



Derivation and Culture of Dopaminergic Neurons (from Midbrains of Rodents)





Dopaminergic  (DA) neurons are located in the ventral midbrain (VM). The ability to  isolate precursor cells and neurons from the VM provides a powerful  means to characterize their differentiation properties and to study  their potential for restoring dopamine neurons degenerated in  Parkinson’s disease (PD). This chapter describes methods to  differentiate precursor cells derived from embryonic ventral  mesencephalon into DA neurons.


Water, distilled

Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) without Ca2 and Mg2

Dulbecco’s Phosphate-Buffered Saline (D-PBS) without Ca2 and Mg2



Ascorbic Acid

StemPro® Accutase® Cell Dissociation Reagent

Trypan Blue

Natural Mouse Laminin



Neurobasal® Medium

B-27® Serum-Free Supplement

Heat-inactivated Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)


Small dissecting scissors

Medium dissecting scissors

Dumont forceps, straight

Dumont forceps, angled or curved

Curved microdissecting scissors

Spatula, Moria perforated spoon with holes (e.g., Moria MC17)

Dissecting microscope (e.g., Leica MZ6 or Zeiss Stemi 2000)

Curved scalpel blade 


Embryonic (E14) rats or embryonic (E13) mice


 1.        Preparing Matrix

1)        Prepare a 1:500 dilution of poly-L-ornithine in distilled water for a final concentration of 20 μg/mL.

2)         Add 2 mL of 20 μg/mL poly-L-ornithine solution to a 35-mm dish (0.5 mL  for a 4-well plate or slide, 0.25 mL for   8-well slide).

3)        Incubate the culture vessel at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 for at least 2 hours.

4)        Rinse the culture vessel once with distilled water.

5)        Prepare a 1:100 dilution of laminin in distilled water for a final concentration of 10 μg/mL.

6)         Add 2 mL of 10 μg/mL laminin solution to a 35-mm dish (0.5 mL for a  4-well plate or slide, 0.25 mL for a 8-well slide).

7)        Incubate the culture vessel at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 for at least 2 hours. Store at 4°C until use.

2.        Isolating and Culturing Precursor Cells from the Ventral Midbrain

1)        Collecting Embryos

         i.              Using aseptic technique, collect the uterine horns from  a time-pregnant rat (staged to E14 of gestation) or mouse (staged to  E13 of gestation).

       ii.              Submerge uterine horns in a 100-mm petri dish  containing ice-cold, sterile HBSS, and carefully rinse 2–3 times with 15  mL ice-cold, sterile HBSS.

    iii.              Transfer the uterine horns to a clean 100-mm petri dish containing dissection buffer.

     iv.              Under a dissection microscope placed in a laminar flow  hood, dissect each embryo from the uterine sac and remove the amniotic  membranes.

       v.              Use a Morian-type perforated spoon to transfer the  embryo to a clean sterile petri dish containing ice-cold dissection  buffer.

     vi.              Confirm the gestational age by measuring and recording  the crown rump length of the embryos (10–12 mm for E14 rat or E13 mouse  embryos). Exclude any malformed or otherwise damaged embryos.

2)        Dissecting Brains

        i.              Decapitate each fetus using microdissection scissors or a scalpel.

       ii.              Hold the tissue with forceps near the forebrain or  hindbrain region to avoid damage to the midbrain region of interest.  Carefully dissect and remove the overlying scalp tissue to isolate the  brain.

    iii.              Place the isolated brain in a clean 60-mm petri dish containing dissection buffer on ice.

     iv.              Stabilize the brain with forceps near the forebrain or  hindbrain regions, carefully remove and discard the fore- and hindbrain  regions using a scalpel or microscissors. Make the rostral cut close to  the forebrain vesicles and thalamic region, and the caudal cut at the  isthmus region.

3)        Dissecting the Ventral Midbrain

         i.              Steady the obtained midbrain tube with forceps  exclusively at the posterior midbrain region marked by the convex  curvature at the dorsal midline.

       ii.              Use small microscissors or the very tip of a curved  scalpel blade to gradually dissect open the midbrain tube along the  dorsal midline.

    iii.              Carefully open the now characteristically butterfly-shaped tissue flap.

    iv.              Use forceps to thoroughly remove any remaining overlying meningeal tissue.

       v.              Trim the outermost (most dorsal) areas of the midbrain  tube by dissecting away two thirds of the tissue on each side  (approximately lateral/posterior to the sulcus limitans as an anatomical  landmark).

     vi.              Transfer the resulting tissue piece (~0.3 mm × 1.0 mm  in dimension) into a conical tube containing cold dissection buffer kept  on ice. Use ~0.2 to 0.5 mL of buffer volume for each piece of VM  tissue.

4)        Dissociating Cells

         i.              Wash the pieces of VM tissue in cold dissection buffer  (e.g., 15 mL of buffer in a 15-mL conical tube) by letting the tissue  pieces sink to the bottom of the conical tube. Aspirate the medium, and  fill the tube with fresh buffer.

       ii.              Aspirate the buffer and add 1 mL StemPro® Accutase®  for every 10 pieces of VM tissue. Incubate the tissues 3-15 minutes at  37°C. Observe the digestion process and determine the optimal duration  by test dissociation and homogenization. Avoid over-digestion,

     iii.              Using fire-polished Pasteur pipets with decreasing  diameter, gently dissociate the tissue pieces by pipetting the tissue up  and down for a total of ~20 times. Alternatively, you may dissociate  and homogenize the tissue by first using a pipettor with a 1000-μL tip,  followed with a 200-μL tip. Avoid excessive formation of air bubbles  during mechanical dissociation of VM tissue, as it reduces cell  viability.

    iv.              If large pieces of tissue remain in the solution, selectively homogenize the pieces separately.

       v.              Optional: Pipet the cell suspension through a cell  strainer cap or through a 35- to 70-μm mesh. To minimize loss of cells  from this filtering step, flush the filter membrane with a small volume  of medium after the cell suspension is passed.

    vi.              Centrifuge the cell suspension at 4°C for 3–5 minutes at 200 × g. Aspirate the supernatant.

   vii.              Resuspend the cells with differentiation medium. Use  200 μL of differentiation medium for every 10 pieces of midbrain  originally isolated.

viii.               Using aliquot of the cell suspension, determine the cell concentration  and viability by dye exclusion method (Trypan Blue). Use the quantity of  live cells counted for calculating the cell concentration. Cell  viability needs to be >80%, and should ideally range from 95-100%. DA  neurons are among the most fragile cells in the solution. While the  cultures will contain neuronal cell types after relatively harsh  treatment, the number of DA neurons will be low.

    ix.              Keep the cell suspension on ice or at 4°C until use.

5)        Culturing Midbrain Neural Cells

         i.              Aspirate the laminin from the poly-L-ornithine and  laminin-coated culture plate and plate midbrain neural cells in  differentiation medium at a density of 2 × 105-5 × 105 cells/cm2.

      ii.              Culture the cells in an incubator, changing medium every other day.

     iii.              Culture the cells for 3-10 days, then check for DA  neurons by immunocytochemical staining using antibodies against the  neuronal maker β-III-tubulin, and the dopaminergic markers tyrosine  hydroxylase (TH)
