



Immunofluorescence / Confocal Microscopy Protocol





Immunofluorescence  is a technique used for light microscopy with a fluorescence microscope  and is used primarily on biological samples. This technique uses the  specificity of antibodies to their antigen to target fluorescent dyes to  specific biomolecule targets within a cell, and therefore allows  visualization of the distribution of the target molecule through the  sample. Immunofluorescence is a widely used example of immunostaining  and is a specific example of immunohistochemistry that makes use of  fluorophores to visualize the location of the antibodies.


B  or T cells in suspension, adherent cells on chambered coverglass or  chamberslides, cryostat sections of unfixed, OCT embedded tissue:

1. Wash cells 1x cold RPMI (no wash for cryostat sections).

2. Fix 20 min 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer pH 7.4, 0.03M sucrose on ice. **

3. Wash 2x PBS/1%BSA. From now on everything can be at room temp, or on ice.

4. Permeabilize 5 min RT in 0.2% saponin, PBS, 0.03M sucrose, 1% BSA.

5. Wash 1x PBS/BSA.

6. Block 15 min 5% normal goat serum (NGS) in PBS/BSA.

7. Wash 1x PBS/BSA.

8. Diluted in PBS/BSA 60 min RT; 100 l per tube or section.

9. Wash 3x PBS/BSA.

10. Block 15 min 5% NGS in PBS/BSA.

11. Wash 1x PBS/BSA.

12. Diluted in PBS/BSA 30 min RT; 100 ul per tube or section.

13. Wash 3x PBS/BSA; (wash 1x in PBS/BSA then 2 x 10 min in Molecular  Probes SlowFade Light buffer if using Slow Fade Light S-7461 to  coversip); pellet cells and put up in two drops of Molecular Probes  Slowfade Light antifade medium. Pipet about 15 ul on slide and  coverslip. For chambered coverglass, just put two-three drops in each  chamber after wash.


1.       When looking at B cells (they are relatively fragile) I have tried to  support the coverslip with EM grids on two sides, 12 um diameter latex  beads from Sigma (LB-120) mixed with the final cell suspension in  antifade medium, and have tried #1 coverslips instead of #1.5. Using #1  coverslips has given me the fewest smashed cells. I now use an inverted  scope and pipet the cells onto coverslip chamber slides (Lab-Tek  #136439) in antifade medium so no worries about flattened, smashed  cells.

2.       To look at cytoskeleton I have fixed adherent cells on chambered  coverslip slides and cryostat sections with ice cold methanol: acetone  1:1 for 10 minutes, then in ice cold ethanol: acetic acid 95:5 for 10  minutes, then wash in saline. Block and label as above steps 6-13.

3.       Vectashield (Vector Laboratories H-1000 and H-1200 with DAPI) antifade  medium gives better antifade protection than SlowFade Light but is hard  on the cells; I see lots of membrane blebbing on both fixed B cells in  suspension and on fixed adherent melanoma cell lines. Sometimes the  problem is worse than others; sometimes with Slowfade Light I see  blebbing. On tissue sections which can be allowed to air dry, Molecular  Probes ProLong Antifade Kit (P-7481) is the best.

4.       1% Triton-X completely destroyed fixed B cells lines in my hands. 0.5%  saponin as above does a good job of permeabilizing most of the cells and  leaving them structurally intact.

5.       Using 50mM NH4Cl in PBS or 0.15 M glycine in PBS to "quench" cells  after paraformaldehyde fixation had absolutely no effect. I do not use  either anymore.

6.       Coating slides with poly-L-lysine (or using Sigma Poly-Prep slides  P-0425) to make these cells in suspension stick to the slide did not  help - they stuck maybe a bit but the coated slides picked up the  secondary fluorescent tag somehow and were noisy. If you need a coated  slide for your work use VWR Superfrost Plus #48311-703; sections stick  throughout the labeling process and the slide does not give a noisy  background.

7.       Cells are fragile; handle gently even when fixed; do not vortex them. I  routinely run cells up in Falcon #2054 tissue culture tubes, not  microfuge tubes, and use low speed spins to pellet - just enough to get  the cells down in 3-5 min. This way the cell "pellet" is always soft and  easy to resuspend with gentle swirling. On chambered coverglass, I make  sure that the addition and removal of solutions is done gently in the  corner of the chamber so no cells are hit with a stream of any solution.
