



rapid CS cube:新方法测定碳硫




  德国Elementar公司推出的rapid CS cube,是最新型的快速碳硫分析仪,可分析煤、化学品、土壤/废弃物等环境样品中的碳和硫。相比于传统的、把样品放入坩埚入炉燃烧的碳硫分析仪,新型的rapid CS cube把样品包裹入锡舟中。这种方式使样品可以很容易地通过样品进料器把样品送入垂直燃烧炉(耐用的1000次进样的球阀)。


  这种方式的优点还在于可以提供高的燃烧温度,同时不再使用陶瓷反应管。rapid CS cube使用石英燃烧管,可获得更好的分析结果。燃烧产生的CO2 和SO2 都可被非色散红外测定(non dispersive IR,NDIR),可以获得宽的测量范围,对< 1 mg/kg的碳和硫均可测定到100%。

  这种可靠的分析方式也使分析不均匀样品成为可能,可分析高达1 g的样品。


rapid CS cube - The New Way to Determine Carbon + Sulphur

The rapid CS cube is the latest generation of analyzers for the analysis of carbon and sulfur in coal, chemical products, environmental samples like soil and waste. Opposed to customary instruments where the sample is weighed-in into crucibles and fed into the furnace,
for rapid CS cube the samples are wrapped into tin boats. This has the advantage that the sample is simply thrown into the vertical combustion furnace through a sample feeder (the 1000 times proven ball valve).
During the combustion of the tin in the wrapping material temperatures of more than 1800°C are temporarily reached. This allows a complete digestion of all C and S containing compounds, thus guaranteeing a 100% recovery of these two elements.
This way also offers the advantage to realize high combustion temperature and to abandon the use of ceramic as the material for combustion tubes at the same time. rapid CS cube uses a combustion tube of quartz glass instead which leads to much better analysis results. Both CO2 and SO2 are determined by a non dispersive IR where the extremely large measuring range of the employed detectors allow the determination of C and S of <1mg/kg up to 100%.
A reliable analysis also of inhomogeneous samples is made possible with sample weights of up to 1 milligram.

As an option, liquid and gaseous samples may also be analyzed using minimal modifications.

