寡霉素A 来源于 淀粉酶产色链霉菌

寡霉素A 来源于 淀粉酶产色链霉菌

  • 全国
  • 阿拉丁
  • 上海
  • 生产商
  • 现货
  • 2
  • 1
高级会员 高级会员
货号 CAS号
O102388-5mg 579-13-5
O102388-25mg 579-13-5


溶解性 Soluble in DMSO (300 mg/ml), ethanol (200 mg/ml), acetone (800 mg/ml), glacial acetic acid (37.5 g/100ml) at 25 °C, water (2 mg/100ml) at 25 °C, ether (28 g/100ml) at 25 °C, and benzene (6 g/100ml) at 25 °C.
存贮条件 储存温度:-20 ℃
密度 1.1400


应用 Oligomycin is used to inhibit membrane bount mitochondrial ATP synthase. It is used to inhibit sucrose synthesis and 14C translocation in sunflower leaves, to study antibiotic resistance, and to study carotid chemoreceptor responses to O2 and CO2 in the cat.
产品介绍 Oligomycin A inhibits ATP5 (mitochondrial ATPases, F1F0) bound to the cell membrane. This compound stimulates lysosome acidification due to shunting of membrane potential at a concentration of 1.5-3 μM. The compound has been observed to Induce apoptosis in a variety of cell types along with inducing a switch from the apoptotic to necrotic pathway. It also exhibits broad nematocidal, antifungal, and antitumor activities. Oligomycin A has caused dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, decreased cytoplasmic ATP contents and disassembled metaphase II oocyte spindles when introduced to mouse oocytes.
备注 来源于淀粉酶产色链霉菌
生化机理 Oligomycin inhibits membrane bound mitochondrial ATP synthase (ATPase), proton channel (pump, FO subunit) blockers thereby inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport chain.
别名 Oligomycin A;MCH 32;MCH 32
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