抑肽酶 来源于牛肺

抑肽酶 来源于牛肺

  • 全国
  • 阿拉丁
  • 上海
  • 生产商
  • 现货
  • 4
  • 0
高级会员 高级会员
货号 CAS号
A105534-100mg 9087-70-1
A105534-25mg 9087-70-1
A105534-500mg 9087-70-1
A105534-5mg 9087-70-1
  • 分子式 C284H432N84O79S7
  • 分子量6511.44
  • Beilstein号
  • EC号
  • MDL号 MFCD00162935
  • PubChem编号


存贮条件 储存温度2-8℃
密度 1.1300


应用 Aprotinin is largely used as an inhibitor of trypsin.
产品介绍 Aprotinin is a single chain polypeptide (58 amino-acids) crosslinked by three disulfide bridges, showing competitive and reversible inhibiton of proteolytic and esterolytic activity. Aprotinin forms stable complexes and blocks the active sites of serine protease enzymes. Binding is reversible with most aprotinin-protease complexes dissociating at pH >10 or < 3 (optimum pH 5-7); effective concentration is equimolar with protease. Used as a proteolytic inhibitor in radioimmunoassays of polypeptide hormones.
备注 另一个常用的活性单位是 KIU(激肽释放酶抑制剂单位)。
1 TIU ~ 1,300 KIU。
生化机理 Aprotinin is a competitive serine protease inhibitor that forms stable complexes with and blocks the active sites of enzyme. This binding is reversible, and most aprotinin-protease complexes will dissociate at extreme pH levels >10 or <3. Structurally, Aprotinin is a monomeric globular protein derived from bovine lung that consists of 58 amino acids, arranged in a single polypeptide chain with three crosslinking disulfide bridges.
别名 重组胰蛋白酶抑制剂;抑肽酶(牛肺);抗蛋白酶肽(牛肺);蛋白酶抑制剂;抑肽酶;Trasylol 胰蛋白酶抑制剂(碱性);Trypsin inhibitor (basic)
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