



Cloning of small RNAs with 5’ phosphate and 3’ OH ends-3




Quantification of small RNA PCR products.

  1. Mix 1 µl of the resuspended small RNA PCR product with 2 µl of water for nanodrop determination. Do the same with 1µl of resuspension buffer + 2µl of water for the blank. 

  2. Take the following Nanodrop readings. Remember that your sample is a 3X dilution, so multiply the final concentration by 3. 

Mix 1 µl of your PCR product with 4 µl water and 5 µl DNA loading dye. Run your samples on a 10% native gel along with 0.5 µg (5µl of the dilution) of the 100bp Generuler Fermentas Ladder. If 0.5µg (5µl) is loaded, the 100bp band is 40 ng. Use the Quantity One software to determine the concentration of your PCR products.

Take an average reading between the nanodrop and the BioRad quantification. You will use this number to determine the Molarity of your library (comment 6).

Determine the molarity of your library 

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Materials & Reagents

SuperScript™ II Reverse Transcription Kit (10,000 Units)Supplier: Invitrogen 
Catalog #: 18064-014
RNAguard 5000USupplier: GE Healthcare 
Catalog #: 27-0815-01
Generuler 100bp ladderSupplier: Fermentas
20bp ladder low ladderSupplier: SIGMA 
Catalog #: P1598-40UG
Phusion™ High Fidelity DNA Polymerase (100U)Supplier: NEB 
Catalog #: F-530S
dNTP Solution Set (4x25µm)Supplier: Invitrogen 
Catalog #: 10297-018
T4 RNA Ligase (50 U)+10X bufferSupplier: Promega 
Catalog #: M1051
Glycoblue 15mg/mlSupplier: Ambion 
Catalog #: AM9516
Nuclease Free WaterSupplier: Ambion 
Catalog #: AM9938
RNase-free 2 mL microfµge tubeSupplier: Ambion 
Catalog #: AM12425
Non-stick RNase-free 0.5 mL microfµge tubeSupplier: Ambion 
Catalog #: 12350
Pellet Paint®NF Co-precipitantSupplier: VWR 
Catalog #: 70748-4
Spin-X Cellulose Acetate Filter (2 mL, 0.45 µm)Supplier: Fisher/SIGMA 
Catalog #: MPA-150-040Q/CLS8162
mirVANA microRNA isolation kitSupplier: Ambion 
Catalog #: AM1561
1.5ml Siliconized eppendorf tubesSupplier: SIGMA 
Catalog #: T4816-250EA
2x Gel Loading Buffer IISupplier: Ambion 
Catalog #: AM8546G
pGEM T-easy cloning vector kitSupplier: Promega 
Catalog #: A1360
Big Dye v. 3.1Supplier: ABI 
0.5X TBE diluted from 10X TBE stock
0.3 M NaCL diluted from 5M stock
3 M NaOAC pH 5.2
Resuspension Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5)
Biorad Mini Protean II gel apparatus
Deionized formamide

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Author Notes

  1. Adapter specifications used in the Baulcombe lab. Please note, the sizes used in this protocol are based on the sizes of the adapter molecules and PCR primers. If you use primers/adapters of other sizes, then you need to adjust the sizes cut out of the gels accordingly.

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Reviewer Comments

Reviewed by: Eric Miska, Gurdon Institute, Cambridge

  1. We use mirVana kit followed by gel purification. This allows precise size selection of small RNAs by preventing any smears from overloaded lanes on the gel.

  2. Alternatively, the Criterion system can be used. We find it most important to exclude any cross-contamination of samples at this point. One sample per gel would be ideal.

  3. We find eluting from an intact gel slice as effective and easier to handle. It is important to prevent any gel “bits” to be included in the precipitation step.

  4. We find it useful to pick colonies onto a rectangular agarose plate in an 8x12 grid. We the set up the PCR reactions using a 96 well replicator. Positive clonies can then easily be identified for sequencing.

  5. More than 17 cycles will likely just result in empty amplification: you will get many identical reads instead of increased sequencing depth.

  6. As concentration is absolutely critical, it would be useful to check samples additionally on a BioAnalyzer.

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Figure 1. Overview over the flow of the cloning procedure
