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This section of IEC 1334-3 applies only to MV phase-to-phase isolated capacitive coupling devices for MV (medium voltage) distribution line carrier (DLC) systems. The coupling device ensures: a) the efficient transmission/reception of carrier-frequency signals between the DLCtransceiver and the power line; b) the safety of personnel and the protection of the low-voltage parts of the installation against the effects of the power-frequency voltage and transient overvoltages. The object of this section of IEC 1334-3 is to establish definitions, requirements, methods of testing and rated values for phase-to-phase isolated capacitive coupling devices to be used in MV-DLC systems.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 3: Mains signalling requirements - Section 21: MV phase-to-phase isolated capacitive coupling device


This part of IEC 61334 covers the services required of, or by, the DCP network layer (N) sublayer entity at the logical interfaces with the N user layer and the LLC sublayer, using the connectionless N procedures. Services are specified showing the information flow between the N user and the LLC service, by describing the service primitives and parameters which characterize each service. The primitives in this standard are associated with the connectionless N protocol, providing connectionless services

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4-61: Data communication protocols - Network layer - Connectionless protocol


This part of IEC 61334 applies to electrical equipment to be used in distribution line carrier (DLC) systems on both medium-voltage (MV) and low-voltage (LV) distribution networks. It specifies the requirements (frequency bands, output levels, spurious emissions, etc.) for MV and LV distribution networks respectively. It specifies disturbance limits in the frequency range from 3 kHz up to 30 MHz. The upper frequency limit has been fixed at 30 MHz according to the CISPR recommendations for conducted disturbances. It does not specify the signal modulation methods nor the coding methods nor functional features. Environmental requirements and tests are not included. NOTE – In most countries the transmission is subject to regulation. Compliance with this standard does not imply permission to establish communication on a public supply network, between public supply networks and consumer installations, or between consumer installations where this would not otherwise be allowed. The object of this standard is to limit mutual influence between signal transmission equipment in electrical installations and between such equipment and other equipment. In addition, this standard is intended to limit interference caused by signal transmission equipment to sensitive electronic equipment. In some cases, interference caused by other electrical equipment may lead to misoperation of the mains signalling equipment. Guidance on proper use and warning of improper use are included in the installation and operating instructions supplied with each item of equipment. Where appropriate, a notice is attached securely to each product giving the substance of the following warning: Mains signalling must not be used to control equipment that could become a hazard to people or property if it inadvertently operates or fails to operate in any way.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 3-1: Mains signalling requirements - Frequency bands and output levels


This part of IEC 61334 covers the services required of, or by, the data communication protocol (DCP) logical link control (LLC) sublayer entity at the logical interfaces with the LLC-user layer and the MAC sublayer, using the connection-oriented LLC procedures. Services are specified showing the information flow between the LLC user and the MAC service, by describing the service primitives and parameters which characterize each service: these service primitives are those specified in IEC 61334-4-32 and in this standard, only the specific details and changes for connection-oriented procedures are given. The primitives in this standard are associated with the connection-oriented mode (CO) LLC protocol, providing connectionless services: a data transfer mode outside the connection context is also provided and harmonized with the CO procedures. The way to set up, close down and monitor the connection status is provided through services primitives to the LLC sublayer management entity and these services are not made available to the LLC user interface.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4-33: Data communication protocols - Data link layer - Connection oriented protocol


The scope of application of the specifications of the sections of part 4 is the communication through the so-called distribution line carrier technology (DLC) on both low and medium voltage distribution network. The application range based on telecommunication processes is wide and cannot be described exhaustively in this section; application examples are: control and monitoring of the distribution network, order broadcast, control of user interfaces, public lighting, traffic lights supervision, automatic meter reading, etc. Extensions to other communication media are also allowed.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 1: Reference model of the communication system


The specifications of the sections of IEC 1334-4 apply to the communication through the socalled distribution line carrier technology (DLC) on both low and medium voltage distribution networks. The application range based on telecommunication processes is wide and cannot be described exhaustively in this section; application examples are: control and monitoring of the distribution network, order broadcast, control of user interfaces, public lighting, traffic lights supervision, automatic meter reading, etc. This section of IEC 1334-4 describes the rules used to design an application service element, the ISO connectionless ACSE, and the DLMS Application Service Element. Extensions to other communication media are also allowed. The mapping of the DLMS services is based on the three-layer stack. Future extensions to stacks of more than three layers are possible and may use the rules described in this section. In such a case, the DLMS interface with the underlying layers should be remapped to the new one: the specification of the mapping criteria will be dealt with in corresponding appendices, in respect of the rules defined in this section

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 42: Application protocols - Application layer


This part of IEC 61334 defines a set of encoding rules – the A-XDR3) encoding rules – that may be used to derive the specification of a transfer syntax for values of types defined in the DLMS core standard using the ASN.1 notation (see IEC 61334-4-41). These A-XDR encoding rules are also to be applied for decoding such a transfer syntax in order to identify the data values being transferred. The A-XDR encoding rules • are used at the time of communication; • provide optimal4) encoding for DLMS PDUs. NOTE Provided that A-XDR ensures optimal encoding for DLMS PDUs, it is intended to be the default encoding rule for DLMS-based communication protocols. Nevertheless, the default – and also the possibly usable optional – encoding rules will be specified in the Application Layer document of the given protocol (for example, IEC 61334-4-42), as part of the Application context

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 6: A-XDR encoding rule


This International Standard is primarily applicable to non-interrupted creep-testing of stranded conductors for overhead lines such as those specified by IEC 61089. Procedures for interpreting the results are also included. The object of the test is principally to calculate creep for any purpose and to compare creep of different conductors. The requirement of this standard aims at an accuracy of 1 %. However, it should be recognized that due to variations occurring in the manufacturing process, the creep obtained in the test is not a precise value for all conductors of the type tested.

Overhead electrical conductors - Creep test procedures for stranded conductors


This recommendation applies to coupling devices for power line carrier (PLC) systems which are connected between the coupling capacitor(s) and the carrier-frequency connection to the PLC terminal (or to a similar coupling device, directly or via additional equipment, in the case of retransmission). The coupling device, in conjunction with the coupling capacitor(s) ensures: a) the efficient transmission of carrier-frequency signals between the carrier-frequency connection and the power line; b) the safety of personnel and the protection of the low-voltage parts of the installation against the effects of the power-frequency voltage and transient overvoltages. This recommendation also applies to coupling devices used in conjunction with PLC systems which are required to operate over power cables.

Coupling devices for power line carrier systems


This technical report of type 2 describes a lower layer profile that includes the medium access control (MAC) sublayer, the physical signalling (PLS) sublayer and the mains attachment units (MAU), with the purpose of giving a contribution to build up a set of standards for effective communication on MV and LV network for distribution line carrier (DLC) systems. This profile uses the FSK modulation technique that offers the advantages of low cost implementation, robustness and immunity against noise and interferences. Furthermore, the transmission quality is predictable knowing few parameters of the transmission medium. Using standard electrical signal interface to the modem, the profile is effective for different modulation techniques. Different technical approaches in developing communication for DLC systems are in progress. As a consequence, at present different low level profiles are feasible with acceptable results in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness. In many cases, the differences amongst solutions are minor and it is possible to find a common root. This report describes a low level profile that assembles some common experience. According to the structure of the open system interconnection model, the low level profile should present a standard interface to the logical link control (LLC) sublayer and consists of sublayers such as the MAC sublayer, PLS and MAU, that present well-defined interface to each other. The MAC sublayer here described interfaces both the LLC connectionless (CL) (see IEC 61334-4-32) and the LLC connection oriented (CO) (see IEC 61334-4-33). The use of the MAC in the two cases is different due to the frame length and the frame sequence on the medium. To improve the efficiency of the communication, different classes of service are given. The proper use of the class of service and related parameters allow users control of the transfer and waiting time of the processes involved in the transmission.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 5-2: Lower layer profiles - Frequency shift keying (FSK) profile


This part of IEC 61334 is applicable to MV phase-to-earth capacitive and screen-to-earth intrusive inductive coupling devices for medium voltage (MV) distribution line carrier (DLC) systems. Non-intrusive inductive coupling devices are not within the scope of this standard. The coupling device ensures a) the efficient transmission/reception of carrier-frequency signals between the DLC transceiver and the power line; b) the safety of personnel and the protection of the low-voltage parts of the installation against the effects of the power-frequency voltage and transient overvoltages. The object of this part of IEC 61334 is to establish definitions, requirements, methods of testing and rated values for phase-to-earth capacitive and screen-to-earth intrusive inductive coupling devices to be used in MV-DLC systems.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 3-22: Mains signalling requirements - MV phase-to-earth and screen-to-earth intrusive coupling devices


The scope of application of the specifications of the sections of part 4 is the communication through the so-called distribution line carrier technology (DLC) on both low and medium voltage distribution network. The application range based on telecommunication processes is wide and cannot be described exhaustively in this section; application examples are: control and monitoring of the distribution network, broadcasting of orders, control of user interfaces, public lighting, traffic lights supervision, automatic meter reading, etc. Extensions to other communication media are also allowed. The distribution line message specification (DLMS) is an application layer specification designed to support messaging communications to and from distribution devices in a computer integrated environment. This environment is referred in this specification as the distribution environment. This specification does not specify a complete set of services for remote programming of devices

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 41: Application protocol - Distribution line message specification


This report is intended to provide information regarding the application of power line carrier systems to electricity supply networks and to provide specific information on the properties and the performance of power line carrier (PLC) systems and associated equipment useful to the systems planning engineer, and on the precautions to be taken in order to ensure that PLC radiations do not interfere with other radiocommunication services. Figure 1, page 60, illustrates the associated I E C standards for PLC-Systems. As single-sideband (SSB) systems are now almost universal, the report is concerned with amplitude modulated systems of this type, however other types of system such as doublesideband and frequency modulated systems exist as described in Sub-clause 4.5.1.

Planning of (single-sideband) power line carrier systems


This Technical report (type 3) summarizes the results obtained through an intense activity of research carried out in some European countries, in order to assess the ability of MV (medium voltage) and LV (low voltage) distribution power networks to be used as a data transmission medium suitable to support applications related to distribution automation systems. Taking into account that the research has been focused on a reduced number of typical situations, the results, shown in this report, will be considered representative of all the situations similar to those that have been investigated. The results are expressed with reference to certain transmission parameters, described in clause 2, which are of great importance for the design of a distribution line carrier communication system.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 1: General considerations - Section 4: Identification of data transmission parameters concerning medium and low-voltage distribution mains


This part of IEC 60834 applies to teleprotection command systems used to convey command information, generally in conjunction with protection equipment. It aims at establishing performance requirements and recommended testing methods for command type teleprotection equipment. The information conveyed by the teleprotection equipment can be in analogue or digital form. The command type teleprotection equipment referred to in this standard can be power line carrier equipment or voice frequency equipment which is used in connection with various telecommunication systems, such as power line carrier (PLC), radio links, optical fibre, rented circuits, leased or privately owned cables. In addition the command type teleprotection can be digital equipment which is used with a digital telecommunication system or media such as optical fibres, radio links, leased or privately owned digital links. The command type teleprotection equipment may be separate or provided as an integral part of the protection equipment. In addition to teleprotection equipment performance tests, tests have to be carried out on the power supply of the teleprotection equipment. All the tests should be regarded as type tests. NOTE – According to the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV), a type test is defined as a test of one or more devices made to a certain design to show that the design meets certain specifications.

Teleprotection equipment of power systems - Performance and testing - Part 1: Command systems


This section of IEC 1334-4 covers the services required of, or by, the DCP Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer entity at the logical interfaces with the application layer and the MAC sublayer. In general, the services of a layer (or a sublayer) are the capabilities which it offers to a user in the next layer. In order to provide its service, a layer (or a sublayer) builds its functions on the services which it requires from the next lower layer or sublayer. Services are specified by describing the information flow between the application layer and the MAC-sublayer. That is by describing the service primitives and parameters which characterize each service. These primitives are associated with the connectionless transmission. NOTES 1 This section refers to the three-layer reference model described in IEC 1334-4-1 but provisions are made for future extensions of this model to more than three layers. 2 Provisions are also made in this section for future extensions to connection oriented transmission. In this clause, reference is made to the OSI reference model ISO 7498.

Distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Part 4: Data communication protocols - Section 32: Data link layer - Logical link control (LLC)


This part of IEC 834 applies to narrowband and wideband teleprotection systems used to convey analogue information about the primary quantities such as phase or phase and amplitude. The teleprotection equipment can either be separate or integrated in one unit with the protection equipment or the telecommunication equipment. Narrow-band systems include systems operating within a 4 kHz band (for each direction of transmission). Wide-band systems include systems occupying more than 4 kHz bandwidth (for each direction of transmission). Broad-band command systems are not dealt with in this standard.

Performance and testing of teleprotection equipment of power systems - Part 2: Analogue comparison systems


Overhead Lines - Components for the protection of birds - Standards and tests


이 표준은 정해진 규정에 따라 충전부에 근접하여 작업하는 작업자에게 위험을 줄 수 있는 충전부와 접지된 부위 사이의 공기 절연 파괴를 방지하기 위한 전기거리의 계산 지침을 제공한다. 이 표준은 교류 상 간(phase-to-phase) 전압 45 kV를 넘는 가공선로에만 적용한다. 이 표준은 이동 물체, 즉 지면 위의 차량, 물위의 선박, 지상 또는 물체 위의 사람, 지상의 야생 동물(조류 제외)과 도체 사이의 전기적인 거리에 대하여 다룬다.이 표준은 다음과 같은 일반인 및 작업자의 안전에 대하여는 다루지 않는다.? 고정 설치된 물체-구조물 아래 또는 인근의 선로, 나무, 등고선 등? KS C IEC 61472에 규정된 활선작업의 최소 접근거리 계산방법? 선로 아래의 차량 또는 선로를 따라 매설된 배관 내에 유기되는 전위와 같이 가공선로에 의한 정전유도결합 또는 전자유도? 선로사고 또는 뇌격으로 인한 대지전류 및 해당 구조물 인근의 보폭전압 및 접촉전압에 기인하는 대지전류? 선로 애자 또는 스파크 갭에서의 섬락, 또는 가청 주파수 및 노이즈 및 강한 아크로 인한 선로와 선로 사이의 방전? 도체 아래의 대형 화재로 인한 도체와 대지 사이의 공기절연파괴? 인근의 가공선로 또는 통신선로의 방전을 방지하기 위하

Overhead lines — Calculation of the electrical component of distance between live parts and obstacles — Method of calculation


Design criteria of overhead transmission lines


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