



Isolation of cell nuclei for the application in the cell-free system




Grow cells in a 160 cm2 flask (25 ml medium) up to about 75% cell density.

Remove medium from the cell culture flask except 5 ml. To the remaining 5 ml add 25 祃 of 4.2 mM Cytochalasin B (CB); Incubate 30 min at 37癈 (cells will show an alterered morphology afterwards).

Remove the CB containing supernatant and harvest cells by trypsinization and centrifugation at 200 g for 10 min.

Wash cells two times with 10 ml PBS, pH 7.2.

Wash cells once with 5 ml Nuclei Buffer (NB).

Resuspend cells in 10 volumes of NB (including 10 礛 Cytochalasin B) (total volume should be at least 1,5 ml if you use a 2 ml Dounce homogenizer).

Let cells swell on ice for 20 min to 30 min (control swelling process under microscope).

Gentle lysis with a Dounce homogenizer:
About 25 to 50 controlled, but determined strokes, depending on cell type; check liberation of nuclei and grade of purity of nuclei by examination of sample under phase contrast microscope.

Layer liberated nuclei over 30% sucrose (0.88 M) in NB:
About 500 祃 lysate over 2 ml 30% sucrose in a 6 ml round bottomed PP centrifuge tube.

Spin nuclei down at 800 g for 10 min; aspirate supernatant, then suck away the top layer and the interphase, thoroughly.

Optional for higher purity of nuclei:
take nuclear pellet up in 500 祃 NB and layer nuclei a second time over 30% sucrose (0.88 M) in NB. Spin down at 800 g for 10 min, and aspirate supernatant.

For a wash step, take nuclear pellet up in 3 ml NB (at this point take a sample for counting nuclei in hemcytometer under phase contrast microscope), and centrifuge at 800 g for 10 min, aspirate supernatant.

Resuspend nuclei pellet in nuclei storage buffer (NSB) at 2E+08 nuclei/ml or, in case of radioactive labelled nuclei: resuspend in NSB at 1E+07 nuclei/ml and distribute the suspension in 5 祃 aliqots (50 000 nuclei).

Store nuclei at -70癈 in aliquots until required (up to several weeks).
