







支志明:中国科学院院士,博士,香港大学化学系Dr.Hui Wai Haan讲座教授。
发展中国家科学院院士是从发展中国家的科学院、国家研究理事会、大学和研究机构以及发达国家的科学组织的著名科学家中选举产生的,分布在数学、物理学、天文学、生物学、工程科学与技术、医学、社会和经济学等十大领域,他们均在各自的学科领域对发展中国家科学发展做出了杰出的贡献。发展中国家科学院每年增选新院士40名左右,目前共有院士880人,来自70多个国家和地区。(科学网 郭晓珺/编译)
FANG, Rongxiang (China). b.19-1-1946. Director, State Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics/Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Fang has elucidated the molecular mechanism of antigenic drift of influenza strains by the sequencing and comparison of the viral hemagglutinin genes; analyzed the cis-elements of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and augmented the promoter activity by multiplication of the enhancer sequence; and developed virus-resistant transgenic tobacco plants which were planted over 60,000 ha in the early 1990s. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the winner of the Second Class (thrice) and First Class I (twice) Awards of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the HLHL Foundation Prize.
Elected as Fellow.
ZHANG, Ya-Ping (China). b.1-5-1965. Ph.D., Professor and Vice-Director, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Yunnan, China. A highly cited (>1000) author, Zhang has been working on the phylogenetic and biogeographical patterns of fauna biodiversity and has the biggest animal DNA bank in Asia. He has established the population history and genetic structure of the giant panda, Sichuan langur, slow loris and argali. He is an elected member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the winner of the Bay and Paul Foundation's Biodiversity Leadership Award for 2002.
Elected as Fellow.
CHEN, Sai-Juan (China). b.21-5-1951., Ph. D., Professor, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. Chen has made seminal contributions to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms in leukemogenesis. Her studies not only provided biomakers for diagnosis and prognosis, but also led to a concept of molecular targeting therapy, making APL the first curable AML by combination treatment with all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide. She has won the HLHL Foundation Science & Technology Progress Award, the Qiu Shi Scholar Award, and the Outstanding Young Scientist Award of China, among others.
Elected as Fellow.
CHE, Chi-Ming (China). b.7-9-1957. Ph.D., Hui-Wai Haan Chair of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. Che has conducted pioneering research in virtually every area of inorganic chemistry. His most notable contributions have been: (1) phosphorescent metal-organic complexes; (2) reactive metal-ligand multiple bonded complexes; and (3) inorganic medicines. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and has won the National Natural Science Prize of China, the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies Foundation Lectureship Award, and the National Outstanding Young Scholar Award.
Elected as Fellow.
HUANG, Baiyun (China). b.24-11-1945. Ph.D., Vice Chairman of the China Association of Science & Technology, President of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China. Huang has done pioneering work in powder metallurgy, in the development of high performance friction materials including carbon-carbon and metal-matrix composites, and advanced materials based on Ti-Al intermetallics. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and has won the National Technology Invention Award of China and the National Science & Technology Advancement Award of China.
Elected as Fellow.
ZHU, Jing (China). b.10-10-1938. Dean, School of Material Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Zhu is a material scientist and a pioneer in analytical electron microscopy in China. Her research focuses on the relationship between structure and properties in solids. She has developed steels with ultrahigh strength/toughness. She is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the winner of the National Natural Science and Science and Technology Progress Prizes, the Academy's Science and Technology Progress Prize, the HLHL Prize, and China's Metallurgical Industry Ministry's Prize 5 times.
Elected as Fellow.
XU, Zhiqin (China). b.14-8-1941. Ph.D., Professor, Key Laboratory for Continental Dynamics of MLR, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China. Xu has made excellent contributions to understanding the tectonics of China, the deformation mechanisms for rocks of various levels, and the processes and mechanisms for the formation of large-scale collisional orogenic belts/plateaux such as the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, the Qilian-Altun-Kunlun orogenic belts and the Sulu- Dabie ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has won China's Distinguished Young Scientist Prize, the Li Siguang Earth Science Medal, and also the HLHL Prize of Hong Kong.
Elected as Fellow.
1984年当选者:华罗庚 夏鼐
1985年当选者:卢嘉锡 周光召 丁国瑜 朱震达 陈中伟 姜伯驹 梁栋才 谈家桢 黄昆 曾呈奎
1986年当选者:冯德培 廖山涛
1987年当选者:孙鸿烈 赵忠贤
1988年当选者:茅以升 谢希德
1989年当选者:孙枢 白志东
1990年当选者:路甬祥 于渌 曲钦岳 李振声 陈创天
1991年当选者:刘东生 吴文俊 杨福家 顾方舟
1992年当选者:吴阶平 张存浩 陈述彭 邹承鲁 李家明
1993年当选者:严东生 洪国藩 闵恩泽 汪尔康 母国光 王 选 刘光鼎 涂光炽 冯端 干福熹
1994年当选者:张恭庆 石元春 苏纪兰 惠永正
1995年当选者:许智宏 郝柏林 贾兰坡 荆其诚 师昌绪 曾庆存
1996年当选者:田昭武 陈学俊
1997年当选者:白春礼 李大潜
1998年当选者:马志明 朱作言 李方华 唐晋发
1999年当选者:李依依 王志新 郭景坤 陈竺 陈运泰 董绍俊 林群
2000年当选者:王佛松 严陆光 苏肇冰 范海福 安芷生 陈顒 张启发 周巢尘 刘新垣
2001年当选者:徐冠华 陈佳洱 程津培 戚正武 洪德元 李德生 李国杰 闵乃本 裴钢 汪品先 张春霆 周炳琨 朱清时 洪涛 牛文元 张伟平
2002年当选者:冼鼎昌 艾国祥 郭雷 许绍燮
2003年当选者:李静海 吴建屏 欧阳自远 胡和生 徐如仁 欧阳钟灿
2004年当选者:李家洋 饶子和 卢柯 解思深 徐至展 韩启德 杨卫 侯建国 傅廷栋 秦大河

