
通过一期和二期“985工程”建设,中山大学在广东省建立了第一个功能较完善、技术力量一流的中山大学蛋白质组学研究中心,购置了一大批先进的仪器设备:最新液质联用质谱仪HF-X液体蛋白芯片指纹图谱仪(MADIL TOF/TOF)、系统荧光差异蛋白表达检测分析系统(Ettan DIGE):包括CyDye DIGE荧光标记物、PGphor III/Ettan DALT电泳系统、Typhoon9400多功能激光共聚焦扫描仪和DeCyder 6.5差异分析软件、全自动斑点处理工作站、激光共聚焦LSM780等等。15年来该实验室作为服务平台,先后为一大批专家教授解决了许多蛋白质相关问题,完成项目达500多个,发表文章100多篇,服务次数累达5000多次。2011年该实验室被评为蛋白质组学转化医学广东普通高校重点实验室,在华南地区享有了一定的知名度。欢迎大家指导咨询合作。
      本中心开展蛋白组学ITRAQ,SILAC、TMT、DIGE蛋白组学服务,以及低丰度蛋白鉴定、蛋白修饰鉴定服务,代谢组学服务和蛋白芯片检测服务。此外,本中心还开展分子生物学技术服务,例如激光共聚焦LSM880,免疫组化、免疫荧光、Western blot、Q-PCR等;论文撰写、基金申请等服务, 欢迎咨询合作! 胡坤华 博士,中山大学蛋白质学研究中心对外服务管理专员,拥有数十年对外服务经验,讲授基因和蛋白质组学教学课程,熟练掌握蛋白质学和分子生物学技术,已发表SCI论文13篇,其中第一/通讯作者7篇。欢迎课题合作。

2、Western blot、Q-PCR、ELISA、co-IP、CHIP、CHIP-sequencs。

1. Wang, Y., Xia, Y., Hu, K., Zeng, M., Zhi, C., Lai, M., Wu, L., Liu, S., Zeng, S., Huang, Z., et al. (2019). MKK7 transcription positively or negatively regulated by SP1 and KLF5 depends on HDAC4 activity in glioma. International journal of cancer(IF=7.32)
2.Huang Z, Xia Y, Hu K, Zeng Sh, Wu L, Liu S, Zhi Ch, Lai M, Chen D, Xie L, Yuan Zh. Histone deacetylase 6 promotes growth of glioblastoma through the MKK7/JNK/c-Jun signaling pathway. Journal of neurochemistry, 2019.Aug7.doi: 10.1111/jnc.14849. (IF= 4.26)
3. Lu H, Deng Sh, Zheng M, Hu K.(2019). iTRAQ plasma proteomics analysis for candidate biomarkers of type 2 incipient diabetic nephropathy. Clin Proteom, Jul31;16:33.doi:10.1186. (IF=3.51)
4. Minghui, Z., Kunhua, H., Yunwen, B., Hongmei, L., Jing, L., Shaowen, W.,. (2019). Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins Involved in Autoimmune Cirrhosis and Normal Serum by iTRAQ Proteomics. Proteomics Clinical applications 13, e1700153.(IF=3.51,封面刊)
5. Hu, K., Huang, Q., Liu, C., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, H., Li, M., and Ma, S. (2019). c-Jun/Bim Upregulation in Dopaminergic Neurons Promotes Neurodegeneration in the MPTP Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. Neuroscience 399, 117-124. (IF=3.32)
6.Jian, Y.P., Yuan, H.X., Hu, K.H., T.X., Ou, Z.J., and Ou, J.S. (2018).Protein Compositions Changes Of Circulating Microparticles In Patients With Valvular Heart Disease Subjected To Cardiac Surgery Contribute To Systemic Inflammatory Response and Disorder of Coagulation. Shock. (IF=3.01,封面刊)
7.Yu, Q., Huang, Q., Du, X., Xu, S., Li, M., and Ma, S. (2018). Early activation of Egr-1 promotes neuroinflammation and dopaminergic neurodegeneration in an experimental model of Parkinson's disease. Experimental neurology 302, 145-154. (IF=4.51)
8.Wu, Y., Xie, L., et al. (2017). Loss of GCN5 leads to increased neuronal apoptosis by upregulating E2F1- and Egr-1-dependent BH3-only protein Bim. Cell death & disease 8, e2570. (IF=5.37)
9.He, W., Wu, Y., Tang, X., Xia, Y., He, G., Min, Z., Li, C., Xiong, S., Shi, Z., Lu, Y., and Yuan, Z. (2016). HDAC inhibitors suppress c-Jun/Fra-1-mediated proliferation through transcriptionally downregulating MKK7 and Raf1 in neuroblastoma cells. Oncotarget 7, 6727-6747. (IF=5.01)
10.Huang, Q., Du, X., He, X., Yu, Q., Hu, K., Breitwieser, W., Shen, Q., Ma, S., and Li, M. (2016). JNK-mediated activation of ATF2 contributes to dopaminergic neurodegeneration in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Experimental neurology 277, 296-304. (IF=4.51)
11.Tan, M., Ma, S., Li, M. (2013). GSK-3alpha/beta-mediated phosphorylation of CRMP-2 regulates activity-dependent dendritic growth. Journal of neurochemistry 125, 685-697.( IF=4.26)
12.Deng, L., Jia, H.L., Liu, C.W., Hu, K.H., Yin, G.Q., Ye, J.W., He, C.H., Chen, J.H., Xie, Y.P., Dang, R., et al. (2012). Analysis of differentially expressed proteins involved in hand, foot and mouth disease and normal sera. Clinical microbiology and infection: 18, E188-196. (IF=5.32)
13.Huang H, Li Y, Liu J, Zheng M, Feng Y, Hu K, et al(2012). Screening and identification of biomarkers in ascites related to intrinsic chemoresistance of serous epithelial ovarian cancers. PloS one;7:e51256. (IF=4.09)
14.Xie, B., Wang, C., Zheng, Z., Song, B., Ma, C., Thiel, G., and Li, M. (2011). Egr-1 transactivates Bim gene expression to promote neuronal apoptosis. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31, 5032-5044. (IF=6.93)
15.Pang, J., Liu, W.P., Liu, X.P., Li, L.Y., Fang, Y.Q., Sun, Q.P., Liu, S.J., Li, M.T., Su, Z.L., and Gao, X. (2010). Profiling protein markers associated with lymph node metastasis in prostate cancer by DIGE-based proteomics analysis. Journal of proteome research 9, 216-226. (IF=5.13)
16.Gao, X., Pang, J., Li, L.Y., Liu, W.P., Di, J.M., Sun, Q.P., Fang, Y.Q., Liu, X.P., Pu, X.Y., He, D., et al. (2010). Expression profiling identifies new function of collapsin response mediator protein 4 as a metastasis-suppressor in prostate cancer. Oncogene 29, 4555-4566. (IF=7.41)
17.Song, B., Lai, B., Zheng, Z., Zhang, Y., Luo, J., Wang, C., Chen, Y., Woodgett, J.R., and Li, M. (2010). Inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK-3 by CaMKII couples depolarization to neuronal survival. The Journal of biological chemistry 285, 41122-41134. (IF=4.78)
18.Liu, W., Zhou, X.W., Liu, S., Hu, K., Wang, C., He, Q., and Li, M. (2009). Calpain-truncated CRMP-3 and -4 contribute to potassium deprivation-induced apoptosis of cerebellar granule neurons. Proteomics 9, 3712-3728. (IF=4.59)
19.Wang W, Yang Y, Ying C, Li W, Ruan H, Zhu X, You Y, Han Y, Chen R, Wang Y, Li M* (2007) Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta protects dopaminergic neurons from MPTP toxicity. Neuropharmacology 52:1678-1684. (IF=5.11)
20.Ma C, Ying C, Yuan Z, Song B, Li D, Liu Y, Lai B, Li W, Chen R, Ching YP, Li M*(2007) dp5/HRK is a c-Jun target gene and required for apoptosis induced by potassium deprivation in cerebellar granule neurons. J Biol Chem 282:30901-30909. (IF=5.81)
21.Deng R, Li W, Guan Z, Zhou JM, Wang Y, Mei YP, Li M, Feng GK, Huang W, Liu ZC, Han Y, Zeng YX, Zhu XF*(2006) Acetylcholinesterase expression mediated by c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase pathway during anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. Oncogene 25:7070-7077. (IF=6.58)
22.Fu H, Li W, Lao Y, Luo J, Lee NT, Kan KK, Tsang HW, Tsim KW, Pang Y, Li Z, Chang DC, Li M, Han Y*(2006) Bis(7)-tacrine attenuates beta amyloid-induced neuronal apoptosis by regulating L-type calcium channels. J Neurochem 98:1400-1410. (IF=4.61)
23.Li W, Pi R, Chan HH, Fu H, Lee NT, Tsang HW, Pu Y, Chang DC, Li C, Luo J, Xiong K, Li Z, Xue H, Carlier PR, Pang Y, Tsim KW, Li M, Han Y*(2005) Novel dimeric AChE inhibitor Bis(7)-tacrine, but not Donepezil, prevents glutamate-induced neuronal apoptosis by blocking NMDA receptors. J Biol Chem. 280:18179-18188. (IF=6.36)