赛默飞Thermo Cation Polisher H+ Column for Anion Analysis
赛默飞Thermo Cation Polisher H+ Column for Anion Analysis

赛默飞Thermo Cation Polisher H+ Column for Anion Analysis

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The CP2 H+Form (9 × 24 mm) column is a higher-capacity version in the hydronium form, with a void volume of approximately 825 μL. The CP2 is recommended for large-volume sample preconcentration applications using an external pump. The Cation Polisher Columns can be regenerated off-line approximately every 2-3 months (depending on the level of contamination and usage).

IonPac CP2 H+Form Cation Polisher Columns Specifications
Dimensions:9 × 24 mm
Mobile Phase Compatibility:0–100% HPLC solvents.
Substrate Characteristics:Bead Diameter: 20 µm
Crosslinking (%DVB): 55%
Functional Group Characteristics:Ion-Exchange Group: Fully functionalized with carboxylic acid
Hydrophobicity: Very Low
Capacity:575 µeq
Void Volume:825 µL

Polishing reduces interference from cations, increasing anion conductivity.

Ordering Information
IonPac CP2 H+ Form Cation Polisher Column (9x24 mm)064931

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