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欢迎阅读Shimadzu Application Notebook "Solutions for Clinical Research"


说明: https://www.shimadzu.com/an/sites/default/files/ckeditor/an/qn5042000001p4sl-img/qn5042000001p4t3.jpg



Shimadzu is pleased to advise you of the update of Shimadzu Application Notes for a wide range of applications/topics using our technologies and instrumentation.

The newly available Application Notes cover topics about life sciences, envirnment, energy and food safety as listed below. Shimadzu updated solutions help you address your unique requirement.

The documents listed below are now available for download by clicking the titles and completing registration to literature service on our website. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes.

FoodC10G-E053Solutions for Food Safety 说明: https://www.shimadzu.com/an/sites/default/files/ckeditor/an/mk16nn0000002v3f-img/new.gif
FoodLAAN-C-XX-E013Simple Analysis of Pesticides Using AOC-MEPS System
FoodLAAN-C-XX-E017Multi-Residue Analysis of Pesticides in Green Tea Using Caffeine Removal Pretreatment
FoodLAAN-C-XX-E008Dietary Supplements Analysis
LifeScienceC10G-E054Solutions for Biopharmaceutical 说明: https://www.shimadzu.com/an/sites/default/files/ckeditor/an/mk16nn0000002v3f-img/new.gif
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E020AGenome Editing and Creating Mutant Strains in Medaka
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E019Classification of Bacteria by MALDI-TOF MS Based on Ribosomal Protein Coding in S10-spc-alpha Operon at Strain Level
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E013Testing and Analysis of Genetically Modified Food - Application of MultiNA -
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E011Primary Structural Analysis of Proteins / Peptides - Application of Protein Sequencer -
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E010AApplication of Metabolomics Techniques using LC/MS and GC/MS Profiling Analysis of Green Tea Leaves
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E006Test of Food-Poisoning Bacteria and Molds in Foods - Application of MultiNA -
LifeScienceLAAN-C-XX-E005Food Allergen Test - Application of MultiNA -
PharmaLAAN-C-XX-E007Analysis of Residual Catalysts in Pharmaceuticals Using ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Electronics, ElectronicLAAN-C-XX-E028UV Degradation Analysis of Material for Solar Cell Modules Using GC/MS and FTIR 说明: https://www.shimadzu.com/an/sites/default/files/ckeditor/an/mk16nn0000002v3f-img/new.gif
Clinical ResearchC10G-E055Solutions for Clinical Research 说明: https://www.shimadzu.com/an/sites/default/files/ckeditor/an/mk16nn0000002v3f-img/new.gif
EnvironmentLAAN-C-XX-E014Multi-Residue Analysis of Pesticides in Green Tea Using Caffeine Removal Pretreatment
EnvironmentLAAN-C-XX-E009Data on Tap Water Quality Standards
EnergyLAAN-C-XX-E026Determination of Storage Lipid Contents by Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FT-IR) in Non-Destructive Microalgal Cells


   岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司是(株)岛津制作所于1999年100%出资,在中国 设立的现地法人公司,在中国全境拥有13个分公司,事业规模不断扩大。其下设有北京、上海、广州、沈阳、成都分析中心,并拥有覆盖全国30个省的销售代理 商网络以及60多个技术服务站,已构筑起为广大用户提供良好服务的完整体系。本公司以“为了人类和地球的健康”为经营理念,始终致力于为用户提供更加先进 的产品和更加满意的服务,为中国社会的进步贡献力量。



