



Bovine Ig(Total Immunoglobulin) ELISA Kit使用说明(一)




Bovine Ig(Total Immunoglobulin) ELISA Kit
Catalogue No: EB0001 Size: 48T/96T Reactivity: Bovine
Detection Range: 1.563-100ug/ml
Sensitivity: <0.938ug/ml
Application: For quantitative detection of Ig in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates and other biological fluids.
Storage: 4°C for 6 months
Kit Components

Item Specifications(48T/96T) Storage
ELISA Microplate(Dismountable) 8×6 /8×12 4°C/-20°C
Lyophilized Standard 1 vial/2 vial 4°C/-20°C
Sample / Standard Dilution Buffer 10ml/20ml 4°C
Biotin-labeled Antibody (Concentrated) 60ul/120ul 4°C
Antibody Dilution Buffer 5ml/10ml 4°C
HRP-Streptavidin Conjugate(SABC) 60ul/120ul 4°C(shading light)
SABC Dilution Buffer 5ml/10ml 4°C
TMB Substrate 5ml/10ml 4°C(shading light)
Stop Solution 5ml/10ml 4°C
Wash Buffer (25X) 15ml/30ml 4°C
Plate Sealer 3/5pieces
Product Description 1 copy


Principle of the Assay
This kit was based on sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay technology. Anti- Ig antibody was pre-coated onto 96-well plates. And the biotin conjugated anti- Ig antibody was used as detection antibodies. The standards, test samples and biotin conjugated detection antibody were added to the wells subsequently, and washed with wash buffer. HRP- Streptavidin was added and unbound conjugates were washed away with wash buffer. TMB substrates were used to visualize HRP enzymatic reaction. TMB was catalyzed by HRP to produce a blue color product that changed into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The density of yellow is proportional to the Ig amount of sample captured in plate. Read the O.D.
absorbance at 450nm in a microplate reader, and then the concentration of Ig can be calculated.

  1. To inspect the validity of experiment operation and the appropriateness of sample dilution proportion, pilot experiment using standards and a small number of samples is recommended.

  2. After opening and before using, keep plate dry.

  3. Before using the Kit, spin tubes and bring down all components to the bottom of tubes.

  4. Storage TMB reagents avoid light.

  5. Washing process is very important, not fully wash easily cause a false positive.

  6. Duplicate well assay is recommended for both standard and sample testing.

  7. Don’t let Micro plate dry at the assay, for dry plate will inactivate active components on plate.

  8. Don’t reuse tips and tubes to avoid cross contamination.

  9. Avoid using the reagents from different batches together.

Material Required but Not Supplied

  1. Microplate reader (wavelength: 450nm)

  2. 37°C incubator

  3. Automated plate washer

  4. Precision single and multi-channel pipette and disposable tips

  5. Clean tubes and Eppendorf tubes

  6. Deionized or distilled water


Manual Washing
Discard the solution in the plate without touching the side walls. Clap the plate on absorbent filter papers or other absorbent material. Fill each well completely with 350ul wash buffer and soak for 1 to 2 minutes, then aspirate contents from the plate, and clap the plate on absorbent filter papers or other absorbent material. Repeat this procedure two more times for a total of THREE washes.
Automatic Washing
Aspirate all wells, and then wash plate THREE times with 350ul wash buffer. After the final wash, invert plate, and clap the plate on absorbent filter papers or other absorbent material. It is recommended that the washer shall be set for soaking 1 minute.
Sample Collection and Storage
Isolate test samples soon after collecting, then, analyze immediately (within 2 hours). Or aliquot and store at -20°C for long term. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.

