

  • 全国
  • Dr.Ehrenstorfer
  • 一般经销商
  • C15220000
  • 现货
货号 规格 CAS号 标准值 库存 价格
C15220000 100mg 7786-34-7 见证书 0 ¥1,020.00

Storage and handling: The RM should be stored in the original sealed bottle at the temperatur given above. After use the bottle should be tightly closed and protected from moisture and light The expiry date Is valid for original sealed bottles under re8mmended storage 8ndftions only.

Purity:96.99% (g/g)

Expanded Uncertainty U= 0.41% (g/g)

The uncertainty of this standard is calculated in accordance with the ISO Guide 34 and EURACHEM/CITAC Guide - Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement; Second Edition. The expanded uncertainty is U(exp) = u(RM) x k, where k is the coverage ctor at the 95% confidence level (ks2). Uncertainty u(RM) is based on the combination of the uncertainties associated with each individual operation Involved In the analysis of the product u(RM) = Vu(char)2 + u(bb)2 + u(lts)2 + u(sts)2; u(char) is the uncertainty of purity determination; u(bb) uncertainty of homogeneity test; u(lts) uncertainty of stability test long-term; u(sts) uncertainty of stability test short-term. u(lts) and u($ts) are not included in the calculation as the stability statement is based on real evidence opposed to simulation. Minimum sample: 1 mg is recommended as the minimal sample amount If less material is used, it is recommended to increase the certified uncertainty by a factor of two for half sample and a factor of four for a quarter of sample.

Intended use: Use this RM as calibrant for chromatography or any other analytical technique.

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