







 最近来自威尔士的研究人员研究发现干细胞技术有望能够修复受损的心脏组织。研究人员认为这一成果令人激动,并预期这一技术可能会在未来五年内进入临床阶段用于治疗心脏疾病。Cell Therapy Limited公司的CEO Ajan Reginald介绍说研究人员确定了一种能够专一分化为心脏组织细胞的干细胞,利用这种干细胞人们将可能能修复心脏病患者的心脏受损部位,最终治愈心脏病。Ajan Reginald容是还透露目前公司正在进行关于该技术安全性的早期临床研究,现在得到的数据十分光明。Cell Therapy Limited公司认为这项技术如果能够最终成功将对整个威尔士地区都带来巨大的益处。


  Research by a team of scientists in Wales has shown early signs of being able to regenerate damaged heart tissue.

  By experimenting at Cardiff and Swansea university laboratories, Cell Therapy hopes to develop new treatments for heart failure over the next five years.

  Signs from early stem cell trials "look very positive", it said.

  Ex-First Minister Rhodri Morgan, a company director, said it could bring a cure for incurable heart disease.

  The research team was co-founded by Nobel prize-winning scientist Sir Martin Evans, who first isolated and grew embryonic stem cells in the 1980s.

  Cell Therapy Limited's executive director Ajan Reginald told BBC Wales: "We've identified what we think is a very potent type of stem cell which is heart specific.

  'Very scary'

  "And what our therapy does is to produce more of those so that you have a large number of those cells to help you to regenerate the part of the heart that is damaged.

  "We've finished our first clinical trial which was focused on safety. The interim **ysis looks very positive and very fortunately we've also seen some benefit - the study does show some signs of early regeneration."

  One of the company's directors, former first minister Rhodri Morgan has a very personal history with heart disease.

  In July 2007, weeks after a gruelling assembly election campaign, Mr Morgan suffered a heart attack.

  Talks about a coalition cabinet were put on hold as the then first minister had "stents" inserted into two blocked arteries.

  "It was very scary," Mr Morgan told BBC Wales, "in your heart of hearts you know - this is the big one."

  Welsh label

  "But I was very lucky because there was no permanent damage to my heart."

  Almost exactly 50 years earlier Mr Morgan had seen his father go through the same experience.

  "I'll always remember helping the ambulance man carry my father down the stairs," he said.

  "Heart disease has always been up there consciously for my brother and myself."

  Mr Morgan's involvement with Cell Therapy is his first role in the private sector.

  He said he wants to strengthen the company's Welsh roots.

  "If we can bring it off this would represent a cure for people with incurable heart disease.

  "That's a tremendous advantage but the fact that it would have a Welsh label on it as well would be tremendous for Wales."
