Holds Up to Six Ø1.0" (25mm) Filters
Provides a 1/4-20 (M6) Mounting Hole and Two #8-32 (M4) Mounting Holes
Compatible With 30mm Cage Systems
The CFW6 allows a total of six Ø1.0" (25mm) filters to be integrated into a cage system without disturbing the stability of the cage system. Using a spring-loaded detent mechanism, the CFW6 locks into place at each filter location, centering the filter within the beam path. The filter wheels universal design provides #8-32 (M4) tapped holes as well as a ¼"-20 (M6) tapped mounting hole for mounting onto a standard TR post. The six filter mounts are threaded with SM1 Lens Tube compatible threading allowing easy mounting of 1" filters using SM1RR retaining rings (Six rings included) or use of our mounted filters.

Utilizing the bottom two ER rods to maintain alignment and the top two ER rods for stability, the filter wheel will have ample clearance within a cage system. This six-position cage filter wheel is a must-have for 30mm cage assemblies.

Compatibility: Thorlabs offers 16mm, 30mm and 60mm cage systems designed for 1/2", 1" and 2" optical components (respectively). The parts on this page are compatible with our 30mm cage system and utilize 6mm ER cage rods.

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