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ISO/IEC 13249 defines a number of packages of generic data types common to various kinds of data used in multimedia and application areas, to enable that data to be stored and manipulated in an SQL database. This part of ISO/IEC 13249 a) introduces the data mining part of ISO/IEC 13249, b) gives the references necessary for this part of ISO/IEC 13249, c) defines notations and conventions specific to this part of ISO/IEC 13249, d) defines concepts specific to this part of ISO/IEC 13249, e) defines data mining user-defined types and their associated routines. The data mining user-defined types defined in this part adhere to the following. — A data mining user-defined type is generic to data mining data handling. It addresses the need to store, manage and retrieve information based on elements such as data mining models, data mining settings, and data mining test results. — A data mining user-defined type does not redefine the database language SQL directly or in combination with another data mining data type.

Information technology - Database languages - SQL multimedia and application packages - Part 6: Data mining


This International Standard defines the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in which applications written in multiple high-level languages can be executed in different system environments without the need to rewrite those applications to take into consideration the unique characteristics of those environments. This International Standard consists of the following parts: ? Partition I: Concepts and Architecture – Describes the overall architecture of the CLI, and provides the normative description of the Common Type System (CTS), the Virtual Execution System (VES) and the Common Language Specification (CLS). It also provides an informative description of the metadata. ? Partition II: Metadata Definition and Semantics – Provides the normative description of the metadata, its physical layout (as a file format), its logical contents (as a set of tables and their relationships) and its semantics (as seen from a hypothetical assembler, ilasm). ? Partition III: CIL Instruction Set – Describes the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) instruction set. ? Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries – Provides an overview of the CLI Libraries and a specification of their factoring into Profiles and Libraries. A companion file, CLILibrary.xml, considered to be part of this Partition, but distributed in XML format, provides details of each class, value type and interface in the CLI Libraries. ? Partition V: Debug Interchange Format. ? Partition VI: Annexes – Contains some sample programs written in CIL Assembly Language (ILAsm), information about a particular implementation of an assembler, a machine-readable description of the CIL instruction set which can be used to derive parts of the grammar used by this assembler, as well as other tools that manipulate CIL, a set of guidelines used in the design of the libraries of Partition IV and portability considerations.

Information technology - Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Partitions I to VI


This part of ISO/IEC 13250 specifies a data model of Topic Maps. It defines the abstract structure of Topic Maps, using the information set formalism, and to some extent their interpretation, using prose. The rules for merging in Topic Maps are also defined, as are some fundamental subject identifiers. The purpose of the data model is to define the interpretation of the Topic Maps interchange syntaxes, and to serve as a foundation for the definition of supporting standards for canonicalization, querying, constraints, and so on. All of these standards fall outside the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 13250. NOTE 1 This clause defines the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 13250. It should not be confused with the concept of "scope" defined in 5.3.3, which only applies in the context of Topic Maps. NOTE 2 This part of ISO/IEC 13250 does not have a conformance section since it is only a data model, and as such it has no boundary with the outside world in terms of which conformance can be specified.

Information technology - Topic maps - Data model


다음과 같은 국가 표준이 ISO 국제 표준 6160:1979에 채택되었다. -영문 문서

Programming languages-PL/1


? ??? KS X ISO/IEC 20970? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????.

Information technology-Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces-JEFF file format


? ????? COBOL ??? ???? ?? ?? ? ??(semantics)? ????

Information technology-Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces-Object finalization for programming language COBOL


The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at http://assist.



The aim of this Technical Report is: - to give the reader a model of time and space overheads implied by use of various C++ language and library features, - to debunk widespread myths about performance problems, - to present techniques for use of C++ in applications where performance matters, and - to present techniques for implementing C++ Standard language and library facilities to yield efficient code. As far as run-time and space performance are concerned, if you can afford to use C for an application, you can afford to use C++ in a style that uses C++’s facilities appropriately for that application. This Technical Report first discusses areas where performance issues matter, such as various forms of embedded systems programming and high-performance numerical computation. After that, the main body of the Technical Report considers the basic cost of using language and library facilities, techniques for writing efficient code, and the special needs of embedded systems programming. Performance implications of object-oriented programming are presented. This discussion rests on measurements of key language facilities supporting OOP, such as classes, class member functions, class hierarchies, virtual functions, multiple inheritance, and run-time type information (RTTI). It is demonstrated that, with the exception of RTTI, current C++ implementations can match hand-written low-level code for equivalent tasks. Similarly, the performance implications of generic programming using templates are discussed. Here, however, the emphasis is on techniques for effective use. Error handling using exceptions is discussed based on another set of measurements. Both time and space overheads are discussed. In addition, the predictability of performance of a given operation is considered. The performance implications of IOStreams and Locales are examined in some detail and many generally useful techniques for time and space optimizations are discussed. The special needs of embedded systems programming are presented, including ROMability and predictability. A separate chapter presents general C and C++ interfaces to the basic hardware facilities of embedded systems. Additional research is continuing into techniques for producing efficient C++ libraries and programs. Please see the WG21 web site at www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21 for example code from this Technical Report and pointers to other sites with relevant information.

Information technology - Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces - Technical Report on C++ Performance


This International Standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C# programming language. It specifies • The representation of C# programs; • The syntax and constraints of the C# language; • The semantic rules for interpreting C# programs; • The restrictions and limits imposed by a conforming implementation of C#. This International Standard does not specify • The mechanism by which C# programs are transformed for use by a data-processing system; • The mechanism by which C# applications are invoked for use by a data-processing system; • The mechanism by which input data are transformed for use by a C# application; • The mechanism by which output data are transformed after being produced by a C# application; • The size or complexity of a program and its data that will exceed the capacity of any specific data-processing system or the capacity of a particular processor; • All minimal requirements of a data-processing system that is capable of supporting a conforming implementation.

Information technology - Programming languages - C*


Information technology - Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces - Technical Report on C++ Performance


The CLI standard libraries (ISO/IEC 23271) provide a collection of common types that can be used by multiple languages. With the addition of generics to the CLI, the standard libraries have been extended to include a number of common generic types, in particular, collections. However, at present, these libraries do not include many simple generic types found in a number of different languages. Any language which uses these common types must implement them rather than deferring to the CLI library, thereby reducing language interoperability. This Technical Report addresses this issue by providing a number of these common types. Generic tuples (product types) are standard in a number of languages: C++ (template Pair), Ada, Haskell, and Standard ML (SML). However, languages differ in the number of pre-defined tuple sizes supported by their standard libraries; e.g. C++ provides just one (Pair) while Haskell provides eight (sizes 2 to 9) and SML allows any size of tuple. This Technical Report provides nine (sizes 2 to 10). Generic programming encourages “higher order” programming where generic functions (methods) take function (delegate) type arguments that have generic types. Examples include Ada’s with and generic constraints, and function arguments in Haskell and SML. In the CLI, function values are provided in the form of delegates, so this proposal defines standard generic delegate types for functions (which return a value) and procedures (which do not). Another two types that occur in a number of languages are an optional type, which either contains a value of some other type or an indication that such a value is not present; and an either type, which holds a value of one of two possible types and an indication of which one is present. This proposal provides both of these. Note The optional type is similar to, but different from, the type System.Nullable. Finally, in existing generic languages, a need has been found for a filler type to be used when a particular generic parameter is not required for a particular use of the generic type. A standard one-value type is often provided for this purpose, often called Unit or Void. This Technical Report includes such a type.

Information technology - Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) - Technical Report: Common Generics


This Technical Report is intended as an aid for understanding the libraries specified in Standard ECMA-335, Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries. That Partition includes a machine-readable specification, in XML, of the types that comprise the standard libraries. This Technical Report, in companion files, provides the following items which help to form a traceable chain from the normative XML specification to a portable, printable representation of its contents: a) Tool Source Code: A program written in the C# programming language, XML Style-sheet Language (XSL), and using the facilities of the Microsoft .NET Framework? and Microsoft Office? to convert the XML into files viewable using Microsoft Word?. This program, provided by Intel Corporation, can be modified to produce other views of the XML. b) Microsoft Word? Files: These are the files produced by running the tool mentioned above on the XML from Partition IV. The Ecma task group TC39/TG3 used similar files (produced using earlier versions of this tool run against earlier versions of the XML) as the primary means of reviewing the XML. c) PDF? Files: These files are produced from the Microsoft Word? files using the Adobe Acrobat? program. They are viewable on a wide range of computer systems and printable on a range of computer output devices. In most cases, they will appear visually identical regardless of the means used to render them. Partition IV normatively specifies the format of the XML file. The tool provided here renders all parts of the XML with exceptions for some XML nodes, as described below. For the purpose of description, XML nodes referred to here are specified in XPath notation relative to Type nodes: ? Name (this is redundant and unnecessary since the FullName of the type is rendered); ? FullNameSP (this is redundant and unnecessary since the FullName of the type is rendered); ? AssemblyInfo/AssemblyCulture (this is reserved for future use; currently its value is “none”); ? AssemblyInfo/Attributes/Attribute/Excluded (if its value is 0, it is not rendered, but if it is 1, the library that is necessary for inclusion is listed); ? TypeExcluded (as above); ? Interfaces/Interface/Excluded (as above); ? Attributes/Attribute/Excluded (as above); ? Attributes/Attribute/ExcludedTypeName (the short Name is rendered, however); ? Members/Member/ReturnValue/ReturnType (the FullName of the type of the return value is not specified, but it is implied via the member’s signature); ? Members/Member/Parameters/Parameter/Type (the FullName of the type of the parameter is not specified, but it is implied via the member’s signature); ? The “value_” field for enums. ? Member/Member/Docs/altcompliant (used on methods/properties that have a CLSCompliant(false) attribute tag, and specifies a CLS-compliant method/property that can be use as an alternative. The remarks/description section usually specifies this anyway). ? Member/Member/Docs/altmember (used on methods/properties that have equivalent alternatives that may be used. For example, the System.String op_equality operator has the altmember element and specifies the String.Equals() method as an equivalent alternative. The remarks/description section usually specifies this anyway).

Information technology - Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) - Technical Report on Information Derived from Partition IV XML File


This part of ISO/IEC 13250 specifies a data model of Topic Maps. It defines the abstract structure of Topic Maps, using the information set formalism, and to some extent their interpretation, using prose. The rules for merging in Topic Maps are also defined, as are some fundamental subject identifiers. The purpose of the data model is to define the interpretation of the Topic Maps interchange syntaxes, and to serve as a foundation for the definition of supporting standards for canonicalization, querying, constraints, and so on. All of these standards fall outside the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 13250. NOTE 1 This clause defines the scope of this part of ISO/IEC 13250. It should not be confused with the concept of "scope" defined in 5.3.3, which only applies in the context of Topic Maps. NOTE 2 This part of ISO/IEC 13250 does not have a conformance section since it is only a data model, and as such it has no boundary with the outside world in terms of which conformance can be specified.

Information technology - Topic Maps - Part 2: Data model


Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors and Sockets To be published as ANSI/EIA-364-01, 21, 22, 39, 43, 45, 53, 66, 83, 90, 101, 105, 107, and 108

Test Procedures for Electrical Connectors and Sockets To be published as ANSI/EIA-364-01, 21, 22, 39, 43, 45, 53, 66, 83, 90, 101, 105, 107, and 108


Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 2: Abstract transmittal format


Information technology - SEDRIS - Part 3: Transmittal format binary encoding


This part of ISO/IEC 19757 specifies a Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language (NVDL). An NVDL script controls the dispatching of elements or attributes in a given XML document to different validators, depending on the namespaces of the elements or attributes. An NVDL script also specifies which schemas are used by these validators. These schemas may be written in any schema languages, including those specified by ISO/IEC 19757.

Information technology - Document schema definition languages (DSDL) - Namespace-based validation dispatching language (NVDL)


1.1 Overview This document provides the full reference for the Eiffel language. Eiffel is a method of software construction and a language applicable to the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of software systems. This Standard covers only the language, with an emphasis on the implementation aspects. As a consequence, the word “Eiffel” in the rest of this document is an abbreviation for “the Eiffel language”. 1.2 “The Standard” The language definition proper — “the Standard” — is contained in Partition 8 of this document, with the exception of text appearing between markers Informative text and End; such text only plays an explanatory role for human readers. 1.3 Aspects covered The Standard specifies: ? The form of legal basic constituents of Eiffel texts, or lexical properties of the language. ? The structure of legal Eiffel texts made of lexically legal constituents, or syntax properties. ? Supplementary restrictions imposed on syntactically legal Eiffel texts, or validity properties. ? The computational effect of executing valid Eiffel texts, or semantic properties. ? Some requirements on a conforming implementation of Eiffel, such as the ability to produce certain forms of automatic documentation. 1.4 Aspects not covered The Standard does not specify: ? The requirements that a computing environment must meet to support the translation, execution and other handling of Eiffel texts. ? The semantic properties of an Eiffel text if it or its data exceed the capacity of a particular computing environment. ? The mechanisms for translating Eiffel texts into a form that can be executed in a computing environment. ? The mechanisms for starting the execution of the result of such a translation. ? Other mechanisms for handling Eiffel texts and interacting with users of the language. The specification of Partition 8 consists of precise specification elements, originating with the book Standard Eiffel where these elements are accompanied by extensive explanations and examples. The elements retained are: ? Definitions of technical terms and Eiffel concepts. ? Syntax specifications. ? Validity constraints (with their codes, such as VVBG). ? Semantic specifications.

Eiffel: Analysis, Design and Programming Language


The CLI standard libraries (ISO/IEC 23271) provide a collection of common types that can be used by multiple languages. With the addition of generics to the CLI, the standard libraries have been extended to include a number of common generic types, in particular, collections. However, at present, these libraries do not include many simple generic types found in a number of different languages. Any language which uses these common types must implement them rather than deferring to the CLI library, thereby reducing language inter-operability. This proposal addresses this issue by providing a number of these common types. Generic tuples (product types) are standard in a number of languages: C++ (template Pair), Ada, Haskell, and Standard ML (SML). However, languages differ in the number of pre-defined tuple sizes supported by their standard libraries; e.g., C++ provides just one (Pair) while Haskell provides eight (sizes 2 to 9) and SML allows any size of tuple. This proposal provides nine (sizes 2 to 10). Generic programming encourages “higher order” programming where generic functions (methods) take function (delegate) type arguments that have generic types. Examples include Ada’s with and generic constraints, and function arguments in Haskell and SML. In the CLI, function values are provided in the form of delegates, so this proposal defines standard generic delegate types for functions (which return a value) and procedures (which do not). Another two types that occur in a number of languages are an optional type, which either contains a value of some other type or an indication that such a value is not present; and an either type, which holds a value of one of two possible types and an indication of which one is present. This proposal provides both of these. (Note: The optional type is similar to, but different from, the type System.Nullable.) Finally, in existing generic languages, a need has been found for a filler type to be used when a particular generic parameter is not required for a particular use of the generic type. A standard onevalue type is often provided for this purpose, often called Unit or Void. This proposal includes such a type.

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Partitions I to VI Partition I: Concepts and Architecture Partition II: Metadata Definition and Semantics Partition III: CIL Instruction Set Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries Partition V: Binary Formats Partition V


This amendment provides an example mapping of ITU eODL for technology independent component specifications into a technology dependent one, which in this case is the CIDL (OMG Component Implementation Definition Language as part of CORBA 3.0). This amendment transforms (by means of different mappings) the concept of components from design and implementation (where modules are well known) to binary software. The composition of components takes place during execution time.

Extended Object Definition Language (eODL): Techniques for distributed software component development – Conceptual foundation, notations and technology mappings Amendment 1: New Annex E – eODL to CIDL mapping


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