35.100.01 开放系统互连(OSI)综合 标准查询与下载

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This standard is intended to provide the ODP Reference Model (ITU-T Recommendation X.902 / ISO/IEC 10746-2 og X.903 / ISO/IEC 10746-3) with a language and environment neutral notation to describe computational operation interface signatures. Use of this notation does not imply use of specific supporting mechanisms and protocols.

Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Interface Definition Language


This Recommendation | International Standard is based on the framework of abstractions and concepts developed in the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (ITU-T Rec. X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3). This Recommendation | International Standard defines how interactions between computational objects in a computational specification of a system relate to protocol support for those interactions in an engineering specification of that system. In particular it: - defines a General Interworking Framework (GIF); - within the GIF, defines a set of facilities each comprising a set of functionally-related service primitives as abstract definitions of the interactions of basic engineering objects and channel objects; - defines the parameters of the service primitives of the GIF; - defines the permitted sequence of the service primitives by means of state tables; - specifies, in annexes, the mapping of the GIF service primitives and their parameters to the messages and fields of particular protocols. As specified in this Recommendation | International Standard, the GIF defines protocol support for a pragmatic subset of the possible computational interactions defined in ITU-T Rec. X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3. It is also restricted in the features of the protocol support and the supported transparencies. The GIF, as specified here, defines: - support for computational operations, but not for streams; - support using stub, binder and protocol objects hierarchically, such that any interaction at the interworking reference point of the supporting protocol object supports liaisons of one of those objects or of the basic engineering object, and any interaction to support those liaisons is passed via that interworking reference point; and - interactions at a single interworking reference point, from the perspective of one side; interceptors are not explicitly considered; NOTE 1 - It is intended that the GIF could be extended, in a future amendment, to support streams and flows. The present specification is restricted to areas that are technically stable. The GIF supports at least some forms of: - access transparency; and - location transparency. The GIF as specified here also supports a limited equivalent of relocation transparency. Other transparencies are not addressed in this present specification. NOTE 2 - It is intended that the GIF could be extended, in future amendments, to support additional transparencies. The GIF does not explicitly model Quality of Service requirements. The application of security-related issues to the GIF are not included in the current text and are for further study. The set of mappings to particular protocols specified in annexes to this Recommendation | International Standard is not exhaustive. The GIF could be mapped to other protocols. NOTE 3 - In particular, a mapping to the DCOM protocol family would be a candidate for an additional annex.

Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Protocol support for computational interactions


Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection. Generic upper layers security: Overview, models and notation


Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection. Generic upper layers security: Protecting transfer syntax specification


Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection. Upper layers security model


Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection. Security frameworks for open systems. Overview


Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection. Security frameworks for open systems. Security audit and alarms framework


ISO/IEC 9834-6:2005 specifies the procedures applicable to the registration of application processes and application entities. No requirement for an international registration authority has been identified; therefore these procedures apply to registration at any point in the ASN.1 object identifier tree. ISO/IEC 9834-6:2005 does not cover the registration of application-process types or application-entity types. No requirement for such registration has been identified.

Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI registration authorities. Application processes and application entities


Specifies the contents of register entries recording information about VTE-profiles and assigning unambiguous names of ASN.1 type object identifier to VTE-profile definitions.

Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI registration authorities. Register of VTE profiles


Specifies the contents of register entries recording information about OSI document types, and assigning an unambiguous name of ASN.1 type object identifier to OSI document type definitions and the procedures for the operation of an international registration authority for OSI document types.

Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI registration authorities. Registration procedures for OSI document types


Specifies the contents of register entries recording information about VT control object definitions and assigning unambiguous names of ASN.1 type object identifier to VT CO definitions.

Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI registration authorities. Register of VT control object definitions


This International Standard provides an engineering description of the functionality needed to support the computational binding of objects in ODP systems. This International Standard includes: - a framework for binding interfaces and a generic binding protocol; - a specification of the generic information structure of interface references; - representation(s) for interface references when transferred using standardized protocols; - identification of procedures for the management and transfer of interface references with respect to individual transparancies; - identification of node management interfaces related to binding and federation which create or tra

Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Interface references and binding


1 Scope This Recommendation | International Standard: a) defines general mechanisms for the use of names and addresses to identify and locate objects in the OSIE; and b) defines the use of these mechanisms within the layered structure of the Basic Reference Model. This Recommendation | International Standard extends the concepts and principles defined in ITU-T Rec.X.200 | ISO/IEC 7498-1. This Recommendation | International Standard is not intended to be either an implementation specification or a basis for appraising the conformance of actual implementations. The specific form of names and addresses is not within the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard.

Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Basic reference model: Naming and addressing


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 10181-5:1996 (first edition, 1996-09-15). 1 Scope This Recommendation | International Standard on Security Frameworks for Open Systems addresses the application of security services in an Open Systems environment, where the term "Open System" is taken to include areas such as Database, Distributed Applications, Open Distributed Processing and OSI. The Security Frameworks are concerned with defining the means of providing protection for systems and objects within systems, and with the interactions between systems. The Security Frameworks are not concerned with the methodology for constructing systems or mechanisms. The Security Frameworks address both data elements and sequences of operations (but not protocol elements) which may be used to obtain specific security services. These security services may apply to the communicating entities of systems as well as to data exchanged between systems, and to data managed by systems. This Recommendation | International Standard addresses the confidentiality of information in retrieval, transfer and management. It: 1) defines the basic concepts of confidentiality; 2) identifies possible classes of confidentiality mechanisms; 3) classifies and identifies facilities for each class of confidentiality mechanisms; 4) identifies management required to support the classes of confidentiality mechanisms; and 5) addresses the interaction of confidentiality mechanisms and the supporting services with other security services and mechanisms. A number of different types of standards can use this framework, including; 1) standards that incorporate the concept of confidentiality; 2) standards that specify abstract services that include confidentiality; 3) standards that specify uses of a confidentiality service; 4) standards that specify means of providing confidentiality within an open system architecture; and 5) standards that specify confidentiality mechanisms. Such standards can use this framework as follows: - standards of type 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) can use the terminology of this framework; - standards of type 2), 3), 4) and 5) can use the facilities defined in clause 7 of this framework; - standards of type 5) can be based upon the classes of mechanism defined in clause 8 of this framework. As with other security services, condifentiality can only be provided within the context of a defined security policy for a particular application. The definitions of specific policies are outside the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. It is not a matter for this Recommendation | International Standard to specify details of the protocol exchanges which need to be performed in order to achieve confidentiality. This Recommendation | International Standard does not specify particular mechanisms to support these confidentiality services nor the full details of security management services and protocols. Generic mechanisms to support confidentiality are described in clause 8.

Informatino technology - Open sytems interconnection - Security frameworks for open systems: Confidentiality framework


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 10181-6:1996 (first edition, 1996-09-15). 1 Scope The Recommendation | International Standard on Security Frameworks for Open Systems addresses the application of security services in an Open Systems environment, where the term "Open System" is taken to include areas such as Database, Distributed Applications, Open Distributed Processing and OSI. The Security Frameworks are concerned with defining the means of providing protection for systems and objects within systems, and with the interactions between systems. The Security Frameworks are not concerned with the methodology for constructing systems or mechanisms. The Security Frameworks address both data elements and sequences of operations (but not protocol elements) which may be used to obtain specific security services. These security services may apply to the communicating entities of systems as well as to data exchanged between systems, and to data managed by systems. This Recommendation | International Standard addresses the integrity of data in information in retrieval, transfer and management: 1) defines the basic concepts of data integrity; 2) identifies possible classes of integrity mechanisms; 3) identifies facilities for each class of integrity mechanisms; 4) identifies management required to support the class of integrity mechanisms; 5) addresses the interaction of integrity mechanisms and the supporting services with other security services and mechanisms. A number of different types of standard can use this framework, including: 1) standards that incorporate the concept of integrity; 2) standards that specify abstract services that include integrity; 3) standards that specify uses of an integrity service; 4) standards that specify means of providing integrity within an open system architecture; and 5) standards that specify integrity mechanisms. Such standards can use this framework as follows: - standards of type 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) can use the terminology of this framework; - standards of type 2), 3), 4) and 5) can use the facilities identified in clause 7; - standards of type 5) can be based upon the classes of mechanisms identified in clause 8. Some of the procedures described in this security framework achieve integrity by the application of cryptographic techniques. This framework is not dependent on the use of particular cryptographic or other algorithms, although certain classes of integrity mechanisms may depend on particular algorithm properties. NOTE - Although ISO does not standardize cryptographic algorithms, it does standardize the procedures used to register them in ISO/IEC 9979. The integrity addressed by this Recommendation | International Standard is that defined by the constancy of a data value. This notion (constancy of a data value) encompasses all instances in which different representations of a data value are deemed equivalent (such as different ASN.1 encodings of the same value). Other forms of invariance are excluded. The usage of the term data in this Recommendation | International Standard includes all types of data structures (such as sets or collections of data, sequences of data, file-systems and databases).

Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Security frameworks for open systems: Integrity framework


Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security Frameworks for Open Systems: Access Control Framework


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 10181-4:1997 (first edition, 1997-04-01). 1 Scope This Recommendation | International Standard addresses the application of security services in an Open Systems environment, where the term "Open Systems" is taken to include areas such as Database, Distributed Applications, Open Distributed Processing and OSI. The Security Frameworks are concerned with defining the means of providing protection for systems and objects within systems, and with the interactions between systems. The Security Frameworks are not concerned with the methodology for constructing systems or mechanisms. The Security Frameworks address both data elements and sequences of operations (but not protocol elements) which are used to obtain specific security services. These security services may apply to the communicating entities of systems as well as to data exchanged between systems, and to data managed by systems. The Recommendation | International Standard: - defines the basic concepts of Non-repudiation; - defines general Non-repudiation services; - identifies possible mechanisms to provide the Non-repudiation services; - identifies general management requirements for Non-repudiation services and mechanisms. As with other security services, Non-repudiation can only be provided within the context of a defined security policy for a particular application. The definitions of security policies are outside the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. The scope of this Recommendation | International Standard does not include specification of details of the protocol exchanges which need to be performed in order to achieve Non-repudiation. This Recommendation | International Standard does not describe in detail the particular mechanisms that can be used to support the Non-repudiation services nor does it give details of the supporting security management services and protocols. Some of the procedures described in this framework achieve security by the application of cryptographic techniques. This framework is not dependent on the use of a particular cryptographic or other algorithm or on particular cryptographic techniques (i.e. symmetric or asymmetric) although certain classes of Non-repudiation mechanisms may depend on particular algorithm properties. Indeed it is likely, in practice, that a number of different algorithms will be used. Two entities wishing to use cryptographically-protected data must support the same cryptographic algorithm. [NOTE - Although ISO does not standardize cryptographic algorithms, it does standardize the procedures used to register them in ISO/IEC 9979.] A number of different types of standard can use this framework including: 1) standards that incorporate the concept of Non-repudiation; 2) standards that specify abstract services that include Non-repudiation; 3) standards that specify uses of a Non-repudiation service; 4) standards that specify the means of providing Non-repudiation within an open system architecture; and 5) standards that specify Non-repudiation mechanisms.

Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Security frameworks for open systems: Non-repudiation framework


Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Generic upper layers security: Security Exchange Service Element (SESE) Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 10181-7:1996 (first edition, 1996-08-01). 1 Scope This Recommendation | International Standard addresses the application of security services in an Open Systems environment, where the term "Open Systems" is taken to include areas such as Database, Distributed Applications, Open Distributed Processing and OSI. The Security Frameworks are concerned with defining the means of providing protection for systems and objects within systems, and with the interactions between systems. The Security Frameworks are not concerned with the methodology for constructing systems or mechanisms. The Security Frameworks address both data elements and sequences of operations (but not protocol elements) which are used to obtain specific security services. These security services may apply to the communicating entities of systems as well as to data exchanged between systems, and to data managed by systems. The purpose of security audit and alarms as described in this Recommendation | International Standard is to ensure that open system-security-related events are handled in accordance with the security policy of the applicable security authority. In particular, this framework: a) defines the basic concepts of security audit and alarms; b) provides a general model for security audit and alarms; and c) identifies the relationship of the Security Audit and Alarms service with other security services. As with other security services, a security audit can only be provided within the context of a defined security policy. The Security Audit and Alarms model provided in clause 6 supports a variety of goals not all of which may be necessary or desired in a particular environment. The security audit service provides an audit authority with the ability to specify the events which need to be recorded within a security audit trail. A number of different types of standard can use this framework including: 1) standards that incorporate the concept of audit and alarms; 2) standards that specify abstract services that include audit and alarms; 3) standards that specify uses of audit and alarms; 4) standards that specify the means of providing audit and alarms within an open system architecture; and 5) standards that specify audit and alarms mechanisms. Such standards can use this framework as follows: - standard types 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) can use the terminology of this framework; - standard types 2), 3), 4) and 5) can use the facilities defined in clause 8: and - standard types 5) can be based upon the characteristics of mechanisms defined in clause 9.

Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Security frameworks for open systems: Security audit and alarms framework


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC 11586-6:1997 (first edition, 1997-04-01). 1 Scope This Recommendation / International Standard defines a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma for the detailed expression of the conformance requirements of ITU-T Rec. X.833 / ISO/IEC 11586-4 and Annex D of ITU-T Rec. X.830 / ISO/IEC 11586-l. This PICS proforma is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and in accordance with the relevant guidance for a PICS proforma, given in ITU-T Rec. X.291 and ISO/IEC 9646 -2. Detail of the use of this proforma is provided in this Recommendation / International Standard. Implementations claiming conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.833 / ISO/IEC 11586-4 or Annex D of ITU-T Rec. X.830 / ISO/IEC 11586-1 shall complete the proforma as part of the conformance requirements. The level of detail required in the proforma exceeds that of the protocol speci fication by requiring details to uniquely identify the implementation and the supplier. NOTE - PICS are related to base Recommendations and Standards and only base Recommendations and Standards. PICS structure might be expanded and refined for other documents using the base Standards (e.g. ISPICS).

Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Generic Upper Layers Security: Protecting Transfer Syntax Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma


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