



Dual-Color ELISPOT Assay for the Simultaneous Detection-1




Dual-Color ELISPOT Assay for the Simultaneous Detection of IL-2 and/or IFN- Secreting T Cells


The enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay measures the secretion intensity of effector molecules released by immune cells inresponse to ex vivo antigenic stimulation, as well as the frequency of these responding cells. This assay is highly sensitive, quantitative, easy to use, and amenable to high-throughput screening. For these reasons, the ELISPOT assay is considered by many as a gold standard for monitoring cellular immune responses. Until recently, ELISPOT assays using chromophores to detect the T cell secretion of cytokines were limited to the characterization of a single effector molecule. Notably, studies evaluating the immune response to chronic viral infections often measured IFN-{gamma} secretion by ELISPOT because of the known antiviral effects of this cytokine as well as its correlation to the cytotoxic capacity of T cells. However, maintenance of both IFN-{gamma} and IL-2 secretion by pathogen-specific T cells has been linked to a more favorable clinical outcome in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Leishmania infections. Therefore, an ELISPOT assay able to simultaneously characterize T cell responses in terms of IL-2 and IFN-{gamma} secretion is potentially relevant for the monitoring of immune responses to certain infectious agents. In this protocol, we describe an ELISPOT assay for the simultaneous detection of IL-2 and IFN-{gamma} upon stimulation with viral peptides.


Early uses of the ELISPOT assay for studies of immune cell secretionintensity and frequency are described in Currier et al. (2002) and Czerkinsky et al. (1988). The principles of the ELISPOT assay are reviewed in Letsch and Scheibenbogen (2003), and its use in high-throughput screening is described in Hernandez-Fuentes et al. (2003). The pathogen studies by Harari et al. (2005) illustrate the potential utility of simultaneous detection of IFN-{gamma} and IL-2 secretion for monitoring immune response. Darrah et al. (2007) demonstrate that immune responses secreting IFN-{gamma} and IL-2 and other cytokines play a protective role in a Leishmania major infection model. The assay presented in this protocol has also been described in Boulet et al. (2007).



recipe AEC buffer (freshly prepared)

cautionImmediately before use, activate AEC buffer using H2O2 (see Step 25).

Anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) (Fisher Scientific)

recipe Blocking buffer for ELISPOT assay

CEF peptide pool (available from the NIH AIDS Research and ReagentProgram and other commercial sources) (for use as control; see Step 13.iv)

recipe Coating buffer (dual, IL-2, and IFN-{gamma})

recipe Detection buffer for ELISPOT assay

recipe Developing buffer for ELISPOT assay

recipe Erythrosine B dye

caution H2O2 (30%; Sigma)

caution Methanol (MeOH; 90%) (American Chemicals)

Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (10X stock solution from Roche)

recipe PBS-T buffer

Peptides from infectious agent (see Step 13.v)

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)

recipe R10 medium (prewarmed to 37°C)

recipe R20 medium (prewarmed to 37°C)

RPMI medium 1640 (GIBCO)

recipe Vector Blue solution

recipe Wash medium for ELISPOT assay (prewarmed to 37°C)


Centrifuge with swing-out bucket rotor for 15-mL polypropylene tubes

CTL-Immunospot Analyzer (Cellular Technology Ltd.)

Filters (0.45-µM)


Incubator (humidified atmosphere, preset to 37°C and 5% CO2)


Multichannel pipette (Rainin)

MultiScreen IP white-walled sterile plates (Millipore)

Pipette tips

Pipettes (plastic transfer)

Pipettes (serological)

Plastic wrap

Trough (plastic, 50-mL)

Tubes (polypropylene [PP], 15-mL and 50-mL)

Vacuum plate washer (VPW) (Millipore)

Waterbath preset to 37°C


All procedures on Days 1, 2, and 3 should be done under sterileconditions.

Day 1: Coating Plates and Thawing Cells

Coating Plates (30 min)

Thawing Cells (30 min)

Day 2: Blocking Plates, Cell Plating

Blocking Plates (90 min)

Cell Plating (2 h)

Day 3: Detection (30 min)

Day 4: Spot Color Development (3.5 h)
