



mpulsive Pressurization of Neuronal Cells for Traumatic Brain Injury Study





A novel impulsive  cell pressurization experiment has been developed using a Kolsky bar  device to investigate blast-induced traumatic brain injury (TBI). We  demonstrate in this video article how blast TBI-relevant impulsive  pressurization is applied to the neuronal cells in vitro. This is  achieved by using well-controlled pressure pulse created by a  specialized Kolsky bar device, with complete pressure history within the  cell pressurization chamber recorded. Pressurized neuronal cells are  inspected immediately after pressurization, or further incubated to  examine the long-term effects of impulsive pressurization on  neurite/axonal outgrowth, neuronal gene expression, apoptosis, etc. We  observed that impulsive pressurization at about 2 MPa induces distinct  neurite loss relative to unpressurized cells. Our technique provides a  novel method to investigate the molecular/cellular mechanisms of blast  TBI, via impulsive pressurization of brain cells at well-controlled  pressure magnitude and duration.





Catalog Number


SH-SY5Y (ATCC, CRL-2266) human neuroblastoma cells

18 mm diameter glass coverslips

Cell culture media: DMEM, 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% penicillin-streptomycin

Retinoic acid (10 �M) for inducing neurogenesis

Kolsky bar impulsive pressurization device

Piston-cylinder cell pressurization chamber

Stainless steel screws for securing cell cultured coverslip on the piston

Grease for interfaces between cell chamber and Kolsky bar

General  molecular biology supplies for assessing cell response to  pressurization (fixative, antibody, fluorescent dye, PCR supplies, etc.)



1. Neuronal Cell Culture

   1)      Brain cells including neuronal cells, astrocytes, and  their co-culture may be used as a cell model. As a feasibility  demonstration, impulsive pressurization of cell-line neuronal cells is  presented.

   2)      SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells (ATCC, CRL-2266) are  cultured on 18 mm diameter glass coverslips. Cells are seeded at a  density of 3×103 cells/cm2 using the growth media  composed of DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1%  penicillin-streptomycin. Cell cultured glass slides are kept in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator at 37°C.

   3)      To obtain the neuronal cell differentiation of SH-SY5Y  cells, cells are treated with media further supplemented with 10 μM  retinoic acid (RA) for 7 days with media changed every two days. On day  7, cells are ready to be pressurized.

2. Pressurization Equipment: Kolsky Bar

   1)      The Kolsky bar, developed by Kolsky1 in 1949,  has been used to measure the mechanical property of a material at a very  high loading rate. The apparatus consists of two bars with a sample  placed in contact between the bars. A stress wave, created on the  incident bar, propagates to the sample where the wave splits into a  reflected and transmitted wave. The stress in the sample is proportional  to the transmitted wave. In this study, we utilize a cell  pressurization chamber to be placed between the two bars of the Kolsky  set-up.

   2)      The two aluminum alloy bars (each 6-m long) are suspended  by aligned brass bearings, and an in vitro cell pressurization chamber  is sandwiched between the bars. The upstream bar is the incident bar  with a 130 lb mass clamped onto one end. A friction clamp is placed at a  position that will give the desired pulse duration. By engaging the  clamp and tightening a scissors jack between the mass and a loading  support, the clamp-mass section of the incident bar is pre-compressed to  the desired level. Forcing a notched bolt that locks the clamp to a  sudden break with a hydraulic system releases the pre-stored compression  rapidly and thus generates a pressure pulse. This propagates through  the incident bar, drives the test chamber piston, and pressurizes the  fluid and cells within the chamber impulsively. The chamber  pressurization in turn initiates a pressure pulse propagating in the  transmitted bar downstream. The strains associated with the pressure  pulses in the bars are measured with compound high resistance strain  gauges excited to 45 volts. The gauge signals are recorded with a  digital oscilloscope at 1 MHz frequency as a loading history.

   3)      The in vitro cell pressurization chamber is composed of a  piston-cylinder. The cylinder has 2.6 cm inner diameter and 3.8 cm  outer diameter, and has a small hole tapped at the base of the cavity.  The hole serves as an air and excess fluid vent during cell sample  installation. The piston is 7.5 cm long and is made from the same bar  material. The piston is wrapped with two to three layers of plumber's  (Teflon) tape that serve as low friction seal. The end cap is 32 mm long  and has two small stainless steel screws that secure the glass  coverslips (on which cells are cultured) during the loading.

3. Impulsive Pressurization of Neuronal Cells

   1)      All pressurization chamber parts are sterilized using the  autoclave and are kept under UV light. The assembly of the chamber is  performed inside the cell culture hood. The vent screw in the chamber is  loosely engaged in the air vent at the base of the cavity. Pre-warmed  (37°C) fresh growth media is pipetted into the chamber without making  bubbles. Then, a cell-cultured glass slide is picked up, and is placed  on the cap of the piston (cells facing outside). The small holding  screws are tightened down onto the slide to hold it in place. The piston  with a cell-cultured glass slide is inserted a little into the cavity  of the chamber, and the assembly is tilted with the vent being at the  highest point. The vent screw is removed and the piston is pushed into  the cavity first forcing out air bubbles, then the excess fluid. Either a  reference mark or a jig is used as a guide to ensure the same culture  media volume for every test. The axial dimension of the media in the  chamber is about 6 mm. Sanitize the vent screw and replace it to make  the chamber water tight. The chamber should not leak under this static  load, if it does, the Teflon wrap needs to be replaced or reinforced.

   2)      At this point, the Kolsky bar system is reset. The heavy  mass is moved back to the original position and a new locking bolt  replaces the used (broken) one. Engage the new locking bolt with the  hydraulics to about 200 psi. Use the scissors jack to compress the  pre-loading section of the incident bar up to a pressure little higher  than the desired value, and then back it off to engage the full friction  of the jack's screw. The data acquisition is now armed.

   3)      The assembled cell pressurization chamber is mounted into  the system. It is placed in a V block supported by small lab scissors  jack and aligned with the two bars. Grease each interface with a light  grease layer and rub the butting surfaces together to eliminate any air  gaps in between.

   4)      The test is now ready to proceed. The clamp locking bolt  is forced to break by quickly pumping the hydraulic clamp driver. The  clamp will separate and the data acquisition should display the results.  The cell pressurization history is determined from the measurements of  the transmitted bar gauge. If the transmitted bar used is long enough,  this should only be from the first disturbance to the point where the  measurements show a negative pressure. The duration of the transmitted  pulse may be shorter than the incident pulse if a bubble is trapped. The  magnitude may not reach that of the incident pulse, but it should have a  sufficiently long plateau before unloading. Otherwise, either a large  air bubble in the sealed chamber or a misalignment between the assembly  and a bar might have occurred.

   5)      The cell pressurization chamber is then removed and  disassembled inside the cell culture hood. The vent screw is removed and  the piston is pulled free of the chamber. The cell-cultured glass slide  is taken from the end of the piston.

4. Assessing Pressurized Cell Behavior

   1)      After pressurization, the cells may be inspected  immediately or further incubated for later examination. With proper  aseptic operation processes, longer-term post-incubation is possible.

   2)      Pressurized cells can be examined by all molecular and  cellular biology techniques. Specifically for neuronal cell  pressurization, to investigate the cellular and molecular physiology in  TBI conditions, assays assessing pressure-induced changes in neurite  outgrowth, microtubule cytoskeletal change, neuronal gene expression,  apoptosis, etc., can be performed. As control cell samples, cells that  are cultured the same, kept inside the pressurization chamber for the  same time period, but not pressurized are used (so called, chamber  control).

   3)      For assessing the changes in neurite outgrowth,  pressurized and chamber control cells are examined by optical microscope  immediately after pressurization and 1 and 24 h of post-incubation. An  example of neuronal cell images are shown in the 'Representative  Results' section (Figure 2). The neurite length change can be quantified  by actin immunofluorescent staining and image analysis. Cells are fixed  with a 4% w/v paraformaldehyde solution, rinsed with a 0.05% v/v  Tween-20 wash buffer, and permeabilized with a 0.1% v/v Triton X-100  solution. After blocking with a 1% w/v bovine serum albumin solution,  cells are incubated with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate  (TRITC)-conjugated phalloidin. Immunofluorescent images of the cells are  taken using a fluorescent microscope and the lengths of neurites for  pressurized and control cells are quantified using the ImageJ software  (NIH).

   4)      The neurites can be identified as axons or dendrites. To  assess the morphological changes in axons or dendrites, the experiments  described above can be repeated by using antibodies detecting each  structure, i.e., neurofilament (NF) antibody for axons and  microtubule-associated protein (MAP2) antibody for dendrites.

   5)      Microtubules are one of the key cytoskeletal components  of neurons, and the damage to microtubules has been used as a marker of  neuronal injury.2 Microtubule can be visualized  immunofluorescently using the β-tubulin antibody. Cells are fixed after 0  and 24 h of post-pressurization, stained with β-tubulin antibody, and  observed by the fluorescent microscope.

   6)      To assess the effect of impulsive pressurization on  neuronal and apoptotic gene expression, total RNA is extracted from  pressurized and control cells. Gene expression can be examined by  performing quantitative RT-PCR or real-time RT-PCR, similar to our  published protocols.3

5. Representative Results:

6. Difficulties and Solutions

   1)      Chamber sealing is one of the major obstacles to be  overcome. It is found that wide disks with o-rings have a problem of  gouging and increased friction. In order to remove the friction effects,  as well as prevent gouging, a simple method of piston taping with  Teflon plumber's tape is used. This solves the problems and produces  desired pressure level and duration.

   2)      Pressurized neuronal cell behavior, especially when  assessing secondary TBI mechanism or longer term effects, should be  examined after a long post-incubation time. The cell-containing chamber  is exposed to potentially unsterile conditions while moving to the  Kolsky bar, pressurizing, and moving back to the cell culture hood. With  pre-sterilization of the chamber parts and proper operation in  assembly/disassembly of the cell-cultured slide and chamber inside the  cell culture hood, longer-term post-incubation is possible up to several  weeks.

   3)      The reproducibility of the data is an important parameter  in cellular mechanical stimulation experiments. For our device, the  reproducibility in neuronal cell response is determined how desired  impulsive pressurization profile, in both pressure level and duration,  is repeatedly obtained. Since we record the obtained pressure profile  for each pressurization, the cell response data from unwanted pressure  profile can be manually excluded afterwards.

   4)      The entire pressurization steps, including chamber  assembly, transfer and mount in the Kolsky bar, pressurization,  transfer-back, and chamber disassembly, take less than 10 min. The next  cell cultured slide can be pressurized immediately after the previous  pressurization. Thus, sufficient number of pressurization experiments  can be completed efficiently. Our set-up utilizes 18 mm diameter glass  coverslips. One pressurization experiment does not provide enough  proteins for western immunoblotting due to substrate size (and also  partly because some of the pressurized cells are dead). About three  repeated pressurization experiments provide protein amount required for  immunoblotting. Again, the reproducibility is checked each time with the  pressure profile.



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