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This QOS Framework is a structured collection of concepts and their relationships which describes QOS (Quality of Service) and enables the partitioning of, and relationships between, the topics relevant to QOS in Information Technology (IT) to be expressed by a common means of description. In particular, this QOS Framework is directed at IT systems and their use in providing Open Distributed Processing services. This QOS Framework is intended to assist those designing and specifying IT systems, and those defining communications services and protocols, by providing guidance on QOS applicable to systems, services and resources of various kinds. It describes how QOS can be characterized, how QOS requirements can be specified, and how QOS can be managed. This QOS Framework defines terminology and concepts for QOS in IT. It introduces the concept of QOS characteristics, which represent the fundamental aspects of QOS that are to be managed in various ways; and it defines a number of QOS characteristics of particular importance. These definitions are independent of how QOS is represented or controlled in a real system. This Framework describes how QOS requirements can be expressed, and identifies a number of QOS mechanisms (such as three-party negotiation) that can be used as components of QOS management functions to meet QOS requirements of various kinds. It also describes the circumstances in which various combinations of mechanisms may be appropriate. This QOS Framework provides a basis for the specification of extensions and enhancements to existing or planned standards, as a result of the need for, and application of, the QOS concepts defined in this Recommendation | International Standard. It is not the intent of this Recommendation | International Standard to destabilise any existing Recommendations | International Standards; rather, it is intended that this QOS Framework may be used by: · developers of new or revised IT-related standards which define or use QOS mechanisms; and · IT users expressing requirements for QOS. This QOS Framework does not attempt to provide a basis for the specification of performance objectives or network signalling of QOS in public communications networks. The QOS aspects of these communications services are addressed by other ITU-T Recommendations. The intent of this Recommendation | International Standard is to provide a common vocabulary to both service providers and service users. Nothing in this Recommendation | International Standard should be construed as placing requirements on either service providers or service users. It is hoped that a common approach and vocabulary for QOS will assist multiple service providers to deliver end-to-end QOS to end-systems. This QOS Framework specifically excludes the detailed specification of QOS mechanisms. It is not the intent of this Recommendation | International Standard to serve as an implementation specification, to be a basis for appraising the conformance of implementations, or to define particular services and protocols. Rather, it provides a conceptual and functional framework for QOS which allows independent teams of experts to work productively on the development of Recommendations | International Standards. As applied to OSI, this QOS Framework is consistent with the OSI Basic Reference Model in that it describes operations and mechanisms which are assignable to layers as specified in the OSI Basic Reference Model. It is consistent with the OSI Management Framework (see ITU-T Rec. X.700 | ISO/IEC 7498-4) and the Systems Management Overview (see ITU-T Rec. X.701 | ISO/IEC 10040) in its assignment of functions to management entities. In Annex A, this QOS Framework presents a model of QOS for OSI which identifies the entities that participate in the management of QOS, defines the flow of QOS-related information between them and describes how this information is used.

Information technology - Quality of service:Framework


The Lower Layer System and Network Management Ensemble for TB/TC/TD/TE/RB/RC Profiles (LLSNME), AOM312, identifies how to manage connection oriented OSI environments using OSI Management. The scope of AOM312 is management of resources in the OSI transport layer, network layer, data link layer as specified by profiles for the OSI connection mode environment. The set of lower layer ISPs address interoperable stacks within the connection mode OSI environment. Certain connection mode ISPs interoperate with others. For example, a TB1111-compliant end system can communicate with TC1111-compliant end system through a RB51.1111-compliant system. Transport and Relay International Standardized Profiles (ISPs) currently profile OSI Communication Stacks enabling End Systems and Intermediate Systems to interoperate. These Lower Layer profiles specify the management capability of OSI stacks. There also exists a set of System Management Function (SMF) ISPs (A0M2x) that specify how to use CMIP to perform remote management. The scope of A0M312 is to identify how to manage OSI resources by referencing and placing management requirements on Lower Layer Profiles and SMF Profiles. Conformance requirements for Managed Objects and SMF Profiles is addressed. AOM312 addresses how to perform fault and configuration management of the OSI connection mode environment. AOM312 specifically address how to accomplish the following systems management tasks: - Configure Data Link , Network , or Transport Resources - Determine current Date Link, Network , or Transport Configuration - Determine Logical Date Link, Network, or Transport Connectivity - Detect Data Link, Network, or Transport Errors and Changes AOM312 is applicable in an environment in which end systems are able to take a manager role, an agent role or both. AOM312 does not place any requirements on , or specify any conformance requirements for, the resources themselves (which is in the realm of the respective lower layer ISP). AOM312 is based on OSI standard protocols, OSI Systems Management Information Standards, and ISPs. AOM312 has been developed in accordance with the " Guidelines for the Scope and Content of Ensembles"(RWS-TR 005 Part 1).

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AOM3nn - OSI Management - Part 2: AOM312 - Lower Layer Systems and Network Management Ensemble for TB/TC/TD/TE/RB/RC profiles


Information technology. International Standardized Profiles ADYnn. OSI Directory. ADY43. DSA to DSA authentication


Information technology. International Standardized Profile FOD112. Open Document Format : Image Applications. Simple Document Structure. Raster Graphics content architecture. Part 1 : Document Application Profile (DAP).


This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 profiles Directory System Schema information to be stored within the Directory. This is the information, common to a variety of applications, which the Directory itself needs to know in order to operate correctly. This information is specified in terms of subentries and operational attributes. To support the implementation of the Directory as defined by IUT-T Rec. X.500-series | ISO/IEC 9594 edition 1993, this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 gives requirements that are applicable to implementations of Directory System Agents (DSAs). Additionally, these requirements may guide Directory users and administrative authorities in use of the Directory. The primary objective of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 is to define the minimum capabilities that DUAs and DSAs shall support concerning the management and storing of operational and administrative information. It does this by specifying for a conformant DSA a minimum set of requirements concerning the specific tree structure for operational information and the operational content of the entries and subentries. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 does not limit DSAs to these minimum capabilities - a DSA that complies with this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 and has no additional information handling (storage, retrieval and modification) capabilities may not be adequate for many purposes, and implementors are strongly encouraged to provide such additional capabilities. Therefore, contrary to ISO/IEC ISP 15126-1, this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 does not recommend Naming Authorities in any way not to restrict their selection of object classes or naming attributes for operational information to those which are required to be supported by this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126. Rather, it guarantees that selections made within the scope of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 will be within the capabilities of DSAs compliant with this International Standardized Profile. Interworking between DSAs which comply with this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 will be greatly facilitated on this minimum basis. Clause 6 deals with Name Forms and Structure Rules which may be used to constrain subentries belonging to a particular subtree. This is done by reference to and within the scope of ITU-T Rec. X.501 | ISO/IEC 9594-2. Subclause 7.1 deals with object classes for subentries. Subclauses 7.2 and 7.3 deal with operational attribute types, content rules for the directory system schema respectively. The Directory Access Protocol (DAP) and the Directory System Protocol (DSP), as defined by ITU-T Rec. X.500 series | ISO/IEC 9594, can be used to access information stored in a Directory Information Base (DIB) fragment which is profiled by this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126. 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 is identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as "FDY12 - Directory data definitions - Directory system schema". 3 Scenario A Directory user (e.g., an application-process), by means of its associated Directory User Agent (DUA), which has special administrative capabilities, obtains Directory administrative and operational information by accessing directly or indirectly one or more DSAs of the Directory (see figure 1).

Information technology - International standardized profiles FDY1n - Directory data definitions - Part 2: FDY12 - Directory system schema


This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 profiles information to be stored within the Directory which is common to a variety of applications. Information which is specific to certain applications may be profiled by other International Standardized Profiles. The Directory has been designed to support multiple applications, drawn from a wide range of possibilities. The nature of the totality of applications supported will govern which objects are stored in the Directory. Applications may be very specific, such as the provision of distribution lists for electronic mail, or generic, such as an 'inter-personal communications directory1 application. The Directory provides the opportunity to exploit commonalities among applications. To support the implementation of the Directory as defined by the second edition of the IUT-T Rec. X.500-series (1993) | ISO/IEC 9594 (1995), this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 gives requirements that are applicable to implementations of Directory System Agents (DSAs) and Directory User Agents (DUAs). Additionally, these requirements may guide Directory users and administrative authorities in use of the Directory. The primary objective of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 is to define the minimum capabilities that DUAs and DSAs shall support. It does this by specifying a minimum set of requirements concerning the tree structure and the content of the entries for a conformant DSA. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 does not limit DSAs to these minimum capabilities - a DSA that complies with this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 and has no additional information handling (storage, retrieval and modification) capabilities may not be adequate for many purposes, and implementors are strongly encouraged to provide such additional capabilities. Likewise, this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 does not limit Naming Authorities in any way, e.g., restrict their selection of object classes or naming attributes to those which are required to be supported by this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126. Rather, it guarantees that selections made within the scope of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 will be within the capabilities of DSAs compliant with this International Standardized Profile. In addition, interworking between DSAs which comply with this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 will be greatly facilitated on this minimum basis. Clause 6 specifies Name forms and DIT Structure rules which may be used to constrain entries belonging to a particular subtree. This is done by reference to and within the scope of ITU-T Rec. X.520 | ISO/IEC 9594-6 and ITU-T Rec. X.521 | ISO/IEC 9594-7. Subclause 7.1 deals with object classes which are common to multiple applications. Subclauses 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 deal with attribute types, DIT content rules, syntax checking and matching rules respectively. The Directory Access Protocol (DAP) and the Directory System Protocol (DSP), as defined by ITU-T Rec. X.500 series | ISO/IEC 9594, can be used to access information stored in a Directory Information Base (DIB) fragment which is profiled by this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126. 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15126 is identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as "FDY11 - Directory data definitions - Common directory use (normal)". 3 Scenario A Directory user (e.g., an application-process), by means of its associated Directory User Agent DUA), obtains Directory information by accessing directly or indirectly one or more DSAs of the Directory (see figure 1).

Information technology - International standardized profiles FDY1n - Directory data definitions - Part 1: FDY11 - Common directory use (normal)


This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 contains the overall specifications for the support of document filing and retrieval functionality between a DFR user and a DFR server using DFR access protocol. This specification forms the full management capability of Remote Store Management application functions. For this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069, specifications defined in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-1 and ISO/IEC ISP 12069-2 apply. If any specification of another part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 is used, it is explicitly indicated. The ADF22 profile specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 is intended for combination with applications that manipulate inside documents. 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 is the seventh part of the DFR ISPs. The structure of the DFR ISPs is described in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-1. ADF22 Full Management profile is part of the ADF2n series of profiles, called Remote Store Management profiles. It includes the functionality of ADF21 Simple Management profile (specified in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-6). It may be combined with any T-Profile (see ISO/IEC TR 10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode Transport service. 3 Scenario ADF22 is intended to work in combination with remote document manipulation applications, which use communication protocols to accomplish this remote manipulation when full management capabilities of a DFR document store are required. This situation is illustrated in Figure 1. The only service and protocol for the manipulation of documents which is standardized or currently planned for standardization is specified in DTAM-DM (Document Transfer And Manipulation - confirmed Document Manipulation, ITU-T Recs. T.435 and T.436); therefore, it is considered that ADF22 works with DTAM-DM.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles ADFnn - Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) - Part 7: ADF22 - Remote store management - Full management profile


1 General This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 contains the overall specifications for the support of document filing and retrieval functionality between a DFR user and a DFR server using DFR access protocol. This specification forms the document store manipulation capabilities of Common Filing and Retrieval application functions. For this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069, specifications defined in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-1 and ISO/IEC ISP 12069-2 apply. If any specification of another part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 is used, it is explicitly indicated. 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 is the fifth part of the DFR ISPs. The structure of the DFR ISPs is described in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-1. ADF13 Document Store Manipulation profile is part of the ADF1n series of profiles, called Common Filing and Retrieval profiles. It includes the functionality of ADF11 Read Only profile (specified in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-3) and ADF12 Archiving profile (specified in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-4). It may be combined with any T-Profile (see ISO/IEC TR 10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode Transport service. 3 Scenario ADF13 is intended to accomplish the document store manipulation when common filing and retrieval capabilities of a DFR document are required. The model used is one of a DFR user and a DFR server intercommunicating using the ADF13 profile of the DFR protocol. This situation is illustrated in Figure 1.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles ADFnn - Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) - Part 5: ADF 13 - Common filing and retrieval - Document store manipulation profile


The Directory standards specify a directory information shadowing service which DSAs may support in order to replicate Directory information. This shadowing service provides a standardized mechanism whereby shadowed information can be set up and maintained between co-operating DSAs. The information to be shadowed is specified in terms of a unit of replication. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 defines a number of functional shadowing subsets to which a DSA implementation may conform. Each functional subset requires a DSA to be capable of performing shadowing to a particular level, this level being based upon the degree of refinement permitted within the specification of a unit of replication. The functional subsets can be related to either a DSA implementation operating as a supplier of shadowed information or a DSA implementation acting as a consumer of shadowed information. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 identifies the capability to handle overlapping replicated areas specified within different units of replication as a separate, optional capability which a DSA implementation may combine with support for any of the functional shadowing subsets defined. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 does not specify any requirements related to the administration, management or protocol aspects of shadowing Directory information. However, this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 does mandate conformance to those parts of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 which do specify such requirements, specifically, ISO/IEC ISP 15125-14 (ADY62 - Establishment and Utilisation of Shadowing Agreements) and either part 10 (ADY51 -Shadowing using ROSE) or ISO/IEC ISP 15125-11 (ADY52 - Shadowing using RTSE). 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 is identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as ADY53 "The Directory - Shadowing Capabilities - Shadowing Subsets". 3 Scenario In the Directory, replication of information between DSAs can be achieved by use of the standardized shadowing mechanism defined in ISO/IEC 9594-9: 1995 | ITU-T X.525: 1993. A subtree of the DIT which is to be replicated is the subject of a shadowing agreement between DSAs and specified in terms of a unit of replication. A DSA which provides a unit of replication is termed a 'shadow supplier'; a DSA which receives a unit of replication is termed a 'shadow consumer'(see Figure 1).

Information technology - International standardized profiles ADYnn - OSI directory - Part 12: ADY53 - Shadowing subsets


This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 defines a set of DISP capabilities and constraints which a DSA implementation may support over ROSE. These capabilities and constraints cover the following areas: · shadow supplier and consumer roles · primary and secondary shadowing · association initiator and responder functions · all DISP operations · error handling and recovery The objective of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 is therefore to define a level of DISP capability such that conforming DSA implementations shall be capable of establishing and maintaining DISP associations over ROSE together in a consistent manner. ISO/IEC ISP 15125-11 defines the level of DISP capability which a DSA implementation may support over the Reliable Transport Service Element (RTSE). This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 does not specify any requirements related to the administrative, management or functional capabilities associated with shadowed information transferred using DISP. Those aspects are covered by ISO/IEC ISP 15125-14 (ADY62 - Establishment and Utilisation of Shadowing Agreements) and ISO/IEC ISP 15125-12 (ADY53 - Shadowing Subsets). 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 is identified in ISO/IEC TR 10000-2 as ADY51 "The Directory - Shadowing Capabilities - Shadowing using ROSE". 3 Scenario In the Directory, replication of information between DSAs can be achieved by use of the standardized shadowing mechanism defined in ISO/IEC 9594-9: 1995 I ITU-T X.525: 1993 using DISP (see Figure 1). A shadowing agreement must be established between two DSAs and the role of each of the DSAs identified, that is which DSA is to operate as the shadow supplier and which as the shadow consumer. A single DSA may operate as a shadow supplier in some agreements and as a shadow consumer in other agreements. Primary shadowing occurs when a DSA supplies information mastered by that DSA to a shadowing DSA. Secondary shadowing occurs when a DSA supplies shadowed information on to a shadowing DSA. The transfer of information being shadowed (either primary or secondary) between supplier and consumer DSAs is achieved by use of DISP, which may operate over either ROSE or RTSE. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 15125 relates to DISP when operating over ROSE. DISP is specified in ISO/IEC 9594-5: 1995 I ITU-T X.519: 1993.

Information technology - International standardized profiles ADYnn - OSI directory - Part 10: ADY51 - Shadowing using ROSE


This part of EN ISP 12064 specifies an interchange format suitable for transfer of structured documents between equipment designed for raster processing. The documents supported by this part of EN ISP 12064 are based on a paradigm of an electronic engineering drawing or illustration. Such documents contain one or more pages. Each page consists of an image in the form of a bi-tonal raster graphics content. There is no restriction on the minimum size of the image.

Information technology - International Standardized Profile FOD112 - Open Document Format: Image Applications - Simple Document Structure - Raster Graphics content architecture - Part 1: Document Application Profile (DAP)


This part of EN ISP 15124 specifies an interchange format suitable for transfer of structured documents between equipment designed for raster processing. The documents supported by ISO/IEC ISP 15124 are based on a paradigm of an electronic engineering drawing or illustration.

Information technology - International Standardized Profile FOD126 - Open Document Format: Image Applications - Enhanced document structure - Character, raster graphics, and geometric graphics content architecture - Part 1: Document Application Profile (D


This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 contains the overall specifications for the support of document filing and retrieval functionality between a DFR user and a DFR server using DFR access protocol. These specifications form the archiving capabilities of common document filing and retrieval application functions, called ADF12. For this part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069, specifications defined in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-1 and ISO/IEC ISP 12069-2 apply. 2 Position within the taxonomy This part of ISO/IEC ISP 12069 is the fourth part of the DFR ISPs. The structure of DFR ISPs and the rationales are described in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-1 according to the taxonomy described in ISO/IEC TR 10000. ADF12 Archiving profile is part of the ADF1n series of profiles, called Common Filing and Retrieval profiles. It includes the functionality of ADF11 Read Only profile (specified in ISO/IEC ISP 12069-3) and is a subset of ADF13 Document Store Manipulation profile. It may be combined with any T-Profiles (see ISO/IEC TR 10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode Transport service. 3 Scenario ADF12 is intended to accomplish the document store archiving when common filing and retrieval capabilities of a DFR document are required. The model used is one of a DFR user and a DFR server intercommunicating using the ADF12 Profile of the DFR protocol, as shown in figure 1.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles ADFnn - Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) - Part 4: ADF12 - Common filing and retrieval - Archiving profile


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10609-5:1992. 1 Scope 1.1 General This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards, which collectively provide the connection-mode Transport Service using the connection-mode Network Service. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to the provision of the connection-mode Transport Service in end systems attached to any type of subnetwork from which the standardized connection-mode Network Service can be made available. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 specifies the definition of Profiles TB1111/TB1121. The TB1111/TB1121 are profiles in the TB group which uses Transport protocol classes 0, 2 and 4.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 5: Definition of profiles TB1111/TB1121


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10609-3:1992. 1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards, which collectively provide the connection-mode Transport Service using the connection-mode Network Service. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to the provision of the connection-mode Transport Service in end systems attached to any type of subnetwork from which the standardized connection-mode Network Service can be made available. Profiles of the Connection-mode Transport Service over Connection-mode Network Service are grouped according to their required support of transport protocol class(es). Group TB: Includes transport protocol classes 0, 2, and 4 Group TC: Includes transport protocol classes 0 and 2 Group TD: Includes transport protocol class 0 Group TE: Includes transport protocol class 2 This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 specifies the subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TD.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 3: Subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TD


The international community has decided to make this standard available only in the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of Canada on this basis. This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10609-10:1994. 1 Scope This International Standardized Profile is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards, which collectively provide the connection-mode Transport Service using the connection-mode Network Service. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 specifies subnetwork-type dependent requirements applicable to an end system attached to a local area network (LAN) subnetwork and using the ISO 8802-2 LLC type 2 protocol, irrespective of the LAN medium.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and Te - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 10: LAN subnetwork-dependent media-independent requirements


This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10609-4:1992. 1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards, which collectively provide the connection-mode Transport Service using the connection-mode Network Service. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to the provision of the connection-mode Transport Service in end systems attached to any type of subnetwork from which the standardized connection-mode Network Service can be made available. Profiles of the Connection-mode Transport Service over Connection-mode Network Service are grouped according to their required support of transport protocol class(es). Group TB: Includes transport protocol classes 0, 2 and 4 Group TC: Includes transport protocol classes 0 and 2 Group TD: Includes transport protocol class 0 Group TE: Includes transport protocol class 2 This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 specifies the subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TE.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 4: Subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TE


The international community has decided to make this standard available only in the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of Canada on this basis. This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10609-25:1995. 1 Scope ISO/IEC ISP 10609 is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards, whcih collectively provide the connection-mode Transport Service using the connection-mode Network Service. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 specifies the requirements for Network Layer that apply specifically to configurations involving access to an ISDn subnetwork using a circuit-mode bearer service.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and Te - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 25: Subnetwork-type dependent requirements for Q.931 circuit-switched operation


The international community has decided to make this standard available only in the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of Canada on this basis. This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10608-12:1996. 1 Scope 1.1 General This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 is applicable to end systems and relay systems operating over CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 specifies the subnetwork-type dependent requirements for the MAC sublayer and physical layer when the end system or relay system is attached to a CSMA/CD LAN subnetwork.

Information technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 12: MAC sublayer and physical layer dependent requirements for a CSMA/Cd LAN subnetwork


The international community has decided to make this standard available only in the English language version. It has been adopted as a National Standard of Canada on this basis. This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC ISP 10609-11:1994. 1 Scope This International Standardized Profile is applicable to end systems concerned with operating in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment. It specifies a combination of OSI standards, which collectively provide the connection-mode Transport Service using the connection-mode Network Service. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10609 applies only to communication over those subnetworks which are ISO/IEC 8802-3 CSMA/CD LANs.

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and Te - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 11: CSMA/CD subnetwork-dependent, media-dependent requirements


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