


  • 品牌吉凯基因
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  • 型号RNAi慢病毒文库(按基因功能分类)
  • 关注度7
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序 号类 型基因数文库价格(元)交货周期(工作周)
1ACE-Inhibitor pathway PharmGKB  订购8292602
2Acetylcholine Synthesis  订购6219502
3Adipogenesis  订购1123168004
4Adult stem cells  订购702400004
5Alpha6-Beta4-Integrin NetPath 1  订购551885803
6Androgen-Receptor NetPath 2  订购1032913504
7Angiogenesis  订购3117108606
8Autoimmune & Inflammatory Response  订购3287497206
9B Cell Receptor NetPath 12  订购1393931804
10Blood Clotting Cascade  订购17621803
11Breast Cancer  订购2926674305
12Calcium regulation in cardiac cells  订购1253535804
13Cancer stem cells  订购401462903
14Cardiovascular  订购1644638904
15Cell Cycle  订购966220800011
16Cell Cycle-G1 to S control Reactome  订购592022903
17Cell Paper - Pluripotency Stem  订购2425531505
18Chemokines  订购1002828604
19Cholesterol Biosynthesis  订购11402303
20Circadian Exercise  订购411499503
21Complement Activation Classical  订购15548603
22Cytokines  订购1835176305
23Delta-Notch NetPath 3  订购702400004
24DNA replication Reactome  订购341243503
25Drugs_and_Targets  订购952828604
26EGFR1 NetPath 4  订购1554384304
27Eicosanoid Synthesis  订购19694903
28Electron Transport Chain  订购872982904
29Embryonic stem cells  订购581988603
30Endochondral Ossification  订购571954303
31eotide GPCRs  订购11402303
32ES Cell Differentiation IPS  订购3127131506
33Fas Pathway and Stress Induction of HSP Regulation Biocarta  订购341243503
34Fatty Acid Beta-oxidation BiGCaT  订购291060603
35Fatty Acid Omega Oxidation BiGCaT  订购13475503
36Fatty Acid Synthesis BiGCaT  订购19694903
37Folic acid network  订购20731503
38G Protein Signaling  订购752571504
39G13 Signaling Pathway  订购311133803
40Glucocorticoid Mineralocorticoid Metabolism  订购7256002
41Glycogen Metabolism  订购331206903
42Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis  订购391426303
43GPCR  订购2656057205
44GPCRDB Class A Rhodopsin-like  订购1985600605
45GPCRDB Class B Secretin-like  订购18658303
46GPCRDB Class C Metabotropic glutamate pheromone  订购13475503
47GPCRDB Other  订购602057204
48Hedgehog Netpath 10  订购20731503
49Heme Biosynthesis  订购7256002
50HSP70 and Apoptosis  订购18658303
51Human Adhesion & Extracellular Matrix Molecules  订购862948604
52Human Androgen Signaling and Prostate Cancer  订购802742904
53Human Angiogenesis  订购913120004
54Human Apoptosis  订购862948604
55Human Apoptosis & Cell Cycle  订购2415508605
56Human Asthma  订购772640004
57Human Breast Cancer & Estrogen Receptor Signaling  订购852914304
58Human cAMP and Ca2+ Signaling Pathway  订购842880004
59Human Cancer Drug Resistance & Metabolism  订购842880004
60Human Cancer PathwayFinder  订购883017204
61Human Cardiovascular Disease- Biomarkers  订购842880004
62Human Cardiovascular Disease-Atherosclerosis  订购872982904
63Human Cell Cycle  订购862948604
64Human Chemokine and Receptor  订购642194304
65Human Common Cytokine  订购883017204
66Human EGF&PDGF Signaling Pathway  订购913120004
67Human Endothelial Cell Biology  订购893051504
68Human Glucocorticoid Signaling  订购842880004
69Human G-Protein Coupled Receptors Signaling Pathway  订购862948604
70Human Hypoxia Signaling Pathway  订购862948604
71Human Inflammatory Cytokine&Receptor  订购883017204
72Human Interleukin & Interleukin Receptor  订购662262904
73Human MAP Kinase Signaling Pathways  订购862948604
74Human Na2+ & NF-AT Signaling Pathways  订购832845804
75Human Neuroscience-Ion Channel & Transporter  订购742537204
76Human Neurotrophin & Receptors  订购822811504
77Human NFkB Signaling Pathway  订购913120004
78Human Osteogenesis  订购782674304
79Human p53 Signaling Pathway  订购812777204
80Human TGF-beta & BMP Signaling Pathway  订购883017204
81Human Tumor Metastasis  订购883017204
82Hypertrophy model  订购19694903
83Id NetPath 5  订购471718903
84IL-2 NetPath 14  订购682331504
85IL-3 NetPath 15  订购953257204
86IL-4 NetPath 16  订购531817203
87IL-5 NetPath 17  订购622125804
88IL-6 NetPath 18  订购923154304
89IL-7 NetPath 19  订购401462903
90IL-9 NetPath 20  订购21768003
91Immunology  订购3528045806
92Induced pluripotent stem cells  订购311133803
93Inflammatory Response Pathway  订购27987503
94*** Signaling  订购1413988304
95*** Signaling Pathway  订购862948604
96Ion Channels- ATP Receptors  订购6219502
97Ion Channels- Cyclic nucleotide gated  订购4146302
98Ion Channels- Cys-loop Receptors  订购391426303
99Ion Channels-Calcium  订购3109802
100Ion Channels-Glutamate Receptors  订购12438903
101Ion Channels-Potassium  订购612091504
102Ion Channels-Sodium  订购6219502
103Ion Channels-Transient receptor potential  订购23841203
104Kit-Receptor NetPath 6  订购592022903
105Krebs-TCA Cycle  订购301097203
106MAPK Cascade  订购27987503
107Matrix Metalloproteinases  订购25914303
108Metabolic and Obesity  订购992226743011
109Mitochondrial fatty acid betaoxidation  订购13475503
110Monoamine GPCRs  订购291060603
111mRNA processing Reactome  订购1032913504
112n Channels-Other  订购1022885204
113Notch  订购933188604
114Nuclear Hormone Receptor  订购471718903
115Nuclear Receptors  订购341243503
116Nuclear receptors in lipid metabolism and toxicity  订购27987503
117Nucleotide Metabolism  订购15548603
118ogenic Amine Synthesis  订购12438903
119One-carbon metabolism  订购22804603
120Osteoblasts  订购12438903
121Osteoclasts  订购13475503
122Ovarian Infertility Genes  订购281024003
123Oxidative Stress  订购22804603
124p38 MAPK signaling pathway  订购321170303
125P450  订购411499503
126P53  订购49911405807
127Pentose Phosphate Pathway  订购7256002
128Peptide GPCRs  订购662262904
129phosphatase  订购1434044904
130Prostaglandin synthesis regulation  订购291060603
131Protease  订购3848777206
132Proteasome Degradation  订购541851503
133Protein Kinase  订购48211017207
134Ribosomal Proteins  订购642194304
135RNA transcription Reactome  订购341243503
136S1P Signaling  订购20731503
137Secreted  订购951217372011
138selenium  订购21768003
139Selenoproteins  订购22804603
140Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor Biocarta  订购291060603
141Small ligand GPCRs  订购17621803
142Smooth muscle contraction  订购1343790304
143Statin Pathway PharmGKB  订购17621803
144Stem Cell  订购2285211505
145Stem cell relevant signaling - DSL&Notch pathway  订购14512003
146stem cell relevant signaling - JAK&STAT signaling pathway  订购15548603
147Stem cell relevant signaling - TGFb&BMP signaling pathway  订购20731503
148Stem cell relevant signaling - Wnt Signaling pathway  订购19694903
149Steroid Biosynthesis  订购7256002
150Striated muscle contraction  订购26950903
151T-Cell-Receptor NetPath 11  订购1163281204
152TGF Beta Signaling Pathway  订购491792003
153TGF-beta-Receptor NetPath 7  订购1343790304
154TNF-alpha-NF-kB NetPath 9  订购1674723804
155tochondrial Gene Expression  订购6219502
156Translation Factors  订购451645803
157Transmembrane  订购662262904
158Triacylglyceride Synthesis BiGCaT  订购21768003
159Wnt NetPath 8  订购973325804
160Wnt Pathway  订购2094777205
161Wnt signaling  订购541851503
162Wnt signaling and pluripotency  订购662262904


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