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共找到 949 条与 电声学 相关的标准,共 64

This International Standard specifies methods for calibration of hydrophones or reversible transducers when used as a hydrophone, particularly in the frequency range from 0,01 Hz to 1 MHz. Rules for the presentation of the calibration data are established.

Underwater acoustics - Hydrophones - Calibration in the frequency range 0,01 Hz to 1 MHz


The primary purpose of this Standard is to ensure the accuracy of measurements of sound intensity applied to the determination of sound power in accordance with ISO 9614-1. To meet the requirements of that standard, instruments are required to analyse the sound intensity in one-third octave or octave bands, and optionally to provide A-weighted band levels. They are also required to measure sound pressure level in addition to sound intensity level to facilitate the use of the field indicators described in ISO 9614-1. This International Standard only applies to instruments which detect sound intensity by pairs of spatially separated pressure sensing microphones. This International Standard specifies performance requirements for instruments used for the measurement of sound intensity, and their associated calibrators. The requirements are intended to reduce to a practical minimum any differences in equivalent measurements made using different instruments, including instruments comprising probes and processors from different manufacturers.

Electroacoustics - Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity - Measurements with pairs of pressure sensing microphones


This International Standard specifies: - essential non-thermal output characteristics of ultrasonic dental descalers; - methods of measurement of the output performance of ultrasonic dental descalers; - characteristics to be declared by the manufacturers of ultrasonic dental descalers.

Ultrasonics - Dental descaler systems - Measurement and declaration of the output characteristics


This part of IEC 61672 provides details of the tests necessary to verify conformance to all mandatory specifications given in IEC 61672-1 for time-weighting sound level meters, integrating-averaging sound level meters, and integrating sound level meters. Patternevaluation tests apply for each channel of a multi-channel sound level meter, as necessary. Tests and test methods are applicable to class 1 and class 2 sound level meters. The aim is to ensure that all laboratories use consistent methods to perform pattern-evaluation tests. NOTE 1 In this document, references to IEC 61672-1, IEC 61672-2, and IEC 61672-3 refer to the second editions unless stated otherwise. NOTE 2 Procedures for the pattern-evaluation testing of sound level meters designed to conform to the specifications of IEC 61672-1:2002 were given in IEC 61672-2:2003.

Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests


This report is applicable to magnetostrictive transducers, of both laminated metal and ferrite types, designed for producing sonic or ultrasonic acoustic power in liquid or solid media, and for different kinds of ultrasonic processing such as cutting, welding, chemical processing, etc. Transducers for information carrying signals are excluded. The transducers, which may be sonic or ultrasonic, operate at the resonance frequency and are supplied from electric power generators. It also applies with some modifications to special transducers, for example those designed for application to molten metals, etc. In this report only transducers with a single working frequency of resonance are considered.

Measurements of ultrasonic magnetostrictive transducers


1.1 Sound exposure is a physical measure that accounts for both the sound pressure and its duration, at a given location, through an integral-over-time of the square of instantaneous frequency-weighted sound pressure. 1.2 This International Standard is applicable to instruments for measurement of A-frequency-weighted sound exposure resulting from steady, intermittent, fluctuating, irregular, or impulsive sounds. Instruments complying with the specifications of this International Standard are intended to be worn on a person to measure sound exposure. Measurements of sound exposure in the workplace may be useful for determinations of occupational noise exposure, in accordance with ISO 1999 and ISO 9612. 1.3 This International Standard specifies acoustical and electrical pe rformance requirements for personal sound exposure meters of one accuracy grade. The accuracy grade corresponds to that for an integrating sound level meter which complies with the Type 2 requirements of IEC 804 for an A-weighted sound pressure level range from 80 dB to 130 dB and a nominal frequency range from 63 Hz to 8 kHz. 1.4 Tolerances on deviations of an instrument's performance from specified design goals represent the pe rformance capabilities of practical instruments. Personal sound exposure meters are required to operate within the tolerances of this International Standard over specified ranges of environmental conditions.

Electroacoustics - Specifications for personal sound exposure meters


This International Standard specifies the general requirements for test equipment designed for use in measuring the real-ear acoustical characteristics of hearing aids and describes the terminology used. The purpose of this International Standard is to ensure that measurements of real-ear acoustical characteristics of a hearing aid on a given human ear, performed with different test equipment which comply with this International Standard using methods described in ISO 12124, shall give substantially the same results.

Electroacoustics - Equipment for the measurement of real-ear acoustical characteristics of hearing aids


This second edition of IEC 61672-3 describes procedures for periodic testing of time-weighting, integrating-averaging, and integrating sound level meters that were designed to conform to the class 1 or class 2 specifications of the second edition of IEC 61672-1. The aim of the standard is to ensure that periodic testing is performed in a consistent manner by all laboratories. NOTE 1 In this document, references to IEC 61672-1, IEC 61672-2, and IEC 61672-3 refer to the second editions unless stated otherwise. NOTE 2 Procedures for the periodic testing of sound level meters designed to conform to the specifications of IEC 61672-1:2002 were given in IEC 61672-3:2006. The purpose of periodic testing is to assure the user that the performance of a sound level meter conforms to the applicable specifications of IEC 61672-1 for a limited set of key tests and for the environmental conditions under which the tests were performed. The extent of the tests in this part of IEC 61672 is deliberately restricted to the minimum considered necessary for periodic tests. Periodic tests described in this edition of IEC 61672-3 apply to sound level meters for which the manufacturer claims conformance to the specifications of the second edition of IEC 61672-1. Periodic tests described in this part of IEC 61672 apply to sound level meters for which the model has been, or has not been, pattern approved by an independent testing organization responsible for pattern approvals in accordance with the test procedures of the second edition of IEC 61672-2. Because of the limited extent of the periodic tests, if evidence of pattern approval is not publicly available, no general conclusion about conformance to the specifications of IEC 61672-1 can be made, even if the results of the periodic tests conform to all applicable requirements of this edition of IEC 61672-3.

Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 3: Periodic tests


This International Standard specifies parameters for a flow Doppler test object representing a blood vessel of known diameter at a certain depth in human tissue, carrying a steady flow. This International Standard establishes a flow Doppler test object which can be used to assess various aspects of the performance of Doppler diagnostic equipment.

Ultrasonics - Flow measurement systems - Flow test object


This International Standard describes methods of calibrating the spatial measurement facilities and point-spread function of ultrasonic imaging equipment in the ultrasonic frequency range 0,5 MHz to 15 MHz. This standard is relevant for ultrasonic scanners based on the pulse-echo principle of the types listed below: − mechanical sector scanners; − electronic phased-array sector scanners; − electronic linear-array scanners; − electronic curved-array sector scanners; − water-bath scanners based on any of the above four scanning mechanisms; − 3D-volume reconstruction systems.

Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Part 1: Techniques for calibrating spatial measurement systems and measurement of system point-spread function response


This International Standard − provides definitions for the transmitted field characteristics of focusing transducers for applications in medical ultrasound; − relates these definitions to theoretical descriptions, design, and measurement of the transmitted fields of focusing transducers; − gives measurement methods for obtaining defined characteristics of focusing transducers; − specifies beam axis alignment methods appropriate for focusing transducers. This International Standard relates to focusing ultrasonic transducers operating in the frequency range appropriate to medical ultrasound (0,5 MHz to 40 MHz) for both therapeutic and diagnostic applications. It shows how the characteristics of the transmitted field of transducers may be described from the point of view of design, as well as measured by someone with no prior knowledge of the construction details of a particular device. The radiated ultrasound field for a specified excitation is measured by a hydrophone in either a standard test medium (for example, water) or in a given medium. The standard applies only to media where the field behaviour is essentially like that in a fluid (i.e. where the influence of shear waves and elastic anisotropy is small), including soft tissues and tissue-mimicking gels. Any aspects of the field that affect their theoretical description or are important in design are also included. These definitions would have use in scientific communications, system design and description of the performance and safety of systems using these devices. This standard incorporates definitions from other related standards1 where possible, and supplies new, more specific terminology, both for defining focusing characteristics and for providing a basis for measurement of these characteristics.

Ultrasonics - Focusing transducers - Definitions and measurement methods for the transmitted fields


1.1 This Technical Specification specifies requirements for instruments that measure sound intensity using pairs of pressure sensing microphones with respect to their immunity to power and radio-frequency fields and to electrostatic discharge, and the permitted radio-frequency emissions, together with test procedures to verify conformance. Sound intensity measuring instruments are available in many different configurations and may be powered by batteries or from external power supply systems. The technical requirements in this Technical Specification apply to all configurations of instruments for the measurement of sound intensity. 1.2 The electromagnetic and electrostatic compatibility requirements are equally applicable for sound intensity measuring instruments used in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments, or industrial sites. The requirements of this Technical Specification are additional to those contained in IEC 61043 and do not alter any of the specifications contained therein. The requirements do not apply retrospectively to sound intensity measuring instruments complying with IEC 61043 prior to the publication of this Technical Specification. NOTE 1 Compliance with this Technical Specification does not insure that the sound intensity measuring system is immune to interference from all electromagnetic sources. NOTE 2 These requirements are the first attempt at defining electromagnetic and electrostatic compatibility requirements for sound intensity measuring systems. Requirements can be changed later when wider experience has been gained if found necessary.

Electroacoustics - Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity - Electromagnetic and electrostatic compatibility requirements and test procedures


This part of IEC 61672 gives electroacoustical performance specifications for three kinds of sound measuring instruments: • a time-weighting sound level meter that measures exponential-time-weighted, frequencyweighted sound levels; • an integrating-averaging sound level meter that measures time-averaged, frequencyweighted sound levels; and • an integrating sound level meter that measures frequency-weighted sound exposure levels. Sound level meters conforming to the requirements of this standard have a specified frequency response for sound incident on the microphone from one principal direction in an acoustic free field or successively from random directions. Sound level meters specified in this standard are intended to measure sounds generally in the range of human hearing. NOTE The AU frequency weighting specified in IEC 61012 can be applied for measurements of A-weighted sound levels of audible sound in the presence of a source that contains spectral components at frequencies greater than 20 kHz. 1 Two performance categories, class 1 and class 2, are specified in this standard. In general, specifications for class 1 and class 2 sound level meters have the same design goals and differ mainly in the acceptance limits and the range of operational temperature. Acceptance limits for class 2 are greater than, or equal to, those for class 1. This standard is applicable to a range of designs for sound level meters. A sound level meter may be a self-contained hand-held instrument with an attached microphone and a built-in display device. A sound level meter may be comprised of separate components in one or more enclosures and may be capable of displaying a variety of acoustical signal levels. Sound level meters may include extensive analogue or digital signal processing, separately or in combination, with multiple analogue and digital outputs. Sound level meters may include general-purpose computers, recorders, printers, and other devices that form a necessary part of the complete instrument. Sound level meters may be designed for use with an operator present or for automatic and continuous measurements of sound level without an operator present. Specifications in this standard for the response to sound waves apply without an operator present in the sound field.

Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications


This Technical Specification is applicable to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields. This Technical Specification establishes: – the important characteristics and terminology for test objects containing an embedded thermal sensor to determine ultrasonic heating; – requirements for defining particular types of test object for specific applications; – examples of design features which will ensure that the performance specifications are achieved; – validation procedures; – general test methods for using test objects to determine standardised temperature rises. NOTE 1 This Technical Specification specifically relates to test objects which contain an embedded thermal sensor (such as a thermocouple or thermistor). Although it may be possible to use non-embedded methods of temperature determination to achieve the same ends, these are outside of the scope of this Technical Specification. NOTE 2 The test objects specified in this Technical Specification are for the measurement of temperature rise and not for the determination of Thermal Index which is, by definition, an algebraic combination of acoustical field quantities and is therefore not a physically measurable quantity.

Ultrasonics - Field characterisation - Test objects for determining temperature elevation in diagnostic ultrasound fields


This International Standard specifies requirements for the electroacoustical performance of systems of instruments used to measure sound for the purposes of aeroplane noise certification, and recommends methods by which tests may be made periodically to verify that the performance continues to comply with the requirements given within stated tolerances. In general, a sound measurement system for this purpose comprises a combination of instruments extending from a microphone through data recording and processing devices to a suitable output. Particular measurement systems, differing in their composition, perform the necessary functions in different ways and operate on either analogue or digital principles. The purpose of this International Standard is to ensure that different measurement systems have the same electroacoustical characteristics within the stated tolerances under specified reference environmental conditions. This standard does not provide recommendations for installation of microphones or microphone windscreens, nor requirements for measurement and analysis procedures used in aeroplane noise certification, but gives only the performance specifications for the measurement systems used to provide one-third-octave-band sound pressure levels averaged over a period of time. Certain of the requirements apply to the complete measurement system, including any means of recording a time waveform of the sound pressure signal to be measured prior to analysis. Other requirements apply specifically to the microphone which generates an electrical signal in response to the sound pressure received. Still further requirements apply only to the instruments used to operate on that signal in order to provide an output in the form of one-third-octave-band sound pressure levels. The requirements of this International Standard apply to the instruments used to measure the sound produced by jet- or propeller-driven transport-category aeroplanes of maximum certificated takeoff mass over 9 000 kg, or their propulsion systems when installed on a suitable outdoor engine test stand.

Electroacoustics - Instruments for measurement of aircraft noise - Performance requirements for systems to measure one-third-octave-band sound pressure levels in noise certification of transport-category aeroplanes


This International Standard • specifies a method of determining the total emitted acoustic power of ultrasonic transducers based on the use of a radiation force balance; • establishes general principles for the use of radiation force balances in which an obstacle (target) intercepts the sound field to be measured; • establishes limitations of the radiation force method related to cavitation and temperature rise; • establishes quantitative limitations of the radiation force method in relation to diverging and focused beams; • provides information on estimating the acoustic power for diverging and focused beams using the radiation force method; • provides information on assessment of overall measurement uncertainties. This International Standard is applicable to: • the measurement of ultrasonic power up to 1 W based on the use of a radiation force balance in the frequency range from 0,5 MHz to 25 MHz; • the measurement of ultrasonic power up to 20 W based on the use of a radiation force balance in the frequency range 0,75 MHz to 5 MHz; • the measurement of total ultrasonic power in well-collimated, diverging and focused ultrasonic fields; • the use of radiation force balances of the gravimetric type or force feedback type. (See also Clause A.1) NOTE 1 A focused beam is converging in the pre-focal range and diverging beyond focus. NOTE 2 Ultrasonic power measurement in the high intensity therapeutic ultrasound (HITU) range, i.e. beyond 1 W or 20 W, respectively, is dealt with in the future IEC 62555.

Ultrasonics - Power measurement - Radiation force balances and performance requirements


Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 3: Acoustic coupler for the calibration of supra-aural earphones used in audiometry (IEC 60318-3:2014); German version EN 60318-3:2015


IEC 60118-0:2015 gives recommendations for the measurement of the performance characteristics of air conduction hearing aids based on a free field technique and measured with an acoustic coupler. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1983 and its Amendment 1:1994 as well as IEC 60118-1:1995, Amendment 1:1998, IEC 60118-2:1983, Amendment 1:1993, Amendment 2:1997 and IEC 60118-6:1999. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 0: Measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids

2015-10-14 (7)

This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY of HEARING INSTRUMENTS and HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS@ hereafter also referred to as ME EQUIPMENT or ME SYSTEM. If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to HEARING INSTRUMENTS only@ or to HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS only@ the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case@ the clause or subclause applies both to HEARING INSTRUMENTS and to HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS@ as relevant. HAZARDS inherent in the intended physiological function of HEARING INSTRUMENTS or HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS within the scope of this standard are not covered by specific requirements in this standard except in and 201.9.6. NOTE See also 201.4.2. (RISK MANAGEMENT). ACCESSORIES to HEARING INSTRUMENTS in the HOME HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT (e.g. remote control units@ audio streamers@ battery chargers@ power supplies) are covered by the most applicable standard@ IEC 60065@ IEC 60950-1 or other applicable IEC safety standards. Alternatively the general standard may be applied. HEARING INSTRUMENTS do not have a MAINS PART intended for connection to a.c. SUPPLY MAINS. The connection to the SUPPLY MAINS of a HEARING INSTRUMENT system is covered by power supply@ charger or other types of ACCESSORIES. ACCESSORIES connected to a HEARING INSTRUMENT may form a HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEM. Only the HEARING INSTRUMENT and its detachable parts are subject to all applicable clauses of this particular standard. The remaining components of the HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEM are subject to requirements of this particular standard that result from their connection to the HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEM. Programming interfaces or ACCESSORIES in a clinical application are covered by the general standard. NOTE Detachable parts of HEARING INSTRUMENTS even if supplied separately (e.g. ear hooks@ domes@ wax guards etc.)@ are not regarded as ACCESSORIES. This standard does not apply to: ?C cochlear implants or other implanted HEARING INSTRUMENTS; ?C bone conduction HEARING INSTRUMENTS; ?C educational HEARING INSTRUMENTS (i.e. group HEARING INSTRUMENTS@ auditory trainers etc.); ?C the application of a HEARING INSTRUMENT for the measurement of hearing levels. IEC 60645-1 applies; ?C audio-frequency induction-loop systems or their component parts@ as described in IEC 60118-4 and IEC 62489-1; ?C assisted HEARING INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS using infra-red or radio; ?C the sound generating function of a tinnitus masker.

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems


Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 0: Measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids


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