



iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit





The iPrep™  GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit allows rapid and automated extraction of  genomic DNA (gDNA) from human blood including archived or poorly stored  blood samples. Genomic DNA is extracted from blood samples using the  GeneCatcher™ Technology and iPrep™ Purification Instrument within 45  minutes without the use of centrifugation. For more information on the  GeneCatcher™ Technology, see below. The purified genomic DNA is suitable  for use in downstream applications including PCR and restriction enzyme  digestion.

The iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit is designed for use with the  iPrep™ Purification Instrument. The iPrep™ Purification Instrument is a  benchtop, automated nucleic acid purification instrument with integrated  Magnetic and Syringe Unit capable of purifying nucleic acids from up to  13 samples (12 samples   1 positive control) using a magnetic  bead-based technology.


The iPrep™  GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit combines the powerful GeneCatcher™  technology (next page) with the speed and convenience of the iPrep™  Instrument to allow automated purification of high-quality DNA from up  to 13 samples (12 samples   1 positive control) within 45 minutes.  Purification is achieved using a simple magnetic bead based purification  procedure, and avoids the use centrifuges or vacuum manifolds. The  lysate is mixed with GeneCatcher™ Magnetic Beads for subsequent DNA  binding to the beads. The DNA-bound magnetic beads are separated from  the lysate using magnetic separation. Any residual proteins are digested  with the Protease. The beads are thoroughly washed with Wash Buffers to  remove contaminants. The genomic DNA is then eluted in Elution Buffer  (E5).

The GeneCatcher™ Technology is a novel magnetic bead-based technology  that is designed to work on a wide range of blood samples including  archived or poorly stored blood samples to facilitate genomic DNA  purification.

  1. Step  1–DNA Capture–Cells are lysed and crude DNA is captured on magnetic  beads leaving most of the cell debris and protein behind in solution.

  2. Step 2–DNA Purification–Any residual protein is digested using the Protease and then washed away to leave pure intact DNA.

  3. Step 3–Elution–The pure DNA is then eluted into a small volume ready for use in any downstream applications.

The GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kits provide a flexible solution for  large-scale genotyping and biobanking projects due to the following  advantages:


Experienced Users Procedure


This quick reference sheet is included for experienced users of the  iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit. For more details, refer to details  below the quick reference.


Purification Protocol

  1. Mix the fresh blood samples or thaw frozen blood samples.

  2. Open  the iPrep™ Card Slot and insert the iPrep™ gDNA Blood and Tissue Card,  version 2.0 in the slot (arrow on the card is at the top and card label  is facing your left side).

  3. Turn  ON the iPrep™ Instrument using the power switch on the left side of the  instrument. The digital display shows the version for the iPrep™ which  changes in few seconds to display the Main menu.

  4. Press Start to run a protocol.

  5. Press 2 to select the Blood protocol.

  6. Open the iPrep™ door and remove iPrep™ Racks to set up the platform.

  7. Remove  the iPrep™ gDNA Blood Cartridges from the box. To collect any solution  from the foil, tap the cartridge to deposit the solution at the bottom  of the tube.

  8. Insert one iPrep™ Sample and Elution Tube in position 11 for each of the iPrep™ gDNA Blood Cartridge that is used.

  9. Load the cartridges on the iPrep™ Cartridge Rack and insert the loaded rack on to the iPrep™ Platform.

  10. Load the iPrep™ Tip and Tube Rack as follows:

l  Load the first row (labeled as E) with 1-13 elution tubes without caps

                 l  Keep the second row (labeled as T1) empty

                 l  Load the third row (labeled as T2) with iPrep™ Tips in the iPrep™ Tip Holders

                 l  Load the fourth row (labeled as S) with sample  tubes without caps and add 350 μl blood samples to the sample tubes

  1. Read the sample and elution tube barcodes, if needed.

  2. Insert the iPrep™ Tip and Tube Rack on to the iPrep™ Platform.

  3. Close the iPrep™ Door. Press 1 to continue.

  4. Select the appropriate elution volume on the display.

  5. Press  Start. The automated purification protocol begins and various steps of  the protocol including the approximate time remaining are displayed on  the digital display.

  6. At  the end of the run, the instrument beeps briefly and the digital  display shows Protocol Finished for 10 seconds. The Main menu appears  after 10 seconds.

  7. Open the instrument door.

  8. Remove  and cap the elution tubes containing the purified nucleic acid. Store  the purified gDNA at 4ºC (short-term) or aliquot and store at -20ºC  (long-term).

  9. Discard the used cartridges, tips, and tubes into biohazard waste. Do not reuse the cartridges.

  10. To  purify more samples using the same iPrep™ Blood and Tissue Card, load  the racks with new cartridges, tips, tubes, and samples, and start the  protocol as described.

  11. If you are not using the instrument, close the instrument door and turn the power switch to OFF.

  12. Remove the iPrep™ Blood Card and store card in the box.

iPrep™ Purification Instrument


The iPrep™ Purification Instrument is a benchtop, automated nucleic  acid purification instrument with integrated Magnetic and Syringe Unit  capable of purifying nucleic acids from up to 12 samples and one  positive control. Each iPrep™ Instrument consists of the Magnetic and  Syringe Unit, and a platform. A pre-programmed iPrep™ Protocol Card  controls the purification parameters such as buffer volumes, mixing  steps, and incubation time. For more details on the iPrep™ Purification  Instrument, see the manual supplied with the instrument.

iPrep™ Reaction Cartridge

The iPrep™ Reaction Cartridges are supplied with the iPrep™ Kits and  are designed to fit onto the iPrep™ Cartridge Rack in only one  orientation. Each cartridge is pre-filled with reagents required for the  iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood protocol.  

Each cartridge has 12 positions with 10 sealed wells and two heating  positions (position 12 with an empty well and position 11 to add an  empty or reagent filled tube). For the iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood  Kit, positions 1-10 contain wells filled with reagents.

Cartridge Specifications:

Material: Polypropylene cartridge sealed with laminated aluminum foil
Max Volume: 1000 μl/well
Dimension: 5.9 inches (l) x 1.2 inches (w) x 0.7 inches (d)

iPrep™ Tips and Tip Holders

The iPrep™ Tips and Tip Holders are included with the iPrep™ Kits and  are placed on the iPrep™ Tip and Tube Rack as described beolw. While  assembling the tips on the rack, insert the iPrep™ Tips into the iPrep™  Tip Holders using gloved hands. Always use the tips with the holders to  prevent any contamination.

Tip Specifications:

Tip Material: Polypropylene with filter barriers
Tip Holder Material: Polypropylene
Volume: 5-1000 μl
Tip Dimension: 3.9 inches (l) x 0.43 inches (d)

iPrep™ Tubes

Three sets of iPrep™ Tubes are required for the purification  protocol. The iPrep™ Sample and Elution Tubes are included with each  iPrep™ Kit and placed on the iPrep™ Tip and Tube Rack as described on  below.

Tube Specifications:
Material: Polypropylene
Capacity: 1. 5 ml
Style: Tubes with caps
Dimensions: 1.7 inches (l) x 0.4 inches (d)

iPrep™ gDNA Blood and Tissue Card 

To use the iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit with the iPrep™  Purification Instrument, you need to purchase the iPrep™ gDNA Blood and  Tissue Card, version 2.0. The iPrep™ gDNA Blood and Tissue Card is  pre-programmed with the purification protocol (for blood and tissue)  that directs the volume of reagents used and incubation time.

Always store the card in the box, protected from light.

To avoid damaging the card:

iPrep™ Platform 

The platform on the iPrep™ Instrument allows the placement of iPrep™  Tip and Tube Rack, and iPrep™ Cartridge Rack that are filled with  plastic disposables and reagent cartridges required for the purification  protocol.


General Information

User Supplied Materials

In addition to the reagents supplied with the kit, you also need the following materials and instrumentation: 

Blood Samples

The iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit is designed to purify high yield gDNA from various human blood samples including:

Sample Volume 

The iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Protocol is designed to purify gDNA from 350 μl human blood samples.
 If sample volume is limited, you need use at least 200 μl sample  volume. Do not use less than 200 μl blood sample volume as using less  sample volume results in excessive bubble formation during the  purification protocol thereby lowering the gDNA yield.

Follow the recommendations below to obtain the best results:

Safety Information

Follow the safety guidelines below when using the iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit.

Isolating gDNA from Human Blood


Instructions to isolate genomic DNA from human blood samples using  the iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit with the iPrep™ Purification  Instrument are described below.

Starting Material

Use this procedure to isolate genomic DNA from 350 μl human blood samples. See page 8 for sample volume. 

Materials Needed

You will need the following materials:

Before Starting 

Perform the following before starting:

Purification Protocol

Purify genomic DNA from human blood samples using the iPrep™ Purification Instrument as described below.
For details on using the iPrep™ Purification Instrument, refer to the manual supplied with the instrument.

Insert the iPrep™ gDNA Blood and Tissue Card, version 2.0 (available  separately from Invitrogen) prior to turning on the instrument.

  1. Ensure the power switch on the iPrep™ Instrument is on the OFF position.

  2. Open  the iPrep™ Card Slot and insert the iPrep™ gDNA Blood and Tissue Card  into the slot in the correct orientation (arrow on the card is at the  top and card label is facing your left side).

  3. Using  the power switch located on the left side of the instrument, turn ON  the instrument. If the card is fully inserted in the correct  orientation, all axes return to their original positions automatically.  The digital display show the version for the iPrep™ which changes in few  seconds to display the Main menu.

  4. Press Start to run a protocol.

  5. Press 2 to select the Blood protocol.

  6. Open the iPrep™ door and remove the iPrep™ Cartridge Rack and iPrep™ Tip and Tube Rack to set up the platform.

  7. Remove  the desired number of iPrep™ gDNA Blood Cartridges from the box. To  collect any solution from the foil, tap the cartridge to deposit the  solution at the bottom of the tube. Note: You can load 1-13 cartridges  on the rack depending on the number of samples that you wish to process.  If you are loading less than 13 cartridges, ensure that the remaining  plastic ware (tips and tubes) are also loaded in the same order as the  cartridges

  8. Insert  one iPrep™ Sample and Elution Tube in position 11 (position with a  hole) for each of the iPrep™ gDNA Blood Cartridge that is used.

  9. Load the cartridges on the iPrep™ Cartridge Rack and insert the loaded rack on the iPrep™ platform.

  10. Load the iPrep™ Tip and Tube Rack as follows:

                  l  Load the first row (labeled as E) with 1-13 elution tubes without caps

                  l  Keep the second row (labeled as T1) empty

                  l  Load the third row (labeled as T2) with iPrep™ Tips in the iPrep™ Tip Holders

                  l  Load the fourth row (labeled as S) with sample  tubes without caps and add 350 μl blood sample to the sample tubes

  1. Read the sample and elution tube barcode, if needed.

  2. Insert the iPrep Tip and Tube rack on the iPrep™ platform as shown above.

  3. Close the iPrep™ Door.

  4. Press 1 to continue.

  5. Select the appropriate elution volume on the display.

  6. Ensure  that you have loaded the cartridges, tubes, and tips in the appropriate  positions, and sample and elution tubes do not have any caps. Make sure  you have loaded a tube in position 11 of the cartridge.

  7. Press  Start. The automated purification protocol begins and various steps of  the protocol including the approximate time remaining are displayed on  the digital display.
    Important: Do not open the door once the  protocol has begun. To pause the protocol, press the Stop key. To resume  the protocol after a pause, press the Start key. To cancel/stop the  protocol, press the Stop key twice. For details, see the iPrep™  Instrument manual.

  8. At  the end of the run, the instrument beeps briefly and the digital  display shows Protocol Finished for 10 seconds. The Main menu appears  after 10 seconds.

  9. Open  the instrument door. Remove and cap the elution tubes containing the  purified nucleic acid. Store the purified gDNA as described below.

  10. Discard the used cartridges, tips, and sample tubes into biohazard waste. Do not reuse the cartridges.

  11. To  purify more samples using the same iPrep™ Card, load the racks with new  cartridges, tips, and samples, and start the protocol as described  above.

  12. If you are not using the instrument, close the instrument door and turn the power switch to OFF.

  13. Remove the iPrep™ gDNA Blood and Tissue Card and store the card in the box, protected from light.

Storing DNA

DNA Quantitation and Analysis

DNA Yield

Perform DNA quantitation using UV absorbance at 260 nm or Quant-iT™ Kits.

UV Absorbance

  1. Prepare a dilution of the DNA solution in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5. Mix well. Measure the absorbance at 260 nm (A260)  of the dilution in a spectrophotometer (using a cuvette with an optical  path length of 1 cm) blanked against 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5.

  2. Calculate the concentration of DNA using the formula:

DNA (μg/ml) = A260 × 50 x dilution factor
For DNA, A260 = 1 for a 50 μg/ml solution measured in a cuvette with an optical path length of 1 cm. 

Quant-iT™ Kits

The Quant-iT™ Kits provide a rapid, sensitive, and specific  fluorescent method for dsDNA quantitation. The kit contains a  state-of-the-art quantitation reagent, DNA standards for standard curve,  and a pre-made buffer to allow fluorescent DNA quantitation using  standard fluorescent microplate readers/fluorometers or the Qubit™  Fluorometer.

Analyzing DNA Quality

Typically, DNA isolated using the iPrep™ GeneCatcher™ gDNA Blood Kit has an A260/A280  >1.70 when samples are diluted in Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) indicating that  the DNA is reasonably clean of proteins that could interfere with  downstream applications. Purified gDNA may be analyzed by agarose gel  electrophoresis to check the DNA quality (usually a single band at  >40 kb with no smearing) and confirm the absence of contaminating  RNA.

