







Application Notes   应用注解                                                                                              



 Disadvantages of Ecophysics NOx analyser



1.                  Twin Reaction Chamber 双反应室


There are several disadvantages in using a twin reaction chamber with one photo multiplier tube, for example:



                                            I.         Reaction time and ‘PM’ tube offer little speed of response advantage over single reaction chamber and sample gas switching etc.



                                           II.         The arrangement requires a motor driven shutter to alternate each reaction chamber to ‘PM’ Tube.



2.    Ozonizer臭氧发生器


Double the level of ozone is needed (enough for reaction chambers). This necessitates the use of a high strength corona discharge method. With this strength Nin the air feed gas produces:



                                 I.      NO gas at around 2 ppm and this produces an offset seen as non-linearity at lower ranges.

NO气体大约2 ppm,在低量程时会产生非线性漂移。

                                II.      Any moisture in the air feed gas quickly produces Nitric Acid, which corrodes and blocks the ozone supply.


                              III.      A large capacity ozone scrubber is required to remove prior to the Vac pump.



3.  NOx Converter NOx转化炉


The welded construction converter produces a considerable restriction, which acts as a filter. This leads to a difference in the amount of impurities each of the two reaction chamber receive i.e. the NOx channel receive less due to filtration by the NOx converter than the NO channel, this leads to an offset between NOx and NO channels producing an error in the NO2 reading that the single reaction chamber does not.

焊接结构的转换炉受太多的条件限制,作为过滤器,将导致两个反应气室的杂质总量不一样,即:由于NOX通道由于经过NOX 转化炉过滤,进入的杂质将比NO通道少,因此产生一个偏移,导致NOX 通道与NO通道之间产生一个有误差的NO2读数,单一反应室则没有这种情况。


The NOx converter is not designed for low cost maintenance and is an exchange item.



The stainless steel material is able to convert ammonia to NO and produces unwanted readings.



The stainless steel converter diminishes NO to Nin a low oxygen sample gas.



The normally used carbon converter does not have a filteration effect. It does not produce NO from ammonia and does not have the effect reducing NO to Nin a reducing atmosphere sample. It is also easy and cheap to replenish.



4.    Oven


The Ecophysics unit has an internal sample filter, which can only be accessed, through a hole in the back panel. The solenoid valve in the oven to select CAL gas or SAMPLE gas is very expensive to overhaul and/or replace.

Eco 内置样气过滤单元,仅被设计通过一个孔进入后背板,炉内的用于选择校准气或样气的电磁阀在检查及更换时费用昂贵。


5.      Vacuum Regulator真空调节器

Instead of using a high quality mechanical vacuum regulator, Ecophysics use an electronic vacuum transducer to monitor the vacuum and operates a motor driven toothed rubber belt, which operates a needle valve within an electronic feedback circuit.

This is very expensive, quite unnecessary and expensive to maintain. The toothed belt require frequent replacement as ozone leakage even on a small scale destroys the rubber. The motor requires maintenance and the electronic transducers is expensive to replace.



The Signal Model 4000VM uses a high quality mechanical regulator which require only the replacement if the diaphragm from time to time.

Signal Model 4000VM使用了高品质的机械式真空调节器,有时仅仅需要更换膜片。


6.        Vacuum Pump真空泵


The chemiluminescent NOx analyser has greatly improved sensitivity and low quenching from CO2 and H2O when under high vacuum.



The Ecophysics dual reaction chamber unit has two reaction chamber flows of sample and ozone. The vacuum pump has twice the flow rate and therefore pulls much less vacuum. 

Eco 双反应室单元有两个反应室流动样气与臭氧。因此要求真空泵需要双倍的流速来适应更少的真空度

The Signal unit pulls down to 15mbar vacuum.



The Signal Model 4000VM is able to offer continuous NOx/NO/NO2 output. Updated every 3 seconds which is equivalent to Ecophysics twin reaction chamber design.

It has a ‘soft’ neon tube ozoniser which does not produce NO fro air feed gas and therefore does not suffer from nitric acid production if the air feed gas is not totally dry and it does not produce an error in the NO2 reading due to a difference in window contamination due to the filtering effect of the NOxconverter.

Signal Model 4000VM 提供NOx/NO/NO连续输出,每3秒钟刷新一次数据,等同于ECO双反应室设计,它有一个氖管臭氧发生器,不会经由空气原料气生成NO,因此当空气原料气不完全干燥的情况下也不用担心产生硝酸,由于NOX转化炉产生过滤效应但污染物是在不同的窗口,所以NO2的读数不会出现误差。


The ozoniser does not produce so much ozone that it needs an electrical ozone destroyer and does not produce NO from air feed gas that will produce a low-level range non-linearity.



The carbon converter is situated in a quartz chamber that does not convert ammonia and will not reduce NO to N2, it is also easy and cheap to refill.

碳转化炉安放在一个石英室内,它不会转化氨,NO也不会被还原为N2, 更换方便而且价格经济


The vacuum regulator is the high quality mechanical type that requires little or no maintenance but still offers the same performance in sample bypass effects as that of the Ecophysics.



The sample oven is fitted with Teflon filter removable from the rear and it uses a regulator solenoid valve for sample/Cal gas section which has its solenoid coil external to the heated area in order to provide reliable long term use. It is also low cost to maintain.





The Ecophysics analyser is a remarkable design for complexity over simplicity. The complexity offers no performance advantage but many cost and maintenance disadvantages.


The Ecophysics analyser also incorporates design that have series disadvantages in error in readings.




a)      Different contamination in NOx/NO channels


b)      Ammonia effects with converter


c)      Loss of NO to N2 in converter.


d)      Nitric oxide production in ozoniser if an air feed gas is not totally dry.

