







  近日,国际碳水化合物组织(International Carbohydrate Organization)正式宣布2022年惠斯勒糖化学奖(Roy L. Whistler Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry)授予中国科学院上海有机化学研究所俞飚研究员。俞飚是迄今唯一获得该奖的中国学者。


  图1. 俞飚研究员获奖新闻

  中国科学院上海有机化学研究所俞飚研究员继荣获2020年度“洪堡研究奖”( Humboldt Research Award )后再获殊荣!8月9日,International Carbohydrate Organization(ICO)官方网站宣布,因其在发展高效、新型糖苷化方法,用于具有重要生物活性的复杂天然糖缀合物和聚糖的化学合成方面的开创性工作,俞飚研究员荣获2022年度Roy L Whistler International Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry — 糖化学领域国际最高奖项,他也成为首位获得该奖项的中国学者。

  1984年,国际碳水化合物组织设立了该奖项,以表达对Roy L Whistler教授的敬意,并表彰在碳水化合物化学和生物化学领域作出卓越贡献并预示继续作出重大贡献的科学家。下载化学加APP,阅读更有效率。


  图2. 俞飚研究员

  The Roy L. Whistler International Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry 2022

  The International Carbohydrate Organization is delighted to announce that the Roy L. Whistler International Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry for 2022 has been awarded to Prof. Biao Yu, Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

  In 1984, the International Carbohydrate Organization established the Award in honour of Professor Roy L. Whistler, to recognize scientists ‘who have made contributions of excellence in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry and with promise of continuing significant contributions.’ The Award is recognized with a plaque, US$15,000 and an invitation to present the opening lecture at the XXX International Carbohydrate Symposium (ICS), which will be held in Brazil, (July 11-15th, 2022)

  Prof. Yu receives this award for his pioneering work on the development of innovative and efficient approaches to the chemical synthesis of a wide range of complex naturally occurring glycoconjugates and glycans which possess significant biological activities.

  Biao Yu (b. 1967) studied radiochemistry at Peking University (1989) and obtained his PhD degree (1995) in Organic Chemistry from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed one year of postdoctoral training at New York University, and was hired as an Assistant Professor and then Professor (1999) at the SIOC.

  Professor Yu’s research focuses on the chemical synthesis of complex natural glycosides and glycans, the development of glycosylation methods enabling their synthesis, and studies on their biological activity and pharmacological utility. His group has achieved the first total syntheses of a large variety of the structurally unique and biologically interesting natural glycosides and glycans, those include triterpene glycosides, steroid glycosides, flavonoid glycosides, nucleoside antibiotics, angucycline antibiotics, lipid glycosides, phenolic glycosides, and many unusual glycans. In many cases these have resulted in structural revisions to correct the scientific record. To tackle the problems behind the construction of the specific glycosidic linkages, the Yu group invented two glycosylation methods: glycosyl Nphenyltrifluoroacetimidates and ortho-alkynylbenzoates as donors; with the latter using a Lewis acid or gold(I) complex as the catalyst. These catalytic methods have become two of the most reliable glycosylation methods, and are used widely in the synthesis of glycosidic linkages.

  An enduring task of Prof Yu’s work is to find therapeutically useful glycosides and glycans and their mechanism of action. He has been working on the structural optimization and practical synthesis of a number of glycosides found in cooperation with biologists, such as the Hoodia glycosides which show promising activities against metabolic disorders. Recently, his group accomplished the synthesis of a 128 -mer glycan corresponding to the O-antigen of Bacteroides vulgatus. The synthetic availability of these homogeneous polysaccharides will enable the studies on their immuno-modulation activities.

  Prof Yu has published over 280 papers and 20 patents, and has received many honors, including the Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the National Award for Natural Sciences from the Chinese government.

  Prof. Amelia Pilar Rauter

  President of the International Carbohydrate Organization (ICO)

  Prof. M. Carmen Galan

  Secretary of the International Carbohydrate Organization (ICO)

  Editor-In-Chief of Carbohydrate Research


  图3. 俞飚课题组合影





  1. 高活性五环三萜皂苷的合成

  五环三萜在自然界中广泛存在,研究表明D/E环存在氧化态的五环三萜通常具有较为突出的生理活性,而这一类五环三萜在自然界中含量较少不易分离制备。为了解决该类型五环三萜皂苷的合成问题,俞飚课题组发展了一种五环三萜骨架D/E环位点选择性氧化修饰的新方法。即通过手性氨甲基吡啶类导向基首次实现D/E环位点选择性的C-H官能团化。该方法反应条件温和、具有广泛的底物适用范围包括甾体骨架的氧化修饰。该反应策略可以耐受各种保护基操作,并且能够应用于多种不同类型天然五环三萜皂苷的线性合成,具有更广泛的应用前景。该部分工作已发表在(Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 4371.)。


   图4. 五环三萜D/E环位点选择性的C-H官能团化反应

  2. 具有生物活性、结构均一的脂多糖O-抗原聚糖合成

  肠道共生菌B. vulgatus的表面脂多糖O-抗原具有独特的结构和调节小鼠免疫反应的反常功能。课题组首先在二糖水平上解决了其中难以构建的β-D-甘露糖苷键的合成,开发了可大量制备的正交保护二糖砌块的方法。随后,把二糖砌块制备成给体和受体,通过较易控制的α-鼠李糖糖苷化反应得到四糖;并通过相应的迭代组装得到了全保护的8糖、16糖、32糖、64糖和128糖。其中糖苷化连接使用了该组发展的一价金催化的“俞氏”糖苷化反应(Yu Glycosylation)。该反应的给体容易制备、性质稳定、活化条件温和,是实现该多糖合成的关键。另一个关键是对于多糖的保护基脱除;对128糖的合成涉及到258个保护基的脱除,他们通过对反应条件的仔细摸索和精准把控,最终获得高纯度的目标多糖。通过全合成获得该类聚糖有助于对其功能的深入研究,推动相应的难治性肠炎药物的研发。意大利和荷兰的合作者则应用核磁和质谱确证了合成聚糖的结构,并发现该类聚糖与人源树突状细胞C-型凝集素的选择性识别。该部分工作已发表在(Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 4142.)。


  图5. “俞氏”糖苷化方法合成脂多糖O-128聚糖

  3. 基于去芳构化活化机制EPP糖苷新方法

  寡糖探针的合成仍然是一个挑战性的难题。为了解决具有结构多样性的复杂聚糖和糖缀合物的合成问题,俞飚课题组发展了一种寡糖和糖缀合物合成的新的糖基化方法——即通过去芳构化活化机制实现了用3,5-二甲基-4-(2’-苯基乙炔基苯基)苯基(EPP)糖苷进行糖基化反应。该方法反应条件温和、具有广泛的反应范围包括核碱基的N-糖苷化反应。EPP糖苷及其前体的稳定性可以耐受各种保护基操作,并且能够应用于聚糖和糖缀合物的线性合成。与硫苷给体相比,EPP糖苷给体更易活化;可以完全避免硫苷给体糖苷化时的苷元转移的副反应,具有广泛的应用前景。该部分工作已发表在(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 4806-4810.)。


  图6. 基于去芳构化活化机制EPP糖苷化方法

  4. 复杂肽核苷类抗生素Amipurimycin的合成

  在天然产物化学方面,一系列核苷化合物从微生物来源的发酵液中分离得到,这些化合物展现出了多种不同的生物活性,为寻找新的抗生素提供了更多途径。复杂肽核苷类抗生素Amipurimycin与Miharamycins都具有罕见3位支链和6位氨基酸的吡喃糖,结构中还包含2-氨基嘌呤和氨基酸,并且绝对构型和某些位点的立体化学仍未确定。俞飚课题组完成了复杂核苷类抗生素Amipurimycin的结构修正和首次全合成,同时进行了复杂核苷类抗生素Miharamycins的结构修正和其类似物的合成研究(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 2884-2888; 2019, 58, 10558-10562.)。


  图7. 糖缀合物Amipurimycin和Miharamycins的合成研究及结构修正
