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应用|DART 驱逐魔音、觅源微塑


Workshop 07


Ambient Ionization in Application Fields: What is Required, Desired, and Provided? 


自2006年以来,原位质谱一直是 ASMS 的热门主题。2019年,约200名与会者参加了第一次主题研讨会,就原位质谱采样、电离和相关应用创新及潜在科学机制进行讨论。随后几年,研讨会的重点分别为“重现性,2020”、“定量,2021”和“分子覆盖率,2022”。


Workshop 17


Mass Spectral Tools to Enhance Characterization and Identification of Forensic Evidence 


质谱在法医学中常用于表征和鉴定多种不同类型的证据,如缴获的毒品、爆炸物、可燃液体、微量证据及生物样本等。尽管 GC-MS 可能是目前应用最广泛的分析技术,但为了促进取证工作的流程化和提高灵敏度,LC-MS/MS 和 DART-MS 系统开始走进越来越多的实验室。该研讨会将对当前物证分析领域面临的挑战进行讨论,并对美国国家标准与技术研究所 (NIST) 开发的质谱工具进行概述。

Posters 海报

● MP 007 Chromatography-free analysis of pigments by high resolution mass spectrometry with direct sample introduction


Sam Putnam1; Rachel Lackner2; William L. Fatigante1; Nobuko Shibayama2; Maria Goretti Mieites Alonso2; 1Bruker Scientific, LLC, Billerica, MA; 2The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY

● TP 071 Ear-resistible: A DART-Mass Spectral Approach for the Detection of the Inner Ear Disorder “Ménière’s Disease”

魔音入耳:DART-MS 检测内耳疾病——梅尼埃病 (Ménière disease)

Rabi A Musah1; Allix M. Coon1; Gavin Setzen2; 1University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, NY; 2Albany ENT & Allergy Services, Albany, NY

● TP 157 A fast and novel workflow with DART-LC-MSMS platform for urine toxicology screening and confirmation with orthogonal methods

一种基于 DART-LC-MSMS 通过正交法进行尿液毒理学筛查和确认的工作流程

Francois Espourteille1; Terry Bates2; 1Bruker Corporation, Billerica, MA; 2Bruker Scientific, Billerica, MA

● TP 233 Microplastic Analysis and Additive Screening using Thermal Desorption/Pyrolysis DART-MS

通过热脱附/热裂解 DART-MS 进行微塑料分析和添加剂筛查

William L Fatigante1; Sam Putnam1; Kushal Modi1; 1Bruker Scientific, LLC, Billerica, MA

● TP 717 Investigation of fluoropolymersby Thermodesorption/Pyrolysis-DART coupled to very high-resolution mass spectrometry

热脱附/热裂解 DART 与高分辨率质谱联用研究含氟聚合物

Pierre Pacholski1, 2; Frédéric Progent1; Sébastien Schramm2; Frédéric Aubriet2; 1CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France; 2Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique-Approche Multi-échelles des Milieux Complexes (LCP-A2MC), Université de Lorraine, METZ, France

● TP 722 Detecting and Identifying Sample-Classification Markers from Direct-HRMS Experiments: How to Manage Comparative DART-HRMS data

DART-HRMS 实验中用于区分样品的标记物的检测与鉴定:如何管理用于比较的 DART-HRMS 数据

Luke K Ackerman1; Kristen L Reese1; Jānis Ruško2; Ingus Pērkons2; 1FDA Center for Food Safety, College Park, MD; 2Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”, Riga, Latvia

● WP 005 SPME-DART-MS Provides a Rapid Screening Tool for PFAS Analysis

SPME-DART-MS 为 PFAS 分析提供了一种快速筛查工具

Ronald V. Emmons1; Aghogho A. Olomukoro1; William L. Fatigante2; Brian Musselman2; Emanuela Gionfriddo1; 1The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH; 2Bruker Scientific, Billerica, MA

● WP 006 DART-TOF for Rapid Forensic Analysis of Oil Spills. What Can We Measure?

DART-TOF 用于对石油泄漏的快速取证分析

Robert B Cody1; Krishnaja Tikkisetty2; Paige McCallum2; Taylor Filewood2; Jeffrey Yan2; Honoria Kwok2; Pamela Brunswick2; Dayue Shang2; 1JEOL USA, Inc., Peabody, MA; 2Pacific and Yukon Laboratory for Environmental Testing, North Vancouver, BC

● WP 015 Real time volatile sulfur compounds monitoring using DART ion source

使用 DART 离子源实时监测挥发性含硫化合物

Motoshi Sakakura1; Teruhisa Shiota1; Yasuhiko Bando1; 1AMR Inc., Meguro-Ku, Japan

● WP 018 Temperature Profiling and Quantitative Analysis of Disperse Dyes in Polyester via DART Mass Spectrometry

DART-MS 对聚酯纤维中分散染料的温度分布测定及定量分析

Zoe J Millbern; NC State University, Raleigh, NC

● WP 206 Combining DART-MS and GC-EI-MS Spectral Signatures for Classifying an Unknown Seized Drug: An Exploratory Approach

DART-MS 结合 GC-EI-MS 对未知缉获药物进行分类:一种探索性方法

William J Feeney1; Edward Sisco1; 1National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD

● WP 209 Detection of post-blast triacetone triperoxide (TATP) by 3D-printed cone spray, DART, and SPME-GC-MS: a comparison for forensic casework

法检案例比较:3D 打印锥形喷雾、DART 和 SPME-GC-MS 检测爆炸后的三丙酮三过氧化物 (TATP) 

Ryan M. Bain1; Patrick W. Fedick2; Tj Pinedo; Christopher C. Mulligan3; Shane Kullen1; Gui-hua Lang1; Douglas J. Klapec1; 1Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Beltsville, MD; 2Naval Air Warfare Center, United States Navy Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), China Lake, CA; 3Illinois state university, Normal, IL

● WP 216 Investigating the utility of hybrid similarity scores with mass spectra collected using DART-MS: A case study with PCP analogs

DART-MS 对研究混合相似度评分的效用:一个 PCP 类似物的实例

Edward Sisco1; Arun Moorthy1; 1NIST, Gaithersburg, MD

● WP 219 Molecular investigation of benzodiazepines in human blood by DART ionization and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

DART-HRMS 对人体血液中苯二氮卓类药物的分子研究

Cecília A. Bhering1; Ananda S. Antonio1; Gleicielle T. Wurzler1; Alexandre N. P. Aguiar1; Diego R. Carvalhosa2; Antônio C. G. Jardim3; Marc Y. Chalom3, 4; Francois Espourteille5; Julio C. G. Silva6; Francisco R. A. Neto1; Gabriela V. Costa1; 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química, NAF-LADETEC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2PCERJ, SEPOL, Instituto Médico Legal Afrânio Peixoto (IMLAP), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 3SENS Advanced Mass Spectrometry, São Paulo, Brazil; 4Consultancy, SÃO PAULO, Brazil; 5Bruker Scientific, Billerica, MA; 6Nova Analítica, São Paulo, Brazil

● WP 220 Application of DART ionization in the forensic investigation of pesticide poisoning

DART 在农药中毒的法医学调查中的应用

Gleicielle T. Wurzler1; Ananda S. Antonio1; Cecília A. Bhering1; Thamara A. Barra1; Alexandre N. P. Aguiar1; Diego R. Carvalhosa2; Antônio C. G. Jardim3; Marc Y. Chalom3, 4; Julio C. G. Silva5; Francois Espourteille6; Francisco R. A. Neto1; Gabriela V. Costa1; 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química, NAF-LADETEC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2PCERJ, SEPOL, Instituto Médico Legal Afrânio Peixoto (IMLAP), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 3SENS Advanced Mass Spectrometry, São Paulo, Brazil; 4Consultancy, SÃO PAULO, Brazil; 5Nova Analítica, São Paulo, Brazil; 6Bruker Scientific, Billerica, MA

● ThP 007 Rapid, parallel analysis of derivatized volatile phenols in grapes and wines by sorbent sheets (SPMESH) coupled to DART-MS

SPMESH 与 DART-MS 联用快速、平行分析葡萄和葡萄酒中挥发性酚类的衍生物

Terry L Bates1, 2; Gavin L. Sacks1; 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 2Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA

● ThP 010 Differentiation of Poly (vinylidene fluoride) polymers based on their end groups by DART-FT-ICR MS and modified Kendrick mass defect diagram

DART-FT-ICR-MS 结合改良的 Kendrick 质量缺陷图鉴别聚偏二氟乙烯聚合物端基的差异化

Pierre Pacholski1, 2; Sébastien Schramm2; Frédéric Progent1; Frédéric Aubriet2; 1CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France; 2Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique-Approche Multi-échelles des Milieux Complexes (LCP-A2MC), Université de Lorraine, METZ, France

● ThP 014 Rapid analysis of C6 aldehydes in foodstuffs by sorbent sheet extraction and direct analysis in real time-mass spectrometry (SPMESH-DART-MS)

SPMESH-DART-MS 快速分析食品中的 C6 醛

Andre P. Kalenak1; Terry L Bates1; Gavin L. Sacks1; 1Cornell University Dept. of Food Science, Ithaca, NY

● ThP 138 Rapid Authentication of Red Wine by MALDI-MS Combined with DART-MS

MALDI-MS 结合 DART-MS 快速鉴别红酒

Xuewei Lin1; Hao Wu2; Gefei Huang1; Qian Wu1; Zhongping Yao1; 1The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong; 2Xiamen University, Xiamen, China





针对应用市场,Bruker 推出新型 EVOQ DART-TQ 无色谱质谱

ASMS 2023|烧烤之乡,“原位”合辑

遇见 ASMS 2023|开启创新质谱应用之旅

原位质谱亚太卓越中心 (COE) 正式启动!

