







69.           Guéra A, Calatayud A, Sabater B, Barreno E: Involvement of the thylakoidal NADH-plastoquinone-oxidoreductase complex in the early responses to ozone exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(409):205-218.[PAM-2000]

70.           Haldimann P, Feller U: Growth at moderately elevated temperature alters the physiological response of the photosynthetic apparatus to heat stress in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. Plant Cell and Environment 2005, 28(3):302-317.[PAM-2000]

71.           Hirotsu N, Makino A, Yokota S, Mae T: The photosynthetic properties of rice leaves treated with low temperature and high irradiance Plant Cell and Physiology 2005, 46(8):1377-1383.[MINI-PAM]

72.           Jompuk C, Fracheboud Y, Stamp P, Leipner J: Mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with chilling tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings grown under field conditions Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(414):1153-1163.[PAM-2000]

73.           Nakano R, Ishida H, Makino A, Mae T: In vivo fragmentation of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase by reactive oxygen species in an intact leaf of cucumber under chilling-light conditions Plant Cell and Physiology 2005, 47:270-276.[PAM-100]

74.           Neta-Sharir I, Isaacson T, Lurie S, Weiss D: Dual role for tomato heat shock protein 21: protecting photosystem II from oxidative stress and promoting color changes during fruit maturation The Plant Cell 2005, 17:1829-1838.[PAM-100]

75.           Shabala S, Shabala L, van Volkenburgh E, Newman I: Effect of divalent cations on ion fluxes and leaf photochemistry in salinized barley leaves Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(415):1369-1378.[MINI-PAM]

76.           Yamamoto A, Bhuiyan MNH, Waditee R, Tanaka Y, Esaka M, Oba K, Jagendorf AT, Takabe T: Suppressed expression of the apoplastic ascorbate oxidase gene increases salt tolerance in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(417):1785-1796.[MINI-PAM]

77.           Yang X, Liang Z, Lu C: Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine enhances photosynthesis against high temperature stress in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Physiology 2005, 138:2299-2309.[PAM-2000]

78.           Yang X, Lu C: Photosynthesis is improved by exogenous glycinebetaine in salt-stressed maize plants. Physiologia Plantarum 2005, 124:343-352.[PAM-2000]

79.           Zgallai H, Steppe K, Lemeur R: Photosynthetic, physiological and biochemical responses of tomato plants to polyethylene glycol-Induced water deficit. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2005, 47(12):1470-1478.[PAM-2000]

80.           白成科, 李桂双, 段俊, 彭长连, 翁克难, 徐世平: 高压处理后水稻抗氧化酶活性及对逆境胁迫的响应. 高压物理学报 2005, 19(3):235-240.[PAM-100]

81.           龙明华, 唐小付, 于文进, 廖易, 黄文浩, 秦荣耀: 不同钙素水平对厚皮甜瓜叶片光合作用和保护酶活性的影响. 广西植物 2005, 25(1):77-82.[PAM-100]

82.           欧志英, 林桂珠, 彭长连: 超高产杂交水稻培矮64S/ E32 和两优培九剑叶对高温的响应. 中国水稻科学 2005, 19(3):249-254.[PAM-100]

83.           欧志英, 彭长连, 林桂珠: 高温下杂交稻培矮64S/E32与其亲本的光合和抗逆参数的比较. 广西植物 2005, 25(6):555-561.[PAM-100]

84.           徐凯, 郭延平, 张上隆, 周慧芬, 郑毅: 草莓叶片光合作用对强光的响应及其机理研究. 应用生态学报 2005, 16(1):73-78.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

85.           Hirotsu N, Makino A, Ushio A, Mae T: Changes in the thermal dissipation and the electron flow in the water–water cycle in rice grown under conditions of physiologically low temperature Plant Cell and Physiology 2004, 45(5):635-644.[MINI-PAM]

86.           Kasuga M, Miura S, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K: A combination of the Arabidopsis DREB1A gene and stress-inducible rd29A promoter improved drought- and low-temperature stress tolerance in tobacco by gene transfer Plant Cell and Physiology 2004, 45(3):346-350.[TEACHING-PAM]

87.           Netondo GW, Onyango JC, Beck E: Sorghum and salinity: II. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of sorghum under salt stress. Crop Science 2004, 44:806-811.[PAM-100]

88.           Pastenes C, Horton P: Resistance of photosynthesis to high temperature in two bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Photosynthesis Research 2004, 62(2):197-203.[PAM-100]

89.           Sinsawat V, Leipner J, Stamp P, Fracheboud Y: Effect of heat stress on the photosynthetic apparatus in maize (Zea mays L.) grown at control or high temperature. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2004, 52:123–129.[PAM-2000]

90.           Verdoy D, Lucas MM, Manrique E, Covarrubias AA, de Felipe MR, Pueyo JJ: Differential organ-specific response to salt stress and water deficit in nodulated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Plant Cell and Environment 2004, 27(6):757-767.[PAM-2000]

91.           Zlatev ZS, Yordanov IT: Effects of soil drought on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in bean plants. Bulg J Plant Physiol 2004, 30(3-4):3-18.[MINI-PAM]

92.           陈丹, 张放: 水分胁迫条件下CO2加富对枇杷叶绿素荧光及抗氧化酶的影响. 浙江农业学报 2004, 16(2):63-67.[PAM-2000]

93.           林植芳, 彭长连, 徐信兰, 林桂珠, 张景六: 两个新的水稻缺叶绿素b突变体光合作用的热稳定性. 中国科学 2004, 34(5):395-401.[PAM-100]

94.           Chen Q-J, Zhang F-M, Wang Y-J, Kurata K: The physiologic reaction of cucumber to low temperature and low light intensigy. Agricultural Sciences in China 2003, 2(2):200-205.[MINI-PAM]

95.           Chen Y-Z, Murchie EH, Hubbart S, Horton P, Peng S: Effects of season-dependent irradiance levels and nitrogen-deficiency on photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa). Physiologia Plantarum 2003, 117:343-351.[PAM-2000]

96.           Gesch RW, Kang I-H, Gallo-Meagher M, Vu JCV, Boote KJ, Allen LH, R J, Bowes G: Rubisco expression in rice leaves is related to genotypic variation of photosynthesis under elevated growth CO2 and temperature. Plant Cell and Environment 2003, 26(12):1941-1950.[PAM-2000]

97.           Kuk YI, Shin JS, Burgos NR, Hwang TE, Han O, Cho BH, Jung S, Guh JO: Antioxidative enzymes offer protection from chilling damage in rice plants. Crop Science 2003, 43:2109-2117.[PAM-2000]

98.           Vassilev A, Lidon F, Ramalho JC, Matos MdC, Graca Md: Effects of excess Cu on growth and photosynthesis of barley plants. Implication with a screening test for Cu tolerance. Journal of Central European Agriculture 2003, 4(3):225-236.[PAM-2000]

99.           Zhao M, Ding Z-S, Ishhill R, Chen L, Zhang X: The changes and components of non-photochemical quenching under drought and shade conditions in maize. Acta Agronomica Sinica 2003, 29(1):59-62.[PAM-100]

100.         陈屏昭, 陈顺方, 刘忠荣, 周云, 樊钦平: 缺磷胁迫对温州蜜柑叶片光合作用的影响. 云南农业大学学报 2003, 18(2):158-162.[PAM-2000]

101.         陈屏昭, 陈顺方, 刘忠荣, 周云, 樊钦平: 缺磷胁迫对温州蜜柑光合作用的光抑制研究(一). 云南农业大学学报 2003, 18(3):281-285.[PAM-2000]

102.         陈青君, 张福墁, 王永健, 藏田宪次: 黄瓜对低温弱光反应的生理特征研究. 中国农业科学 2003, 36(1):77-81.[MINI-PAM]

103.         陈青君, 张福墁, 王永健, 张海英, 张峰, 张丽蓉: 临界低温弱光对黄瓜光合特性及其酶变化的影响. 华北农学报 2003, 18(4):31-34.[MINI-PAM]

104.         郭延平, 陈屏昭, 张良诚, 张上隆: 缺磷胁迫加重柑橘叶片光合作用的光抑制及叶黄素循环的作用. 植物营养与肥料学报 2003, 9(3):359-363.[PAM-2000]

105.         郭延平, 苏吉虎, 王宏炜, 沈允钢, 张良诚: 亚硫酸氢钠处理减轻低温对温州蜜柑光合作用的影响. 园艺学报 2003, 30(2):195-197.[PAM-2000]

106.         郭延平, 周慧芬, 曾光辉, 张良诚: 高温胁迫对柑橘光合速率和光系统Ⅱ活性的影响. 应用生态学报 2003, 14(6):867~870.[PAM-2000]

107.         康国章, 欧志英, 王正询, 孙谷畴: 水杨酸诱导提高香蕉幼苗耐寒性的机制研究. 园艺学报 2003, 30(2):141-146.[PAM-100]

108.         潘晓华, 刘水英, 李锋, 李木英: 低磷胁迫对不同水稻品种幼苗光合作用的影响. 作物学报 2003, 29(5):770-774.[PAM-100]

109.         姚正菊, 叶济宇, 米华玲: 高温胁迫对烟草叶绿体NADPH脱氢酶复合体活性的促进. 植物生理与分子生物学学报 2003, 29(5):395-400.[PAM-100]

110.         叶燕萍, 李杨瑞, 黄诚梅, 李永健, 邢永秀: 下种方式和水分胁迫对甘蔗叶片光合特性的影响. 甘蔗 2003, 10(3):1-4.[PAM-2000]

111.         张放, 陈丹, 张士良, 吴荣兰: 高浓度CO2对不同水分条件下枇杷生理的影响. 园艺学报 2003, 30(6):647-652.[PAM-2000]

112.         Cousins AB, Adam NR, Wall GW, Kimball BA, Jr PJP, Ottman MJ, Leavitt SW, Webber AN: Photosystem II energy use,non-photochemical quenching and the xanthophyll cycle in Sorghumbicolor grown under drought and free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE) conditions. Plant Cell and Environment 2002, 25:1551-1559.[PAM-2000]

113.         Crafts-Brandner SJ, Salvucci ME: Sensitivity of Photosynthesis in a C4 Plant, Maize, to Heat Stress. Plant Physiology 2002, 129:1773-1780.[PAM-2000]

114.         Fracheboud Y, Ribaut J-M, Vargas M, Messmer R, Stamp P: Identification of quantitative trait loci for cold-tolerance of photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays L.) Journal of Experimental Botany 2002, 53(376):1967-1977.[PAM-2000]

115.         Jeong SW, Choi SM, Lee DS, Ahn SN, Hur Y, Chow WS, Park Y-I: Differential susceptibility of photosynthesis to light-chilling stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) depends on the capacity for photochemical dissipation of light. Molecules and Cells 2002, 13(3):419-428.[XE-PAM, PAM-100]

116.         Jin M-X, Li D-Y, Mi H: Effects of high temperature on chlorophyll fluorescence induction and the kinetics of far red radiation-induced relaxation of apparent Fo in maize leaves. Photosynthetica 2002, 40(4):581-586.[PAM-100]

117.         Jin M-X, Mi H: Thermal sensitivity of the pool size of electrons available to P700+ reduction in intact maize leaves. Photosynthetica 2002, 40(3):437-439.[PAM-100]
