








  近期,来自加州大学欧文分校、生物芯片上海国家工程中心、退役军人体检中心(美国)、弗吉尼亚理工大学、中山大学肿瘤防治中心、阿肯色大学医学院、贵州师范学院省计算纳米材料科学重点实验室、阿克伦大学、东北俄亥俄医科大学等多家研究机构的科学家就肿瘤异质性这一重大问题展开了深入的研究,他们珍贵的研究成果于2013年11月发表在PLOS ONE杂志上,文章题目为“Tumor-

  Specific Chromosome Mis-Segregation Controls Cancer Plasticity by Maintaining Tumor Heterogeneity”。生物芯片上海国家工程中心作为共同参与研究的单位,为本研究提供了优质的 Agilent Human Genome CGH 244 k Microarray服务。




  Figure 3. Distinct karyotypes of three subpopulation cells in U251. A, representative metaphase FISH pictures of PTEN/CEP10 and EGFR/CEP7 dual probes showing all cells carrying one copy of Chr10, an unknown chromosome with a PTEN translocation, and three cell types differing intheir composition of normal and derivative Chr7 (dChr7). Arrow points to dChr7; arrowhead to normal Chr7. B, percentage of majority cells in theparental culture, derived or converted SA or NS subcultures, and the parental culture after lentiviral transductions by pTRIPZ-Vec (P-Vec), pTRIPZEFEMP1with (P-E1) or after withdrawal (P-E1wd) of doxycyclin. C–D, comparison of DNA copy number variation in chromosomes 7, 8, 17, and 22 forU251 parental derived or converted NS subcultures of NS1 or SA1-NS, respectively. The Y axis is the log ratio of intensity (the ratio of test sample andnormal blood) from comparative genome hybridization. Amplifications or deletions are shown by blue lines above or below the red or green areas,respectively, based on Z-score, and those with marked changes are highlighted in purple.

  原文出处:Tumor-Specific Chromosome Mis-Segregation Controls Cancer Plasticity by Maintaining Tumor Heterogeneity

  Abstract:Aneuploidy with chromosome instability is a cancer hallmark. We studied chromosome 7 (Chr7) copy number variation(CNV) in gliomas and in primary cultures derived from them. We found tumor heterogeneity with cells having Chr7-CNVcommonly occurs in gliomas, with a higher percentage of cells in high-grade gliomas carrying more than 2 copies of Chr7,as compared to low-grade gliomas. Interestingly, all Chr7-aneuploid cell types in the parental culture of established gliomacell lines reappeared in single-cell-derived subcultures. We then characterized the biology of three syngeneic gliomacultures dominated by different Chr7-aneuploid cell types. We found phenotypic divergence for cells following Chr7 missegregation,which benefited overall tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. Mathematical modeling suggested the involvementof chromosome instability and interactions among cell subpopulations in restoring the optimal equilibrium of tumor celltypes. Both our experimental data and mathematical modeling demonstrated that the complexity of tumor heterogeneitycould be enhanced by the existence of chromosomes with structural abnormality, in addition to their mis-segregations.

  Overall, our findings show, for the first time, the involvement of chromosome instability in maintaining tumorheterogeneity, which underlies the enhanced growth, persistence and treatment resistance of cancers.




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