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Diisopropyl ether

Diisopropyl ether

This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and test for iso-propyl ether for industrial purposes

Isopropyl ether specifications

本文件规定了化学异丙醚的性状、分子式、结构式、相对分子质量和CAS号、规格、试验、检验规则和包装及标志。 本文件适用于化学试剂异丙醚的检验

Chemical reagent — Isopropyl ether

本标准规定了工业用异丙醚的产品分型,要求,试验方法,检验规则,标志、包装、运输和贮存以及安全。 本标准适用于丙酮或丙烯为原料在催化剂作用下合成的工业用异丙醚。 分子式:C6H14O 结构式: 相对分子质量:102.18(按2011年国际相对原子质量

Isopropyl ether for industrial use

Diisopropyl ether (Reagent)

本标准适用于试药级异丙醚,〔(CH3)2CH〕2O,分子量 102.18

Chemical Reagent (Isopropyl Ether)

Dichloroisopropyl ether detection method

本标准规定了作业场所空气中异丙醚浓度的热解吸气相色谱测定方法。 本标准适用于作业场所空气中异丙醚浓度的测定

Workplace air.Determination of isopropyl ether.Thermal desorption gas chromatographic method

이 표준은 시약용 다이이소프로필에테르1)(이하 다이이소프로필에테르라 한다.)에 대하여 규정

Diisopropyl ether

Air purity protection ests of ethers etermination of izopropyl ther in work places by gas hromatography with sample nrichment

Water and waste water Tests for organie solvents extractable matters Determination of total content of isopropyl ether or methylene chloride extractable organie matters by gravimetric method

Alcohols and ethers are added to gasoline to produce a reformulated lower emissions gasoline. Alcohols and ethers may also be added to gasoline

Standard Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, Methanol, Ethanol and tert-Butanol in Gasoline by Infrared Spectroscopy

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