



The Impact of Harmo... (二)




In  addition, proficiency panel projects have demonstrated that even after  an experiment was done and spots were counted, considerable variation  can occur due to the interpretation of raw data from ELISPOT assays (25). As various methods for response determination lead to variable outcomes (36),  harmonization of ELISPOT assays has to include the harmonization of  response determination as addressed in Chapter 15 in this book.

The assay harmonization efforts conducted over the past 5 years led  to the identification of several critical experimental process steps  based on the analysis of large, representative data sets. Obviously, any  published report of ELISPOT experiments should include sufficient  information on critical test variables and process steps (see Note 5).  To this end, the MIATA project was launched which addresses the minimal  information that needs to be published when reporting results from  T-cell assays (see Note 6) (24,37).

4. Integration of Assay Harmonization into the Regular Workflow of Assay Progression

The typical evolution of assay development can be divided into six subsequent steps (Fig. 4):

   1) Development

   2) Optimization

   3) Standardization

   4) Prevalidation

   5) Validation

   6) Implementation

Assay development begins even prior to the first experiment by defining the actual assay (what will it measure, how it will be measured)  and the first selection of reagents, materials, and protocol variables.  The initial assay test runs are typically followed by systematic  benchmarking studies for all (or the most critical) assay  variables/steps. Results from internal benchmarking studies can be used  to further optimize the protocol. Obviously, investigators in these  early stages of assay evolution can benefit considerably from  integrating recommendations and guidelines deduced from harmonization  efforts (Fig. 4).

Protocol optimization is followed by standardization which is  typically achieved by generating and implementing SOPs. Once a working  SOP is in place, assay qualification and validation can be tackled which  is supported by first describing the purpose and design of planned  validation studies and how each of the critical parameters is addressed  in detail (validation plan). The prevalidation stage establishes the  parameters for qualifying the assay by performing a series of  exploratory experiments addressing each of the defined validation  parameters. The validation stage involves conducting a series of  experiments to determine whether the specifications established during  the prevalidation stage can be consistently met.

The organizers of proficiency panels acknowledge that the most  advanced labs generally contribute best to harmonization efforts as they  can generate robust data sets. Nevertheless, labs with newly developed  and nonvalidated assay protocols can also achieve outstanding test  sensitivity and performance and thus contribute valuable data sets (Fig.  4).

Obviously, an investigator who has already validated an ELISPOT assay  might prefer not to change any assay component as this would ask for  time-consuming revalidation of the new protocol. However, in more than  one instance, panel participation was regarded as an eye opener and has  led to modifications in even long-established protocols (see Note 7).

The increased comparability of results generated across institutions  that can be reached by harmonization efforts represents a clear  advancement for the scientific community. Without doubt, even  investigators who use validated assays within clinical studies can value  the possibility to better compare own results with data sets that were  generated by peers who use similar antigens and drug formats and treat  similar patient groups. In addition, it seems reasonable to argue that  participation in proficiency panels can benefit a lab’s assay  development independent of its stage. During assay evolution, one  constantly needs to compare assay performance to a reference standard.  Proficiency panels can offer an alternative reference standard, as  described earlier, thus providing a solution to the lack of a true gold  reference standard in ELISPOT. Further, participation in proficiency  testing projects allows the performance comparison with the field at  each step of assay evolution. This contributes to enhanced confidence in  optimization and standardization procedures and the actual performance  of appointed staff members.

In summary, the output from harmonization activities can help to  develop and optimize an assay at early stages of assay evolution. By  repetitively comparing the performance of many different protocols,  large data sets are generated which can be used to define typical and  extreme performance characteristics for the ELISPOT assay. This  knowledge can be used to set specifications for assay validation.  Finally, even experienced and validated labs can profit from  participating in harmonization activities due to the feedback of  performance they obtain, which would expose the quality of their assay  performance.


1. For assays for  which no accepted gold standard exists, the feedback may also be  expressed as test performance relative to the performance of other panel  participants.

2. However, the actual number of antigen-reactive cells remains to be determined.

3. While standardization across the immune monitoring field would be  desirable, it has to be recognized that this is not feasible due to a  variety of circumstances and testing requirements, and not at last by  the ever-present question of which standard is the “best” standard.

4. These refinements are based on the outcome of new panels, during  which guidelines are investigated in detail where applicable to provide  further guidance to the field.

5. Nevertheless, reports which lack considerable parts of the  critical information can frequently be found in the published  literature.

6. The immune monitoring field can actively contribute to shaping  these guidelines by participating in the public consultation process  which can be accessed at the project-oriented Web site (37).

7. The experience from previous proficiency panels revealed that  even labs that were effectively using an assay for several years had to  face the fact that certain protocol steps used in the field, but not  addressed in their own SOP, could induce less background spot production  in medium controls and a higher number of antigen-specific spots in the  experimental wells.
