



ELISPOT Protocol





The  Elispot (Enzyme Linked Immuno-Spot) assay provides an effective method  of measuring the antibody or cytokine production of immune cells on the  single cell level. The popularity of this assay has seen resurgence in  recent years as researchers attempt to gain a better understanding of  immune responses in a variety of applications. The following protocol is  an example of a typical Elispot assay for quantifying the number cells  producing interferon- (IFN-y) in response to antigen or non-specific  activation using phytohemagglutinin (PHA). It may be optimized as  necessary for other applications.


Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS):

80.0 g NaCl

14.4 g Na2HPO4

2.4 g KH2PO4

2.0 g KCl

Add ddH2O up to 10 L; pH to 7.2 with HCl


Coating Buffer:

Can use either Sterile PBS or

Sterile Carbonate Buffer (per ELISA protocol)

8.4 g NaHCO3

3.56 g Na2CO3

Add ddH2O up to 1.0 L, pH to 9.5.



0.05% Tween-20 in PBS

(500 μl Tween-20 in 1L PBS)


Blocking Buffer (PBS-BSA):

1% BSA in PBS

(10 g BSA-Fraction V in 1L PBS)




1% BSA in PBS-Tween

(10 g BSA-Fraction V in 1L PBS-Tween)


Tissue Culture (TC) Medium:

As appropriate for cells being analyzed


AEC Solution:

100 mg AEC (3-amino-9-ethyl-carbazole) in 10 ml DMF (N,N, Dimethylformamide)

Solution should be prepared in a glass tube in a fume hood.


AEC Buffer:

(0.1  M Acetate): 148 ml 0.2 M acetic acid (11.55 ml glacial acetic acid per  liter of water) and 352 ml of 0.2 M sodium acetate  (27.2 g per liter of  water)

Bring up to 1L with water and adjust to pH 5.0 if required


Substrate Solution:

800 μl AEC solution in 24 ml AEC buffer

Filter with 0.45 μm filter and add 12 μl 30% H2O2

Use immediately


1. Coat the Plate:

1)         Dilute Low-Endotoxin/Azide-Free sterile unlabeled capture antibody  (BioLegend’s LEAF™ format antibodies are specifically designed for this  assay) to a final concentration of 0.5–4 µg/ml in sterile Coating Buffer  and transfer 100µl/well to a high affinity binding PVDF membrane  ELISPOT plate (e.g., Millipore; Cat. No. MAIPS-4510).

2)         Store plates overnight in humidified box at 4°C or at 37°C for ≥ 4 hours in humidified atmosphere.

2. Block the Plate:

1)         Wash plate 3 times with sterile PBS, 200 µl/well.

2)         Add 200 µl/well of sterile Blocking Buffer.

3)         Seal plate and incubate at room temperature for ≥ 1 hour.

4)         Wash plate 3 times with sterile PBS, 200 µl/well.

3. Set-Up Tissue Culture and Add Antigen or Mitogen:

1)          Add appropriate sterile antigen or mitogen solution diluted in  appropriate sterile tissue culture medium (TC) to ELISPOT plate, 100  µl/well.

2)          Add cells diluted in sterile TC medium, 100 µl/well. Use  50,000-500,000 cells/ well (the minimum number of cells should be  determined in preliminary experiments).

3)          Seal plate and incubate at 37°C 5% CO2 in humidified atmosphere for  the optimum stimulation period. BioLegend recommends a 24 hour  incubation for IFN-γ, IL-2, and TNF-α, and a 48 hour incubation period  for IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 for most activation conditions.

4. Add Detection Antibody:

1)         Wash plate 3 times with PBS, 200 µl/well.

2)         Wash plate 3 times with PBS-Tween, 200 µl/well.

3)         Add 100 µl/well of diluted biotinylated detection antibody at 0.25-2 µg/ml in PBS-Tween-BSA.

4)         Seal the plate and incubate at 4°C overnight, or 2 hr at room temperature.

5. Add Avidin-Horseradish Peroxidase (Av-HRP):

1)        Wash plate 4 times with PBS-Tween, 200 µl/well.

2)          Add 100 µl per well of the Av-HRP conjugate (Cat. No. 405103) or other  enzyme conjugate diluted to its pre-determined optimal concentration in  PBS-Tween-BSA (usually between 1/500 – 1/2000).

3)         Seal the plate and incubate at room temperature for 1 – 2 hours.

4)         Wash plate 3 times with PBS-Tween, 200 µl/well.

5)         Wash plate 3 times with PBS, 200 µl/well.

6. Add Substrate:

1)        Add 200 µl/well of fresh Substrate solution.

2)          Monitor spot/color development at room temperature and stop reaction  by rinsing plate with tap water and vigorously flicking plate over a  waste container or sink, followed by blotting on paper towels or other  absorbent materials.

3)         Air dry plate overnight, until it is completely dry.

4)          Count spots manually with a dissecting microscope or using an  automated image acquisition/analysis unit (plates can be analyzed for up  to 3 months).
