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  • 关注度21
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1、Zhang X, Yang J, Guo Y, Ye H, Yu C, Xu C, Xu L, Wu S, Sun W, Wei H, Gao X, Zhu Y, Qian X, Jiang Y, Li Y, He F. Functional proteomic analysis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in rat models: ECHS1 down-regulation exacerbate hepatic steatosis. Hepatology. 2010, in press (IF 11.3)

2、Liu K, Qian L, Li W, Deng X, Chen X, Sun W, Wei H, Qian X, Jiang Y, He F. Two-dimensional blue native/SDS PAGE analysis reveals HSPs chaperone machinery involved in HBV production in HepG2.2.15 cells. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009,8:495-505. (IF 8.834)

3、Sun W, Xing B, Sun Y, Du X, Lu M, Hao C, Lu Z, Mi W, Wu S, Wei H, Gao X, Zhu Y, Jiang Y, Qian X, He F. Proteome analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis: novel protein markers in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2007,6:1798-808. (IF 9.425)

4、Ying W, Jiang Y, Guo L, et al. A Dataset of Human Fetal Liver Proteome Identified by Subcellular Fractionation and Multiple Protein Separation and Identification Technology. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2006,5:1703-7. (IF 9.62)

5、Jiang Y, Ying W, Wu S, , et al. First insight into human liver proteome from PROTEOMESKY-LIVERHu 1.0, a publicly-available database. J Proteome Res. 2010, 9: 79-94. (IF 5.684)

6、Sun A, Jiang Y, Wang X, Liu Q, Zhong F, He Q, Guan W, Li H, Sun Y, Shi L, Yu H, Yang D, Xu Y, Song Y, Tong W, Li D, Lin CL, Hao Y, Geng C, Yun D, Zhang X, Yuan X, Chen P, Zhu Y, Li Y, Liang S, Zhao XH, Liu S, He F. Liverbase: a comprehensive view of human liver biology. J Proteome Res. 2010, 9: 50-8. (IF 5.684)

7、Sun A, Zhang J, Wang C, Yang D, Wei H, Zhu Y, Jiang Y, He F. Modified Spectral Count Index (mSCI) for Estimation of Protein Abundance by Protein Relative Identification Possibility (RIPpro): A New Proteomic Technological Parameter. J Proteome Res. 2009, 8: 4934-42.  (IF 5.684)

8、Guo Y, Zhang X, Huang J, ZengY, Liu W, Geng C, Li KW, Yang D, Wu S, Wei H, Han Z, Qian X, Jiang Y, He F. The molecular hinge for regulation of hepatogenesis and hematopoiesis in mouse fetal liver explored with transcriptomic and proteomic approaches. Plos One. 2009, 4(10): e7641. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007641

9、Deng X, Li W, Chen N, Sun Y, Wei H, Jiang Y, He F. Exploring the priming mechanism of liver regeneration: proteins and protein complexes. Proteomics. 2009,9:2202-16. (IF4.586)

10、            Chen N,  Sun W, Deng X, Hao Y, Chen X, Xing B, Jia W, Ma J,  Wei H, Zhu Y, Qian X, Jiang Y*, He F. Quantitative proteome analysis of HCC cell lines with different metastatic potentials by SILAC. Proteomics 2008, 8: 5108-18. (IF4.586)

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